
Saturday, December 18, 2021



I am taking a winter break from blogging. Normally I love the holidays and look forward to them, but not this time around.

2021 has been a terrible year. I've been fighting off a depression the like of which I haven't experienced in decades. And I'm sure no one wants to read about it.

But I'm determined to at least enjoy Christmas, and maybe New Year's, also my 71st birthday which falls shortly afterward. -- Despite the fact I'm just NOT feeling it.

So I plan to throw myself into the many things I enjoy! Plus I'm going to be spending some significant time on my (in progress) new novel. Doing this, detracts me from those awful things that have attached themselves to my life right now; blogging (although great therapy) only makes me wallow in them.

Thursday, December 2, 2021



That's exactly how it felt! The only things missing were Fred & Wilma. For three and a half days I was part of the modern Stone Age family without a phone, TV, or internet!

And worse I had surgery coming up and no way to contact the doctor's office or vise versa should an emergency arise. But thanks to my friend Marie dropping over the day before and lending me her cellphone I was able to learn (in time) that my surgery had been rescheduled!

I was grateful that at least I still had electricity! Power outages are far more common than they should be where I live. So there was a bright side. I could work offline on my latest novel without telemarketers constantly interrupting me. -- No I never answer, but I have to get up and listen to my answering machine in case it's someone I actually want to speak to, or an emergency.

Due to posterior vitreous detachment following cataract surgery I have eye floaters of all varieties: big black ones, small brown ones, and gel ones too, along with light flashes. Working on the computer AFTER DARK has become too much of a strain as is reading.

Thankfully I'd been gifted with a DVD player by my friend Rose when my beloved Starz-Showtime package became too pricey for me. For several years now I've been collecting DVDs for emergencies such as this one.

Since I could count on being without for at least three days I chose the multi-pack selection of horror movies I'd purchased from a church rummage sale. Four movies were on each of the three disks. I'd already seen half of these 1970's flicks and the six remaining were cheesy and lame. I felt my brain rotting. One was so bad that I fast-forwarded thru the entire second half.

I was thrilled when the ATT truck arrived early on the fourth day! -- I had no idea it was fated to be a stressful and long one.

To make a long story short, the tech replaced my ancient modem and got my phone and computer working. However my two TVs kept freezing. The man couldn't understand why and called another tech over. The two tried all types of maneuvers, but to no avail. They gave up and left, but assured me another tech would be arriving.

An hour later, another arrived and was equally mystified!  He made numerous calls to ATT. Eventually he told me not to worry because he had the "Big Dogs" on the line and this problem was going to be solved. The problem was on their end!!! Around 4:00 PM this was fixed. --At LONG last!!!

Once again I had a toe in the 21st century.

Saturday, November 20, 2021



I'll admit to being a vain woman! I'm a firm believer in putting your best face out there. I admire and cheer on people who take pride in their appearance. I've even co-authored a healthy lifestyle beauty manual for women on a fixed income.

This is why being informed by a doctor that I'd be left with a facial scar after surgery came as unsettling news! The location on my face (above the upper corner on the right side of my lip & into the crease on my cheek) was a factor. It's where the skin gets stretched regularly.

I am not about to stop eating, talking, smiling, or laughing; although I've been doing a lot less of the latter two. Also I am not going to cut back on brushing or flossing my teeth.

The dermatologist called this "a significant wound". Not only would I have a scar but it would lift the corner of my mouth. I'd look as if I'd had a stroke! He immediately sent me to a plastic surgeon.

The first thing the nurse said when the plastic surgeon entered the room was, "Look at her skin! Can you believe she's actually 70!"

Yes, thanks to decades of sunscreen, broad brim hats, and umbrellas my skin does appear amazingly youthful for a 70 year old! My friend Marie told me, "I can understand why you're so upset; outside of the cancer your skin is perfect!"

Yeah, and I am pissed as hell because for decades I was careful and did everything right!

The plastic surgeon stated that stitches wouldn't do, I required a skin graft. The scar would be relocated to another area of my face.

 I had no idea how deep the wound was until I put my finger into it to apply ointment. This was a shock! It's a bloody pit in my face.

I was instructed to keep it moist. My wound must never be allowed to form a scab, or the scar will be much worse!

The plastic surgeon stated I could wait until it healed for the skin graft. I told him the dermatologist said the exact opposite.

"You're a pretty lady," he replied, "and he didn't want to risk messing up your face, but repairing a scar can be done anytime."

This was welcome news! I had just paid my whopping property taxes and the skin cancer surgery, plus the office visits, biopsy, & pathologist cost were all adding up! Despite my age, I'm ineligible for social security or Medicare. (Long story!) If I ever have a heart attack, stroke, or even a serious bout with cancer I'd better just plan on dying!

During my teens and twenties I had scars on various parts of my body for different reasons. By the time I was 50 barely a trace of them remained. However I no longer have the luxury of time.

But I want to see how the scar actually looks after everything heals. I may just decide to live with it. It will be a year or more before I know for sure. In the meantime, for selfish reasons I hope people will continue to wear masks for a long time to come.

Friday, November 12, 2021




At the beginning of the pandemic, right after the lockdown, I noticed a mystery bump on my face that I thought was a giant pimple. When my go-to remedy of egg white failed to shrink it I tried every over-the-counter product on the market. That only made it angry!

After two years of this I noticed it was growing and had a weird looking uneven border. I knew it was time to consult a dermatologist.

He declared it suspicious and it needed to be biopsied. Surgery might be required. "You're going to have a scar," he told me before cutting into my face for the biopsy.

No woman wants to hear that! Unlike men, our appearance is important to us. And I've always been proud of my firm, youthful skin rare among people my age. Plus this was in a noticeable spot; above the corner of my upper right lip and into the crease of my cheek.

Nervously I awaited the biopsy results. I was sure it would be benign. I'd been wearing sunscreen religiously since I was 25 on the advice of a dermatologist. This one said the problem began in childhood before sunscreen was invented, back when everyone believed the sun was healthy, one of the benefits of being raised in Florida.

I recall when I began wearing sunscreen along with broad brim hats; I'd even open an umbrella if the sun became too bright. And I was often ridiculed for being so cautious! I heard remarks such as: "The sun can't hurt you any! That doctor is crazy! He should lose his license for giving you advice like that!" -- Similar to remarks today about the Covid vaccine!

I was shocked when I received the results, it was cancerous, a basal cell carcinoma and I was going to need surgery! My friends were all shocked as well that it happened to ME who had always been so careful.

But my memory was jogged! At age 15 because my natural blonde hair had darkened I took a bottle of lemon juice along with tanning lotion for my skin and sat out in the sun for hours, I was tired of being that pale girl on the beach who was constantly ridiculed in the TV commercials!

Well the lemon juice didn't lighten my hair and when I showed up for school the following Monday I had a new set of freckles all over my face and body. I wince about that now.

Also I believe my trips to Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands, and Thailand factored in. All are extremely sunny places and I was outdoors sightseeing, often in boats or on top of elephants. A hat only protected the top half of my face and sunscreen wears off. 

Now that surgery was required I'd be left with an even bigger, uglier scar than with the biopsy due to the location. This was an area of the face where the skin gets stretched.

However a scar was still better than the alternative. Thank goodness people were still wearing masks. I'd be needing one more than ever!

My surgery was scheduled for a Wednesday. The Monday before around 8:30 AM I turned on my computer after which I went back into the kitchen to put the breakfast dishes away. From there I heard a boom in my computer room. I soon discovered that I was unable to connect to the internet. And worse; my phone & TV were also out!

I don't own a cellphone. (Yeah I'm THAT person!) So I had to go next door to borrow theirs. ATT wanted to send a repairman over on Wednesday. I informed them I was having surgery then, besides I needed it before that! The doctor's office might need to reach me!

Thursday AM was the best they could do! I was going to be without everything but electricity for 3 miserable days. The last time this happened was well over a decade ago on a 4th of July weekend. My friend Pat (now deceased) who lived in North Florida tried for days to reach me.

Her call came thru while the repairman was here. She told me that had I not picked up, her next call would have been to the police. She feared I'd been murdered!

So now I was soon to undergo surgery and no one would be able to reach me afterward. And all of my friends will think I died!

My friend Marie, unable to contact me came knocking on my door. We sat and had coffee together. I mentioned that the doctor's office might be trying to get in touch with me. She whipped out her cellphone and told me to call them.

Gadzooks! They had been trying to reach me all day! The pathologist was unavailable and my surgery needed to be rescheduled!

Had Marie not come over, I would have gotten up extra early the following morning and driven there only to be sent home!!!

And had I known about this Monday I could have had ATT here and everything would have been restored a day earlier. UGH!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021



Ah, Eastern Standard Time is only days away! If you know me at all, you know how much I hate Daylight Savings Time! Here in Florida we get way too much heat and sunshine as it is!

Eastern Standard Time means cooler temperatures and the holidays (best time of the year) will soon be arriving along with the early darkness!

I recall that 100 acre estate my family rented when I was a child. One of the many things I miss about those days is that it was allowed to be dark outside. Here, where I currently live, the homes are all lit up like road houses.

I loved and miss that feeling of sitting outside in darkness lit up only by stars and fireflies. It felt almost magical! At night the crickets and bullfrogs were so loud they sounded like a stadium speaker. To me, it was white noise and lulled me to sleep. I found it comforting.

People noise is the exact the opposite! Many times I've been awakened by cars after midnight with their music blaring or people walking by outside gabbing loudly. It's annoying and an invasion of my solitude!

But I realize the world has changed dramatically since my childhood. We are all less safe! Thus the reason my father insisted on a house with neighbors close by.

However I felt far safer on the isolated 100 acre property! Fewer people knew we were there. It was way more private! No strange cars ever drove by that house. Yes I know, all it takes is just one of the wrong people to discover your whereabouts!

Here, I have a bright light in the front yard plus a streetlamp that lights up my entire back yard. And my neighbor's homes are so lit-up that I receive plenty of their fallout.

My neighbors on the south side were the worst! When they moved in over a decade ago their blazing side and back lights shined directly into my home which has lots of big picture windows. Back then I had paper thin white blinds that were useless.

I prefer watching TV in the dark and this was intrusive! One even shone directly into my face as I tried to enjoy it. I complained but they ignored me!

For the sake of my sanity I was forced to purchase expensive heavy blinds that block out all light. But they proved to be worth every cent! They're dark gray and match my carpet. When opened during the day they hang like drapes and look lovely. Best money I ever spent!

Friday, October 22, 2021



Back in 1999 my father & I had just moved to Vero Beach. We were out in the car when I spotted a teenage boy with purplish-pink hair on the sidewalk.

“Does that bring back memories?” I laughed as I motioned toward the kid.

Dad just shook his head. He didn't want to remember.

Back in 1985 I was 34 years old and sported bleached blonde tresses that reached down to the middle of my chest.

A new product was introduced promising a "temporary" color change that was supposed to wash out. I'd always wondered what I'd look like as a redhead so I purchased a bottle. It was a foam and easy to apply.

 But after it dried, my hair was a NEON PINK!!!

To say the least I was startled! However my parents were ready to disown me; despite the fact I kept insisting it was only temporary.

However to my horror it refused to wash out! My light bleached hair had grabbed the color!

I couldn't stay home; there were too many things that needed doing. Among them was grocery shopping. All throughout the store people stared at me with mouths agape. My parents were ashamed to be seen with me.

On the way home I got out of the car to mail a letter. Two women driving by slowed their car almost to a halt staring at me as if I was Mt. Rushmore.

Neighbors wanted to know what was going on with this new hair color of mine. Fortunately I had a good excuse. -- Thankfully it happened to be Halloween week! However when they inquired as to my plans I stumbled for an answer. And my face probably turned the color of my hair.

The only thing I had planned was to watch horror movies at home, which is my favorite way to spend Halloween since I was too old for trick-or-treating.

But then, I decided why not embrace this for the holiday! I asked my friend Pat to go to lunch with me along with my neon hair on Halloween Day. We could both wear costumes!

Pat informed me that she would feel too conspicuous. Other friends and family told me likewise and I didn't have the confidence to go alone.

After Halloween, my good excuse was gone but the neon pink remained. I had to do something fast! I phoned the Clairol hotline for answers as I often did back then. But this time, they refused to help me because it wasn't their product!

I pleaded almost in tears. Then explained that I use their product for lightening and this would interfere when it came time for a touch-up. They relented and told me to use something called Metalex. I did and it removed the neon part, but not the pink.

The pink remained stubborn even after many applications of Metalex. I was left with long pinkish blonde hair.

The following week my Aunt & Cousin Clarence were coming down to spend the winter in Florida again. It was the height of the season with lots of events going on. Clarence & I enjoyed them together.

But I wondered how he was going to react to my new hair color.

"Clarence will be embarrassed to be seen with you!" my mother stated. "People will think he's out with some hooker!"

So I decided to try something different. I had an ash rinse that I used after bleaching to tone down the brassiness. I tried that and ended up with ash-pinkish blonde hair which thankfully was not as attention grabbing!

Eventually, over time the pink SLOWLY washed out.

Later around the year 2000, a particular TV commercial struck close to home. It featured a middle-aged woman crying in her bathroom because of a hair dying accident.

Her sympathetic husband says, "Oh well, we'll just have to cancel our dinner plans at Outback."

Seconds later, she emerges with pink hair. "I'll get my coat!" she replies.

At the restaurant a young waiter approaches and exclaims, "Wow you are so RAD, lady!"

She raises her head and beams with pride.

Well I was "RAD" too, a long time before.  --  Only then, it wasn't called that!

F.Y.I. in 2001 I became a flaming redhead, loved that color and kept it until age 65.

Friday, October 1, 2021



October 16 2021 will be the 20th anniversary of my father's death. Finally, it feels like 20 years. The 10th still felt as if he died only the day before.

Probably because Dad was lingering about in spirit, there were numerous signs. I've blogged about this in the past so we won't revisit it here. 

This year also marked the 20th remembrance of the 9-11 tragedy. It will forever be linked with my father's passing in my thoughts. He died only a short time later on 10-16.

Dad served in WWII; first stationed in Monterey, California and later in occupied Japan. There, he became friends with a Japanese family. They corresponded with ours after he left the service, but contact was lost after we moved to Florida in 1952 the year after I was born.

My father was the only person I've ever known who was equally skillful with his hands as he was with his mind. Never did we require handyman! Anything that broke he'd reach for his toolbox and fix. And he did as well or better than a professional!

Plus he was a mathematical whiz! He could do everything in his head! And Dad could look at a lengthy list of figures and immediately spot the one that was wrong or out of sync. Unfortunately neither my brother nor I inherited these skills. And I'm worse! I have dyscalculia and struggle with even simple math.

My father followed the stock market closely. He had numerous charts and graphs in his home office. Once, he claimed it was controlled and showed me the evidence. Of course his explanation went straight over my head. But I'm inclined to believe him.

Dad suffered 2 heart attacks during his lifetime. The last requiring a triple bypass. However it was cancer that eventually brought him down. In between he was stricken with a stroke that left him paralyzed on one side. 

I recall when my father turned 80. He appeared so young and healthy I thought I'd have him around at least well into his 90's. My father was active, sharp mentally, and was a healthy eater. I never imagined he'd go downhill so quickly after that birthday. He died at 85 the same age as his chain-smoking father.

A Hospice worker told me that his body was programmed to die at that age. I hate to think we have so little control.  

Dad was a handsome man right up until illness started taking its toll. I used to watch with amusement as women flirted outrageously with him. A sex obsessed therapist of mine wanted to meet him. I told her NO because she'd probably fall in love with him! He didn't need another woman complicating his life.

My father was also an excellent provider. Our family lacked for nothing! At one time he held a high paying prestigious job at a corporation. We lived well and owned high-end everything! That changed when I turned 14. The corporation went belly-up thanks to the skullduggery of the man above him.

Dad was almost 50 years old at the time. Employers were all hiring far younger men for less money. For years we lived off savings and his investments. Still, we lacked for nothing, but creature comforts and luxuries became far and few between.

When I was 20, Dad bought a florist shop with a wedding chapel attached on the suggestion of his financial advisor. I worked with him there for nearly a decade. It was a job we both came to hate for the same reasons; the long hours, difficult customers, and thieving employees. He was happy to sell and retire.

But sadly, Dad never recovered psychologically from the loss of his job at the corporation. That was his niche, not the flower shop! He remained bitter about this till the day he died.

Monday, September 20, 2021



Here in Florida summer doesn't end until November, and even then, not always! After long months of heat and humidity a cold spell is more than welcome.

This summer it rained nearly every day. That's a good thing! I love rain cool, it's a pleasant relief, plus frequent showers are a deterrent to hurricanes later in the season. With a dry summer, nature is more inclined to send a hurricane in the fall.   

Unfortunately, climate change has made everything worse and less predictable. Catastrophic weather has become more prevalent than anything I've seen previously during my lifetime!

Summer was filled with an abundance of scary lightning and resounding thunder that was nearly earsplitting. Frequently it sounded as if a bomb was exploding directly over my house, often with crashes nearby!  Sometimes with little or no rain ensuing. These electrical storms are truly terrifying as well as dangerous! I've heard strikes that made my house shake!

Just two streets over, a home was hit by lightning and caught fire! This occurred in a neighborhood in which I am familiar. My friend Irene (now deceased) lived there and I used to visit often.

A decade ago, a home in THIS neighborhood was struck by lightning and went up in flames! The damage was so severe that the house had to be leveled and rebuilt. I recall neighbors taking up a collection for the family. I donated $10.

When I hear those terrible lightning crashes outside I shudder because I live in a high two-story, wood-frame bull's-eye!

I'll never forget that 4th of July weekend when my cable box was hit. I was without phone, internet, & TV for several days due to the holiday. The repairman brought the burned-up box inside to show me and said that I was lucky. He was astounded my house didn't catch fire!


Wednesday, September 15, 2021



My friend, Irene Bates Dunjohn, a member of the greatest generation led an extraordinary life. She was an accomplished and remarkable woman who passed from this earth last February.

A memorial service was scheduled for September 16. Afterward her ashes were to be sent to their final resting place at Arlington National Cemetery. Irene's stepdaughters were flying over from the United Kingdom to attend.

Unfortunately due to the high rate of Covid cases here in Florida the service had to be cancelled. But anyone blessed enough to have had Irene in their lives will treasure her memory for a lifetime.

I met Irene at a luncheon shortly after my father's death. We both arrived early and seated ourselves at different tables, alone. The host put us together.

Irene was hearing impaired as was my father although not to that extent.

My dad was deaf as the proverbial post, but refused to get a hearing aid. I was literally forced to scream the words whenever I spoke to him. And still, he could barely make out a word I said! My natural speaking voice became blaring!

When I met Irene, I was one of the few people she could actually understand. This is how we first clicked and bonded.

Irene and I quickly became close friends and went places together enjoying a variety of activities. However I needed to do a balancing act in public. It required speaking loud enough for Irene to understand, yet quietly so as not to disturb others.

This was not always possible and sometimes proved embarrassing.

One time in particular at a restaurant I was complaining about those male enhancement ads that were constantly popping up in my email. "Can't they see that Dianne is a feminine name?" I said. "And I don't own that particular organ. They needn't tell me how to enlarge my penis!"

"Your what?" Irene asked curiously.

"My penis!" I shouted back. --Every head in the restaurant turned and stared at me. My complexion probably turned every shade of red imaginable.

We both laughed about it afterward.

In retrospect, Irene was a genuine stormy weather friend! She was there for me always and me for her. We were an integral part of each other's lives until she moved back to the U.K. to get married. I was happy for her, yet sad at the same time.

I've always felt that true family are the ones we choose to have in our lives, rather than those forced upon us by blood or marriage. 

After the death of her second husband Kenneth, Irene moved back to Vero Beach. By this time, sadly, age was taking its toll.

A talented writer, Irene long had an idea for a novel with characters loosely based on experiences during her younger years in New York City. However Irene didn't write fiction, so she asked me to ghostwrite it.

Our novel is titled:  SEED OF DECEIT and forever links us together of which I am proud!

Sunday, September 5, 2021



My mother (a transplanted northerner) used to laugh at the rule of no white attire after Labor Day. "Don't they know about winter whites?" she'd say.

I would laugh for a different reason. As someone raised in Florida I've known many a summer, fall, winter, & spring all to blur into one season. The weather remains hot and humid here well into winter months, plus summer seems to arrive earlier every year now and remain longer thanks to climate change.

Labor Day always brings forth memories of new classes along with new school clothes. Strict rules were applied to what a student could or could not wear. Seeing neighborhood kids as they head off to class it's clear this has lapsed! School should never be that casual.

One change I applaud is that designers no longer have the dictatorial power over our wardrobes they once had. Time was, when they declared hemlines 3 inches above or below the knee, or anywhere in-between that's what you were forced to accept. No other choices were available! -- This sucked!!!

I've always felt that hemlines should be determined by the weather and not designers. Ditto for styles, this should be up to the wearer only. (Of course I'm talking about adults here!) However there are plenty who have no idea how to put an outfit together and others who just lack good judgment.

What's with all these shredded clothes? Why would anyone with a functioning brain deliberately want to look like that!

And men in particular dress as if they've just given up, period!

As long as an outfit is clean and neat, wrinkle-free with no holes it's fit to be worn in public. But unless you're performing on a stage it should never be too revealing.

Now I am a strong believer in the old saying, "If you've got it, be proud and flaunt it!" However there's a time and place for everything. And there's a big difference between tease and sleaze. There's a better saying to live by: "An outfit should be tight enough to show you're a woman, but loose enough to show you're also a lady."

Unfortunately, today being a lady has fallen out of fashion. Looking over the styles marketed for teenage girls nearly everything is skin-tight with plunging necklines and backs; tops are low-cut with bare midriffs and shorts display half the derriere.

Had those been around during my teens I would never have been allowed out of the house! All of that would have been considered call-girl attire.

Nowadays I'm a senior citizen and home most of the time due to Covid. I keep my air-conditioner set at 80 degrees to save money and my blinds are drawn. I am free to dress for comfort or wear nothing at all. Sometimes in the privacy of your own home it's best to be naked. This is Florida after all!

Saturday, August 21, 2021



The mall theatre was my home away from home during the double zero decade. My motto back than was: Movie Hop Till You Drop!

However some of my most unforgettable memories weren't up there on the screen. I've blogged about a few of these and here's another.

This one happened around the middle of that decade. I was in my mid 50's and still had long red hair. My favorite seat was the one way up in the nosebleed section directly under the projector. I always arrived early to claim that spot!

However at one matinee I discovered a man who looked to be in his early 60's seated there. I was annoyed and sat 3 seats over which I felt was a comfortable distance away. 

As I was waiting for the coming attractions I heard someone clearing their throat rather loudly.

I turned and saw a woman similar in age standing beside the man. And she was staring at me with an expression I would describe as nothing short of threatening. For a few long seconds she remained standing while fixedly gazing upon me in this fashion.

Whoa and OMG, did she think I had designs on her guy? I was just sitting there quietly minding my own business! Had I been convivially chatting him up I could see where she might jump to that conclusion.  But there was absolutely no reason for her to resent my presence much less have any level of hostility towards me. 

Just the 3 of us were seated on the top row.

However she was far from attractive. This might have explained her insecurity and why she felt easily threatened.

Afterward, I thought of something comedienne Paula Poundstone would say, "Why don't you pee a circle around him lady!"

About 25 minutes into the movie I heard a commotion beside me. I looked over and almost laughed out loud.

Her leg was across his lap, she was almost on top of him! One of her arms was wrapped around his shoulder while a hand caressed his head. All the while she was noisily going to town on his face and neck with her lips.

Does the phrase "Get a room!" Ring a bell. I needed a pair of blinders.

I would not have been a bit surprised if they were teenagers, but these were old geezers!

And I sort of felt sorry for the guy. He appeared as if just tolerating it while attempting to watch the movie.

Oh well, all I could do was turn my head and giggle.

Friday, August 13, 2021



My friend Sue with her gorgeous platinum hair is taking charge of her life like a warrior queen and I'm proud of her.

Lots of changes are going on around me!

My buddy Marie & her husband have sold their home up north and are now full-time Florida residents. Because of Covid they spent the entire summer of 2020 here. With the exception of my 70th birthday tea at Rose's, we haven't gotten together since the start of the virus.

Marie's husband is in fragile health so her main focus is protecting him. Before I was fully vaccinated she wouldn't even allow me inside their home due to his vulnerability. This needed to be respected. And now there's the Delta variant.

My friend Rose & her husband have sold their home. Soon they will be moving to the center of the state. I hate to see them leave, but they're making the decision that works best for them.

Life can change fast right along with the weather.

I think back to the old days when my parents and I were living on the St. Lucie River. Two different boats we owned sank inside our boathouse from nor'easters within one decade. After the second, my father declared, "No more boats!"

Later Hurricane David took our boathouse along with most of our 150 ft dock. The dock was rebuilt sans a boathouse. And it was a cool boathouse too with a deck on top. We used to sit up there and gaze in awe at the expanse of the river. The St. Lucie was a mile across behind our house, plus we could see for endless miles stretching in each direction.

Of course by that time my father had lost his high-paying job thru no fault of his own. The corporation he worked for suddenly went belly-up thanks to the shenanigans of the man over him. Our entire lifestyle was pulled out from under us.

Sudden changes are often the most sweeping.

I must keep reminding myself that everything in life is temporary, including our lives on this planet. And the Earth itself is experiencing climate change. We're seeing intense weather with more frequent natural disasters now. 

Every year as the peak of hurricane season arrives I always wonder if I'll still have a house standing by Thanksgiving. If so, it will be more reason to be thankful and celebrate! Life's become all about living in the moment and enjoying what I have while it's still around.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021



Fully vaccinated, I had just gotten used to putting on lipstick again. And I was debating whether or not to hang onto all my masks. I decided to save them in the event of another deadly virus. I figured the way the world is going there's bound to be another before I'm dead.

Then I learned the current virus wasn't going away, especially here in Florida thanks to our big Trump turd governor, that fool DeSantis! The idiot is even selling merchandise reading "Don't Fauci my Florida!"

I want a T-shirt that reads "Don't DeSantis our cemeteries, signed the state of Florida!"

But what can be expected of a governor who eagerly licks the ass of the biggest con man the United States has ever known!

Not that long ago I recall Donald Trump labeling the Covid virus a hoax. If a loved one of mine died of it during that time I'd be suing him!!! -- It's a mystery to me why someone isn't.

How can anyone be so gullible as to buy into Trump's lies? I can't imagine! Nor can I imagine any citizen who would put party over country and yet they are out there in staggering numbers!

Those who participated in the January 6 insurrection are traitors and should be treated as such!!!-- No slap on the wrists, at the very least hard prison time and even that is too lenient!!!

But I must remind myself that a bright side exists; unlike the start of the lockdown in March of 2020 I now have a large collection of masks to choose from. Although fully vaccinated, I'll start wearing one again.

And I'll continue to vote in every election, nothing will stop me!!!  DeSantis, I intend to do everything I can to make sure your days in office are numbered!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2021



Early in 2000 I remember a tech whizz stating that in just 10 years shopping malls would be obsolete. Frankly, I couldn't imagine it! Malls are not just for shopping, but social gatherings.

I am not a person who likes crowds or noise, but malls were an exception! These were fun places with a carnival atmosphere filled with lots of interesting eye candy; plus restaurants & cafes in all price ranges plus a nifty food court.

A mall was a wonderful place to meet with friends for lunch and go shopping afterward. And there was a movie theatre with multiple screens too! Everything you could possibly want for a fun filled day or evening! Even going alone always lifted my spirits.

Recently I met a friend for lunch at the food court. I recall when just finding a good parking space was difficult, but now the parking lot had so few cars I had my choice. Most of the stores had moved or closed down altogether.

I was surprised to see the AMC Theatre open since movie times are no longer listed in the newspaper. But I'll bet all 24 screens aren't playing anymore.

Half the eateries in the food court were gone and our choices were limited, but there were plenty of unoccupied tables to choose from. The other people I saw there were either senior citizens or close to it. -- Those of us considered the walking dead by the young.

Well it took more than the predicted 10 years, but sadly I saw it happening even before the corona virus; however this seemed to add the final nail. Such a pity!

Just walking around and window shopping used to be such a delight! All that glorious merchandise and the variety of items spread out before you! Unlike online, you could see it up close and even touch it.

Some merchandise I can see purchasing online only. However others it just doesn't make sense, plus it's far more expensive! There's postage, handling, tax, and now a replacement charge (which used to be voluntary) along with a carrier surcharge which is new. After all these are added in, sometimes it costs as much or more as the item itself! If that's not an incentive to shop at a brick & mortar store I don't know what is!

Once upon a time a customer didn't even have to pay postage, plus most companies included a free gift just for choosing them. Nowadays that seems incredible to say the least! 

Clothing creates a particular problem. I want to try it on before I buy! Yes, I've purchased clothes online and often ended up sending it back! I grit my teeth at having to pay costly postage both ways! Often clothes are manufactured in other countries and are miss-sized.

Usually a medium fits me, but not always. When going by actual size, if an outfit appears baggy on the model I order a size smaller. If it's clingy I go with the next larger size. I've found this method works best.

The virus aside, these days I don't go out that much anymore so I don't require as many clothes or accessories. But I sure miss those wondrous mall visits. Always they felt like a special treat!

Saturday, July 10, 2021



That dreaded season is upon us once more! We've already had our first hurricane threat, also the earliest E hurricane ever, Elsa and this was around July 4. Thankfully it weakened into a tropical storm and stayed mostly off the other coast of Florida.

Had it not and had I actually found someone to board-up, I would have been forced to stay that way thru November! It's too damn expensive otherwise!  Anyone willing to take the job charges an obscene amount of money!   

According to forecasts we're in for another active season. Where's El Nino when you need him? Ugh! Forget El Nino, Bermuda High get back in shape! Last year it protected the Treasure Coast from all those hurricanes. The Bermuda High has shifted, changing shape leaving us vulnerable this year.

I read that dust storms off Africa would protect us until August; maybe it did since Elsa weakened.

Last November I saw the movie CRAWL about Floridians being eaten alive by alligators during a Cat 5 hurricane -- a movie a little too close to home for comfort.

However dissecting it, no actual Floridian would seriously buy into that film. -- The reality would be far worse!!!

For one thing, much of the movie takes place in a basement. There are no basements in Florida! And one that close to a large body of water would be permanently flooded.

Also there's a scene where the heroine (a champion swimmer) escapes an alligator by out swimming it. Upon hitting dry land she is safe. -- Not!  Alligators are just as fast on land as in the water!

And lastly, that was NO CAT 5 HURRICANE!!! It was barely a Cat 1, more like a tropical storm.  In a true Cat 5 trees, rooftops, boats, & other huge heavy objects would be landing all around them once they ventured outside. And the flesh on their faces & bodies would be flapping around like something out of a horror movie. Also their clothes would be shredded and ripped from their bodies, plus they would all be dead fast.

But everything aside, if you suspend belief, it was great entertainment. However a movie based on reality would have been even better!

The setting should have been an isolated rural home. As its being totally demolished by a Cat 5 the inhabitants survive by taking shelter under a staircase after the door to their safe room is blown away. The ones who didn't, later will be found miles away. Their naked, broken bodies dangling from tree tops.

The storm is over.

Emerging from beneath piles of rubble the survivors leave the remains of their home and discover flooded streets and yards swimming with poisonous snakes and hungry alligators swirling and circling closer. A few of these survivors are dragged under leaving only severed body parts floating in the bloody water. Those who escape finally reach high ground and encounter starving giant pythons lurking in wait plus wild boars with nasty tusks ready to strike. -- Yes we have all those in Florida and here in Vero Beach, too!

Just before the hurricane I received an email alerting me that feral hogs, including one with ugly tusks were running loose in the neighborhood. Boar hunters with dogs were called in. Our head of the HOA stated that neighbors with guns were also allowed to shoot them as long as he was invited to the barbecue.   

It's hard to believe once I actually loved this time of year.

Saturday, July 3, 2021



Awhile back I was approached by a Facebook "friend" a man I'll call "D. Wurst" to collaborate on a children's book based on a poem he'd written, the main character a superhero I'll call "The Blandman."

Inexplicably The Blandman transformed into the guardian of children everywhere. This is all D.W. brought to the table. It was up to me to supply everything else! I got busy creating a story explaining the transformation, plus a villain, and other characters all with background stories, plus an outline.

However I made it clear to D.W. this was his baby and he was going to have to write his novel himself; I would help him every step of the way, chapter by chapter.

D.W. was actually a gifted wordsmith, whereas I'm more of a plot person. I thought as a team we'd be dynamic together! I've collaborated on books before. And of course there were creative conflicts but nothing we couldn't get past. 

Meanwhile I was editing my novel The House of Sin and Splendor. I told Wurst he could be working on the first chapter while I was doing this. I gave him tips along with advice.

Then I discovered he didn't want a collaborator, but a free ghostwriter!!! Now he was claiming he didn't feel qualified to write his own book, because previously he'd only written poetry & short stories. Good grief! It's only a small leap to go from writing a short story to a novel. He had the ability!!!

Besides everything else I'd done, I was now expected to write his entire book for him. Aside from the work and time involved, my vision is impaired. This was a tremendous favor to ask of a Facebook acquaintance! Plus he would be taking all the credit.

I told him nothing doing and presented him with two choices; either he paid me for the ghostwriting OR he relinquished all claim and let me proceed with it on my own. He angrily told me to forget it!

Already I had put in a lot of work and didn't want it to go to waste. Again, I reminded him that if he would write this novel himself, he'd continue to get free help and ideas from me.  -- He refused to even try!

I was sick at the thought of discarding this story that I'd put so much effort into. So I decided to eliminate his character The Blandman entirely and make it my novel by tweaking and twisting this tale turning it into an adult novel and take it darker places. --The Blandman character was too silly for an adult novel anyway.

When I revealed my plans to him, he behaved like a whacked-out jerk, blew up, got nasty, and called me a plagiarist! (I didn't know it was possible to plagiarize from one's self!) I was stunned. Geez, this lazy entitled asshat refused to write his own book, yet begrudged me the right to use everything I'd created!

Reasoning with him was impossible.

I don't want him stinking up my life over this, so I won't proceed.  This would-be book is going to languish in limbo forever. And that's a crying shame!

He beat me to the punch by unfriending me on Facebook. However we were still connected on messenger so I fired off a message informing him that I'd abandoned the idea.

Plus I warned him that he is forbidden from using my MY PLOT or CHARACTERS should he find a sucker to write his book for him. This is my intellectual property and he does NOT have my permission! And I will stink up his life big time if he does!!!

NEVER AGAIN will I agree to collaborate on a book with anyone! Not only will it prevent problems like this one, but any creative conflicts as well.

Friday, June 18, 2021



My new novel, a supernatural thriller and mystery has been born and is out there! Every book I write I try to make as different from the previous one as possible. I push myself beyond my comfort zone to stretch and grow as a writer. This one has a strong R-rating. I want something for everyone among my books rather than limit myself to one genre.

I would describe this story as a cross between a Lifetime movie and a Blumhouse film. I am a huge fan of both!

As an introvert with a misanthropic streak writing comes natural to me. My books are my offspring. I prefer to stay off stage letting them shine under the lights and hope the audience doesn't throw rotten tomatoes at my babies.

Due to publishing costs I decided to edit my own book to save money. I'm not a perfect writer anymore than I'm a perfect person so I'm just going to have to live with any mistakes. Just because something isn't perfect doesn't mean it can't be enjoyed!

I keep reminding myself that all the books I loved and enjoyed the most were written by authors I'd never heard of before, or since. Two examples: one is Eden, (several novels have this title) the one I'm referring to is a pre-civil war story set in New Orleans by Julie Ellis and The Queen of the Night set in Nazi Germany by Mark Behm. And no, I don't know these authors personally.

The latter one was panned on Goodreads; however I found every page riveting! Remember what Earnest Hemmingway said about critics: "The only good critic is a dead critic." And I wholeheartedly agree!

I love to write! To let an imagination like mine go to waste would be a sin!

In my new novel I've included private jokes that only my closest friends will get, to everyone else they'll just be part of the story.

Writing this novel and publishing it was a lot of work, fun, joy and frustration, even therapy! Often times when I sat down to enjoy a quiet meal the characters would pull up chairs around me and began talking, even screaming at me. It certainly made the pandemic more interesting!

Go to  https://booklocker.com/11774  to purchase a copy.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021



Actually I started my new novel The House of Sin and Splendor around 2018 right after I finished ghostwriting Irene's, but life got in my way! Aside from cataract surgery, followed by deteriorating vision from posterior vitreous detachment; my writing was derailed by a plethora of problems concerning repairs to my home including getting ripped off twice!

I've already blogged about those things so I won't revisit them now. Anyway my manuscript was pushed onto the back burner.

Later, I don't remember the exact date, I lost my ATT cable connection; no internet, TV, or phone. However I was still able to work offline. Unable to do anything else, I started reading thru the chapters I'd written.

 Hey this is really good, I thought! Why did I stop here, I had so many plans for these characters!

Though my vision is crappy I am not blind! My novel became a priority. And when the pandemic struck that enabled me to speed things up. I didn't sit around letting my brain rot during the lockdown!

As an independent writer and one on a fixed income, publishing is expensive. But thankfully I found BookLocker to be reasonable as well as highly professional. I will hire them again.

I wanted a video ad for my novel as well as book boost. Since I'm not a tech person I needed these for promotion. So I decided to forgo an editor to keep cost down.

Plus I've had terrible experiences with editors! I fired THREE! All had been hired to put my books on a PDF file as well as edit. The first two times I didn't own a computer, the third I was between computers.

The first editor up and disappeared with my manuscript along with those of several other clients. She left no forwarding address or phone number and had to be tracked down. Eventually we were able to gain access to a phone number but our calls were never returned.

Thankfully, illustrator April Sampson found her new address and drove all the way from Lake Wales to knock on her door and demanded the manuscripts back.

The second confessed she memorized sentences because she couldn't touch type. During her memorization my wording was changed and badly. When I pointed this out she became angry and threw a tizzy fit!

The third, I suspect was also a memorizer, but with an even worse memory. Character names were frequently switched around and spelled inconsistently throughout.

None of them were forced to decipher any cursive writing, all were handed typed sheets of paper! I've learned the hard way that being unqualified doesn't stop people from taking a job!

And with my previous novel (Seed of Deceit) the first editor quit half way thru complaining the story conflicted with her Christian values. -- She knew from the onset I didn't write Christian fiction and should have refused the job in the first place!

After receiving my author's copy of Sin and Splendor, I gave it to my friend Marie to read. I needed a fresh pair of eyes, ones that weren't impaired. I instructed her to look for egregious errors only and ignore small ones because I'd have to pay to start over to make any corrections at this point.

There are some typos and I trusted spell-check too much. But these are far and few between and don't ruin the story. Now at long last, The House of Sin and Splendor, a supernatural thriller and mystery is in print!

If you are a fan of the supernatural and even if you're not, I believe you will enjoy it. Also check out my cool video ad on the BookLocker website along with a sample chapter.

To purchase a copy of my novel go to:   https://booklocker.com/11774

Thursday, May 27, 2021



The recent hacking of the Colonial Pipeline seemed at first an impossible nightmare, but also an unpleasant déjà vu feeling. I was hacked myself by a ransom virus last decade. I lost 2 books that I was working on, plus photos and other irreplaceable items.  Afterward I got Carbonite to prevent this from happening again.

I can't help but wonder why these huge corporations and companies don't already have such a measure in place, or at least a reasonable facsimile. 

Seeing long lines of cars snaking around corners brought memories of the OPEC Oil Embargo surging back. The year was 1973 and I was 22 years old. Only a couple years before my father purchased a flower shop with an attached wedding chapel. We lived in Stuart but our business was located in West Palm Beach an hour's drive away. We commuted back and forth.

Also we had delivery trucks that constantly needed refueling. Fortunately the man who owned the gas station across the street assured us we would always have gas even if others didn't because we were his bread & butter.

Then came talk of rationing, thankfully the embargo ended before it came to that.

However during the Covid pandemic & lockdown paper products should have been rationed!!!  For months it was downright impossible to buy Kleenex or paper towels, much less tissue paper.

As to the recent oil shortage, it really shouldn't have been a problem here in Florida, only a small percentage was derived from that particular pipeline. However our fool, Trump turd of a governor created a shortage and hording by declaring a state of emergency where there was none!

My father had always told me never to allow the gas tank to fall below 50 per cent. The week before the Colonial hacking was announced I was out grocery shopping. I knew I needed to fill up my tank; however I got a late start that day and was eager to return home. I told myself I'd take care of it when I was out the following week. Later I could have kicked myself for waiting!

Upon seeing the long lines at every station I kept driving. Instead, I bought enough groceries to last for several weeks to wait it out. Nothing I haven't done before thanks to the pandemic. I'd save my half tank of gas for emergencies.

I am grateful that I wasn't as inconvenienced as many others. I think of all the people who had urgent places to be with important business to attend who were stuck in that situation.

A snowbird couple, friends of mine was forced to spend 2020 in Florida year round due to the pandemic. By May they were eager to return home. However the trumped-up oil shortage here in Florida derailed that several weeks.

At least that issue is now over.

And there's more good news, I am fully vaccinated at last! Although it feels as if everything is changed. Life seems to have undergone a mutation and is almost unrecognizable in so many different ways now. Was there ever a time when life was normal, I wonder? Then I recall what someone told me in therapy, "Normal is just a setting on your dryer."

Sunday, May 16, 2021



This week Irene Bates Dunjohn would have turned 96 years old. Sadly, she passed earlier this year. Her ashes will be interred in Arlington National Cemetery later.

Born in London, England her life started out rocky. Shortly after birth Irene's father abandoned both her and her mother. Fortunately Irene's mom was a strong woman who cherished her and filled the void.

As a child Irene developed rheumatic fever. She endured seven hospital stays and five convalescent homes. It was inside a convalescent home that she listened to the abdication speech of King Edward VIII on the radio.

During World War II all London schools were closed due to the frequent air raids. At age 15 Irene went to work for a machinist company. Her nights at that time were spent in a corrugated iron air raid shelter inside a garden.

The house where Irene grew up took a direct hit from a German bomb and was razed to the ground.

At age 17 Irene was drafted into the army. By this time she had worked several jobs and was quite well rounded. Irene served in the Air Ministry at Whitewall. One of her military duties consisted of spotting fires from incendiary bombs as they rained down and rushing to put them out with a stirrup pump.

The Air Ministry office was close to St. James Park where Glen Miller & his band entertained before he went missing over the English Channel.

London during WWII was filled with military men from around the world. Naturally they were attracted to this young beauty with the jet black hair, dark eyes, peaches & cream complexion, and a slim hour glass figure. Irene enjoyed what she called a "Dating Paradise" amidst this dark period.

Later she was promoted to recruiting corporal in the Women's Army. After the war, Irene attended Army College at Welbeck Abby on the edge of Sherwood Forest. Welbeck Abby was also where Mary Queen of Scots was incarcerated.

And it was there Irene met the handsome Kenneth Dunjohn. The romance ended, but embers remained. He became her second husband 60 years later.

Early in the 1950's Irene visited New York City and fell in love with it. She immigrated and thrived there! Although Irene was pursued by many eager suitors she didn't marry until age 39. Air force pilot Glenn Bates, a man often mistaken for Bing Crosby by autograph seekers wooed and won her. Irene & Glenn were blissfully married for 30 years until his sudden death in 1993.

After Glen's death, Irene became a successful Realtor. During this period she met a plethora of celebrities in search of a new home; politicians, actors, authors, and the recently rich thanks to the internet.

Upon retirement Irene chose Florida and Vero Beach. This is where I met her! Here, she remained active and flourished.

A miracle of the internet reunited Irene with her long ago love, Kenneth Dunjohn. She recognized a photo he posted, one as a young man interviewing Winston Churchill. Immediately she sent off an email. In 2011, they married and Irene moved back to England.

2015 Kenneth died of a heart attack. Though heartbroken, Irene was grateful for the brief time they shared together.

After Kenneth's death, Irene moved back to Vero Beach and resumed her amazing life here.

It should be mentioned that in addition to her many talents Irene possessed a beautiful singing voice and played the piano. She sang onstage with the George Mason University Choral Society at Carnegie Hall sharing the bill with Ella Fitzgerald and Marvin Hamlisch; and performed at the Kennedy Center, plus the National Press Club, and on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial.

Irene, along with the Choral Society was invited to tea at the White House and personally met President Nixon and the First Lady, Pat.

Shortly before her death, Irene wrote her memoir for friends only, unavailable to the public; a shame. Everyone would enjoy this book! Irene's life story would also make a marvelous movie! I am so sick of superhero silliness; it would be refreshing to watch a film about a real person who led an extraordinary and interesting life!

Sadly Irene is gone, but she will be remembered and missed. Irene was a self-made woman of class and culture who elevated the lives of everyone around her.

Monday, May 10, 2021



Its fabric is plush and the color a majestic royal blue. It feels as if being embraced by a benevolent spirit sheltering me with its warmth. For nearly 40 years it brought me comfort on those rare chilly Florida days and nights.

Unfortunately last winter its age was beginning to show badly, many times I had been forced to grab a needle & thread to repair seams & hems. My once beautiful garment after many years was looking ratty. -- However it still felt as wonderful against my flesh as ever!

In the back of my bedroom closet is a brand new pink one. It's been hanging there unused for several years now. I just couldn't bring myself to part with the old one! We have been thru so much together; my old life, my new one, and now my current one. I just couldn't let go!

They say a possession can't love you back, but my robe didn't need to, it gave me such glorious comfort.

The turning point came early in spring during a cool front. A neighbor showed up at my door uninvited. Suddenly I was embarrassed standing there garbed like a beggar.

As soon as the weather warmed, with much regret I rolled up my faithful old robe and threw it in the garbage bin.

However the day before garbage pick-up the temperature turned chilly again. I hurried out to the bin and retrieved my robe. It smelled of rotting fruit & vegetables, so I threw it in the wash. When I pulled it from the dryer it still felt just as heavenly as ever.

I've decided to wait until June before performing the dreaded disposal. Then, I'll have all summer and fall to prepare myself for the pink one hanging in my closet.

Parting will be difficult; not only will I be disposing of an article of clothing, but memories. Yes, some recalling miserable times, but also my triumphs and victories as well. But I will be making new memories swathed in pink. I must remember that!

Saturday, May 1, 2021



I won't be fully vaccinated until the end of this month. I read that I must wait 2 weeks after that to be fully safe. As a senior I'm in the high risk category and a hospital stay would ruin me financially. So I'm going that extra mile and doing everything possible to stay Covid free.

 I enjoy my home, but I must admit the lack of diversion is starting to get to me.

Most of my friends have either died (not from Covid) or scattered. My entire social life is now limited to Facebook which I've come to enjoy despite less than positive experiences with some people, to put it mildly.

Even if I was able to get out, movie theatres remain closed and many restaurants I love have gone out of business. The ones that haven't now have shortened menus and higher prices due to diminished capacity.

I wish that when life regains some semblance of normalcy I could afford an exotic vacation somewhere. Unfortunately my dentist and the eye clinic have used up nearly all of my disposable income. 

It seems the price of everything has gone up since the pandemic. And the malls are all dying.

I can't fathom why shopping online is all that! For one thing, it's a lot more expensive! In addition to the price of the item & tax, you must pay postage & handling which in many cases adds at least another $10 plus there's a replacement fee should the item go missing in transit. And if the item turns out to be a disappointment you're forced to pay the return postage & insurance.  Plus some online places charge a restocking fee. -- Gadzooks! I'll take a brick and mortar store any day!

The poison cherry on top was when I was forced to give up my Starz/Showtime package again due to a sudden $60 increase to my bill. Just 2 months before I was told by a lady that my price was good for another year!!! But then I was informed by ATT that my special promotion had ended already!!!  GRRRR!

I can't stream because I'm told it's done thru the computer. Mine is old and I keep losing my connection. I'm currently not in a good position to buy a new one.

So I'm going back to renting DVDs from Redbox and recording commercial free films off TCM. The latter serves up little known gems like Native Son in addition to some over-rated turkeys.

Recently I wasted 2 hours of my life watching The Pumpkin Eater! This was a 3 star movie released in 1964 plus Anne Bancroft won an award for her performance as the wealthy, long suffering, mentally deranged wife & mother. It was one of the most boring, depressing, pointless pictures I have ever seen!  -- And that's the LAST thing I need right now!

I keep telling myself that I have no right to gripe since so many are worse off. And when I recall my life 30 years ago and everything that was going on then, (even with all the above) my life should feel like paradise now!

Saturday, April 24, 2021



This is a vent post!

I'm hardly what you call a high tech type so I still depend heavily on the Post Office. I mail holiday & birthday cards regularly, often with handwritten notes inside.

Also I pay half my bills thru the mail and have valid reasons for still doing this. Although I'm leery because in this neighborhood our mailboxes are down by the street; so whenever I mailed a check I would drive straight to the Post Office. And I don't live close to one.

So I was delighted when a substation moved in only a few blocks around the corner from me. However it's crappy and my last experience there was especially aggravating.

I was returning an expensive item I'd decided wasn't worth the money. Also I needed to buy a sheet of stamps. The substation opens at 10:00 AM. I was early and debating whether or not to do my grocery shopping first and hit the station on the way home. However I buy lots of melty items and this is Florida, plus there's usually a line at the substation. Surely there wouldn't be one at that hour, I thought.

Wrong! I arrived about 10 minutes early to find a line already waiting. Soon another person joined in the wait behind me.

The clerk looked to be little more than a teenager. A sign was posted stating they were OUT OF STAMPS.  (Not unusual there!!!) Geez, this is a Post Office substation for crying out loud! They should NEVER be out of stamps!!! -- It's similar to when my Health Store's wheat germ & fish oil capsules are out of stock. I want to scream "You're a nutritional supplement company, how can you let this happen?!"

And the wait seemed unnecessary! The clerk was right there ignoring us doing things that could have been put on hold. Customers in line were looking around rolling their eyes and sighing as we all stood there.

Finally, the lady at the front of the line pointed out to the clerk that it was now 10:00 AM.

"My clock shows another minute!" the clerk replied.

Hot cat pee! Couldn't she sacrifice a mere minute for all these people standing there waiting? In frustration everyone gave out loud sighs and groans! The lady at the front of the line was shaking her head in disgust.

Eventually, my package was sent on its way. And I bought my stamps at the supermarket. Unlike this Post Office substation they never run out.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021



For over a decade I was fortunate enough to have a beautiful Russian Blue cat named Tasha sharing my life and my home. But I always had to laugh because she had this particular way of standing with heels touching and one foot straight forward and the other out to the side forming a V shape. -- This is the exact way professional models were trained to stand. And my little furry beauty was a natural!

With feet positioned in this manner human shoulders automatically go back as the spine straightens. It's impossible to slouch, so I can understand why it was encouraged.

In my 9th grade Home Economics class the older sister of a classmate was a professional model. She came to class and gave a speech on modeling along with demonstrations. Besides the stand, models were expected to walk with one foot directly in front of the other.

This walk was the same actor John Wayne performed to enhance his character and mystique for the big screen. Only he did it with more pronounced hip action while swinging the shoulders forward. -- And it was phony, an affectation suggested by another actor!

 However to some it came natural.

From the age of 18 thru 32 I had a small dog that executed the John Wayne swagger to perfection. He was one quarter Terrier & three quarters Chihuahua.  We owned his daddy as well, who was half & half.

I really shouldn't say "OWNED"! All our cats & dogs were fully empowered Canine and Feline Americans and they knew it!

And this particular dog was a little prince. He adamantly refused to be walked on a leash as if some common canine! Whenever we tried, he'd roll over on his back refusing to stand until that leash was off. We weren't about to drag him, so instead we took him for carries. He wasn't fond of going outdoors either!

Fortunately that house had a big yard. We'd set him down, he sniff around and then scratch your leg to be picked up again. This would be repeated multiple times until he finally found the perfect spot and did his business. And then he'd be carried back inside.

Often when I was seated, I'd gaze over at him as he stood across the carpet and I'd call out, "Come here sweetie pie, let me love my little baby."

He'd stand there and glare at me with that haughty stare of his as if to say: Maybe I will, or maybe I won't, I'm still deciding.

Eventually, after continued coaxing, he'd come slowly towards me doing the strut that would make John Wayne proud. This dog was letting me know that I was being bestowed a favor. -- Although he loved it when I rubbed behind his ears with one hand and his hips & butt just above the tail with the other.

Still in his mind, he was throwing me a bone. Guess he figured I'd earned it.

Monday, April 5, 2021



Yesterday was what I refer to as a Ketchup Day! I catch up on miscellaneous chores I've been putting off. -- Yes, that statement is both corny and cheesy. But never mind, I love the taste of both! However it seems to take me forever to get anything done.

I recall reading an article in the newspaper about an incredible local woman.  A CEO of her own company, who runs construction crews, oversees property management, flips houses, provides in-home patient & pet care, along with chauffeuring clients to appointments, plus tutoring blind students in Braille.

She also decorates residential and commercial properties for the holidays, cooks lavish gourmet meals for parties, speaks 5 languages fluently, and is currently learning Mandarin Chinese!

These are only slight exaggerations! Just reading about all she has accomplished made me feel so tuckered out that I wanted to collapse into my recliner and nap.

Honestly, I do admire people like that. I appreciate them and am delighted they exist, but at the same time I'm happy that I'm nothing like them. That type of existence sounds Hellish to me. It's way too hectic, stressful, and peopley for my taste. Guess I'm just one of those low energy types ex-President Bone Spurs was always putting down. And I wonder what the pussy grabber would be doing for a living had he not been born into all that money.

Back when I worked full time I felt exhausted and drained one hundred per cent of the time. Plus I was much younger then. I'd rather be dead than return to that! At age 70 I just want to be retired and enjoy a quiet life.

I'll admit conditions have been better than they are now, but they've also been far worse! Life is never perfect for anyone, not even that wonder woman mentioned above. I'm sure she has problems too; hers are just different from mine.

It's a mistake to compare yourself to other people. Especially when too many others are eager to do that for you!  I consider them noise. Life is made up of many different paths.

I recall a favorite Emily Dickinson poem titled: Not in Vain. (Google it!) The gist of it being that if you perform even one small selfless act of generosity or kindness, your life was worthwhile and had meaning. These are words I live by.

Sunday, March 21, 2021



Back in dinosaur times when I was a student and personal computers were something out of science fiction, March felt like the longest month of the year. Despite reality, the big holidays seemed long past and summer vacation far away.

The shortest month was August, probably because here in Florida school usually started the last week of that month. One year it actually started almost in the middle. Horrors!!! August was a busy month filled with shopping for school clothes and supplies along with dread of classes that were coming up fast.

After September arrived, it seemed forever until the holidays! Now that I'm a senior citizen all of this is reversed!

Now, once the calendar hits September, the holidays seem to arrive fast and leave even faster. But first we must endure the stress and anxiety of hurricane season which thanks to climate change now begins earlier and lasts longer. I fear that one day year round hurricanes will be the norm! I hope it's after I'm gone!

These days I desperately want to hang onto March; often our last month of wonderful weather before the onslaught of the sweltering heat. I can still open my windows and enjoy free air conditioning as well as breathe fresh air. The nights are cool with delicious sleeping weather while the days are comfortably warm.

Also March is free from hurricane worries!

Florida winters are as delightful as the summers are horrid!

August is now the longest month! Not only is it hellishly humid, hot and bug infested. I live cocooned inside an air conditioned house. One step outside and I am transformed into a fountain of sweat.  August is also the time of the year when hurricane season really starts to ramp up. Everything about it is miserable!

The snowbirds have the right idea! In my previous neighborhood an hour south of here, half my neighbors fell into that category. Six months of the year my family was situated between two empty houses. If nothing else, summers there were quiet and peaceful.

Back then, we lived on the St. Lucie River. Here in my current home, my neighborhood is made up of largely year round residents.

Now at age 70 I want to freeze time or at least slow it down. I want the impossible! That said, the only good thing I remember about 2020 is the entire year felt endlessly long!

Wednesday, March 17, 2021



Today is St. Paddy's Day! My first ever trip overseas was to Ireland at age 25. Before that, I'd vacationed outside the country in Mexico, Guatemala, and the Bahamas, plus that one day I'd spent in Canada at age 8.

But this trip was much grander and more special! One of the places I would be visiting was County Tipperary where my grandmother on my father's side was born. Among other things, I would be feasting inside an Irish castle, kissing the Blarney Stone and seeing the famous Rock of Cashel in County Tipperary itself. I remember touring Dublin along with a friend I met on the trip and also standing upon a cliff admiring the view from the majestic Cliffs of Moher.

I've celebrated every St. Patrick's Day since!

Last year right before the lockdown I was planning to celebrate with friend. We scheduled a lunch out together. Unfortunately, her secretary took ill with something uncovid related and my friend was unable to leave her office.

So I decided to celebrate alone. I dressed all in green and wore the necklace with the bejeweled Celtic horn I'd purchased in Galway. I treated myself to my favorite restaurant TooJay's.

The pandemic was already underway and on everyone's mind. For the first time ever, I didn't have to wait in a line. (Sometimes there's one extending out the door!) Inside were only a handful of customers despite the fact it was noon hour. All of them senior citizens like me.

As I left the restaurant a man looked me up & down and then exclaimed, "It must be St. Patrick's Day!"

"Erin go bragh!" I replied with a big smile.

This year I'm unvaccinated and not taking any chances! I'm celebrating at home.

Later this evening I plan to watch The True History of the Kelly Gang on my DVR. Yes, I know this film is Australian and filmed there. However the name Kelly is Irish and that's close enough. You make do with what you've got!

This morning I prepared a special breakfast of blueberry oat muffins, apple sauce with fresh blueberries, and mixed berry tea.

Irish food was awful, I thought! Almost everything except the desserts tasted as if it had been thrown together without interest. I love seafood, but the eel I ate in Killarney was nearly inedible.

However for my Irish dinner here at home I'm fixing oyster stew and buttermilk biscuits. And my dessert will be a colorful slice of rainbow cake. I'll be picturing a leprechaun with a kettle of gold beside it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021



Floridians are being encouraged to dine on pythons to reduce the population of this dangerous invasive species. Okay, no problem.

Back in January of 2016 in Thailand, dining on Cobra was the latest fad according to my guide. Had I been offered it, I would have been willing to give it a try. My issue is eating mammals which I refuse to do. After all I am one and so are you!

I've eaten frog legs and gator tail. Growing up there were plenty of cracker cafes featuring frog legs on the menu. My father a Yankee born and raised in Detroit enjoyed them and would share with me. However one place served a platter with the toes still attached. -- That ended it for both of us!

During the 1990's there was a restaurant chain that specialized in gator tail. I ordered a platter. It came served with a dip, without it, the meat was bland.

I've enjoyed more common and popular menu choices that made squeamish family members and friends wince and gag.

For my 21st birthday I tried Escargot (snails) at the Petite Marmite in Palm Beach.  I also enjoyed it later in Paris. Both times, all I could taste was garlic butter!

And I've eaten and enjoyed Calamari (squid) and also raw oysters on the half shell many times.

Recently I read that shrimp are considered the cockroaches of the sea. This is due to the fact that they are omnivores and feed on trash in the waters. -- Seems I once read something similar about oysters. However I plan to continue enjoying both!

Iguanas are another invasive species here in Florida. They'll be next! In some countries they're considered a delicacy and referred to as "Chicken of the trees".

I firmly believe that in another couple generations eating insects and reptiles will be the norm thanks to overpopulation and climate change. However by that time I will be gone and forgotten. But I'll probably be chowing down on them in a future life, just like everybody else.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021



I pride myself on having the esthetic eye possessing the ability to put things together beautifully. I've even written a budget beauty manual on how to look your best for less. But lately I've been stumped. 

Two years ago I purchased an elegant periwinkle cardigan with long gathers like dove wings from the shoulder down to the wrist. It's a treasured find from a consignment store. And I got it for a reduced price due to a winter clearance.

I planned to wear it at a Birthday Tea a friend was throwing for me at her house. But I realized I had nothing to pair it with beyond a black camisole & black pants. However I wear so much black someone once accused me of being a practitioner of the dark arts (I am not!) Also now that I'm gray I prefer to go with more vibrant colors. At my age I'm starting to associate black with funerals.

So I consulted Google. They suggested navy blue or (gadzooks you've got to be kidding) SALMON! I didn't have a navy blue top fancy enough. And I hate salmon! -- The color not the fish! Salmon is quite tasty and pleasing to the palate.

Photos were on display of periwinkle & salmon worn together. To my eyes, these colors not only clash, but look hideous together! By that I mean vomit inducing puke ugly!

As fate would have it, I happened to be watching a Lifetime movie I'd recorded when I noticed the heroine, a 20 something was wearing a pull-over periwinkle sweater with salmon pants for about one third of the movie. To me, it looked like something a clown would wear! -- But then I feel exactly the same about ripped jeans. Even if I was 50 years younger I'd never defile my body with those!

Liberace once said: "I dress up to me, not down for other people." That's my philosophy as well and more people need to embrace that.

Weeks later I noticed a reporter on the evening news was sporting a periwinkle jacket paired with gray. And she cut quite a smashing figure in that ensemble!

I ended up wearing an exotic purple & pink pants outfit along with big earrings to my Birthday Tea.

Later I found a navy blue camisole online worthy of my periwinkle cardigan. I combined both with my dark gray slacks. If I do say so myself, I look sharp enough to die for! Now all I need is a fabulous place to wear this.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021



Don't even mention summer to me. I HATE Florida summers!!! They're hellishly hot, humid and bug infested. And don't get me started on hurricanes and all the stress and expense involved. I wish it could be winter forever!!!

Seems immediately after the holidays I start receiving catalogues filled with lots of beautiful winter clothes on sale, prices slashed, and many great bargains. As I reach for my credit card I stop myself. Suddenly I realize I seldom go anywhere anymore.

Even after the Covid ordeal is over, I doubt that will change. Many of my favorite restaurants are gone forever, friends are scattering, and the theatres around here remain closed. I don't need a cute outfit to visit a doctor/dentist or go the supermarket.

Sigh, but I am enjoying a variety of movies at home.

Recently I watched Dark Waters, a true story of one man's battle to expose the DuPont Chemical Company of deliberately poisoning people and animals for profit. Shamefully our government does nothing to stop this reprehensible practice because they are in DuPont's hip pocket. And surprisingly many of the people being screwed by DuPont are embracing it. -- This certainly explains the Trump phenomenon!

Believe it or not, I was aboard the DuPont yacht! It was back around 1977 or 78. We had a wedding chapel attached to our florist shop. Dad performed most of the ceremonies and for an added fee he was mobile. The Captain of the DuPont yacht was getting married and wanted the ceremony performed out in the ocean. I came along as a witness in the event there wasn't one.

My father and I were given a grand tour of the yacht before we set sail. It had every luxury imaginable onboard! The DuPont family was no where around. But the Captain and his crowd were very nice and included us in the wedding party.

I should note that we were among the first in the country to have women perform weddings! Not all our customers were pleased with this. Usually it was the bride who objected! I know because I did the scheduling. Often my father had to come in on this day off.  

He and our ladies were notaries who had the power. My father also got a mail-order minister's license and Doctor of Divinity certificate because it made some more comfortable.

The 1970's were my peak traveling abroad period. Every year I took a vacation outside the country to an exciting new place. I miss that!

As fate would have it, I made the right decision not to expatriate. My two countries of choice are not faring well in the pandemic. Had I expatriated I might very well be dead now. -- Or perhaps not since both countries have healthcare I could actually afford.

Thursday, January 28, 2021



Is anyone really surprised by the storming of the Capitol! How could you NOT see this coming! For four years now President Bone Spurs has been playing these suckers like a harpsichord. Of course Trump didn't want to lose power -- his big stinky posterior is likely to end up in prison now that he's out of office. This desperate despot would resort to anything to avoid it, no lie was too outrageous, nothing was!

And sadly, we have plenty of fools eager to buy into him. The first to come to mind are the Proud Boys. Boys are the right word for them! If you need a gun to be a man, you aren't much of one! They are a sorry lot. Unfortunately these are dangerous dumb asses.

Why are we even talking prison terms? That's NOT the way to deal with insurrectionists & traitors! They should all be hanged or shot starting with Trump along with anyone within the Capitol walls who aided them! -- That's exactly what they planned for all opposing them!!! Journalists and the media were actually referred to as "soft targets".

Trump didn't even step in and try to stop them as they searched the Capitol for his own Vice President to hang on their makeshift gallows outside! These are Banana-Republicans whose antics are straight out of a Third World playbook!

And did you notice that not one of these dupes was pardoned after doing the con's bidding? -- The joke is on you, SUCKERS!!!  LOL

First, they were idiot enough to give allegiance to a sleazy con like Trump rather than their own country. Second, these domestic terrorists didn't even wear masks while committing their crimes. And third, they took selfies! These cretins are too stupid to live anyway!!!

Plus they're deranged as well! -- Hillary Clinton never ran a child porn ring out of a pizza parlor!  It's naive to believe these wacko cultists can be deprogrammed. Any concept of unity with this half-wit scum is airy-fairy, pie-in-the sky nonsense! If they were dogs we'd shoot them!

But I seriously doubt they'll ever receive what they truly deserve. Biden has the same flaw as Obama, he's too nice! And that just doesn't cut it when dealing with people of this caliber. Unfortunately it places Biden and the current administration as well as journalists and others under constant danger. This is unacceptable!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2021



Since I don't own a cellphone to take selfies for social media, every birthday that ends in a 5 or a 0 I have a professional portrait taken. And one with a tremendous zero was fast approaching!

I hired Photos by Martina. She is a beautiful woman who looks more like someone who should be walking a runway in Paris or Milan rather than behind a camera. I first met her 10 years ago at a Business Networking Luncheon.

I was delighted to learn that her home studio is only minutes up the road from me. Martina told me that her sister lives in my neighborhood. Well this gave me pause!!! -- I sure hope she wasn't that woman with Trump's name plastered all over her body who knocked on my door. The one I swore at and told to get off my property!

Moving right along, before my photo session another tooth cracked and broke off. I couldn't get a dentist appointment until 2 days after the shoot. Fortunately it was a back tooth but still visible when I smiled wide. I had to constantly remember to angle my head so it wouldn't show.

After the updated photo was posted on Facebook I deleted the majority of my photo albums there. I left ones from business networking luncheons, plus a few from the 80's and my childhood. I want to put an end or at least reduce strangers snooping! Other than what's posted on my Timeline no one has any business going there. Yet plenty do and it always creeps me out!

I can't fathom a person whose life is so dull and empty they would need to ferret thru a total stranger's photographs. Plus I don't like pushy or nosey people!!! The excuse always given is, "I wanted to see what you are all about." That's B.S.!  If they were honestly interested they would be reading my blog, not going thru my photos!

Well this is a brand new year, new decade, thankfully we have a new and improved President, and I just hit age 70 last week so I'm starting fresh from here! In my life at least the past is over and gone!

I'm working on a new novel (a supernatural thriller & mystery) I hope to publish in 2021.The plot consists of several stories within a story, but it all ties together at the end.

I'm keeping the previous photo on my business page because it looks more authorish.  -- That's not a word, but it should be. This is the photo I will use on the book cover.

Finally I made a sacrifice I was avoiding! I cut my newspaper delivery to Wednesday & Sundays only to save money. I read it online the rest of the week now and this is an adjustment. I miss my pre-dawn stroll out to the end of my driveway in the fresh morning air along with spreading the pages out on the floor and reading them under my bedroom window. But at least I'm left with 2 days for that.

Thankfully the online version has larger print and is easier on my now impaired vision. That's one good thing! Besides all the flashes, floaters, and the big shadow in my left eye; I now have 2 more floaters to drive me straight up the walls! One is high up on my left eye & is always flying around like an annoying gnat. The other flashes across my right eye like a comet.

Seems I'm spending most of my time (too much) online now.

I'm just hoping there won't be numerous power outages in the coming year and beyond. But then, this is Vero Beach where they refuse to bury the lines, so I'm not optimistic. That's one thing that will probably never change!

And the mystery of the Egyptian Mau has been solved! The kitty belongs to a new neighbor.