
Tuesday, August 3, 2021



Fully vaccinated, I had just gotten used to putting on lipstick again. And I was debating whether or not to hang onto all my masks. I decided to save them in the event of another deadly virus. I figured the way the world is going there's bound to be another before I'm dead.

Then I learned the current virus wasn't going away, especially here in Florida thanks to our big Trump turd governor, that fool DeSantis! The idiot is even selling merchandise reading "Don't Fauci my Florida!"

I want a T-shirt that reads "Don't DeSantis our cemeteries, signed the state of Florida!"

But what can be expected of a governor who eagerly licks the ass of the biggest con man the United States has ever known!

Not that long ago I recall Donald Trump labeling the Covid virus a hoax. If a loved one of mine died of it during that time I'd be suing him!!! -- It's a mystery to me why someone isn't.

How can anyone be so gullible as to buy into Trump's lies? I can't imagine! Nor can I imagine any citizen who would put party over country and yet they are out there in staggering numbers!

Those who participated in the January 6 insurrection are traitors and should be treated as such!!!-- No slap on the wrists, at the very least hard prison time and even that is too lenient!!!

But I must remind myself that a bright side exists; unlike the start of the lockdown in March of 2020 I now have a large collection of masks to choose from. Although fully vaccinated, I'll start wearing one again.

And I'll continue to vote in every election, nothing will stop me!!!  DeSantis, I intend to do everything I can to make sure your days in office are numbered!!!

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