
Saturday, December 22, 2012


Whew! So far the 1000 ft tidal wave traveling 1000 mph hasn't claimed me, nor have I burned up in a gigantic solar flare. -- But that doesn't mean it still won't happen! The psychic couple I knew did say the polar shift would occur on an INEXACT date... I just hope I'm already dead from natural causes by then. I'm over 60, so that could be any day now.

If the shift happened, my dear friend Rose & I had decided to meet for Christmas on Mars. Rose thought Venus might be more appropriate because we are both women. But from what I've heard, the surface sounds too much like Hell; flames & molten lava and all that!

Besides, I've always felt that I lived on Mars in a previous incarnation eons ago. -- Hey, you don't really think Earth is my 1st rodeo, do you! Well, neither was Mars! Back in 1987, on a visit from the elderly psychic couple, they made me stand in different directions with my arm extended until I felt a magnetic sensation in my hand. They said it connected me to my home planet, beyond the Milky Way. The spot was marked with tape on the floor so I could find it again.

I don't know if any of that is true, but I would like to believe it is. They swore my home planet is everything I hoped it would be. It's the place I go between lifetimes. But I can't get there by way of suicide. -- Bummer!

Fortunately, I'm not ready for the trip, yet. I want to turn 62 in January! There is so much unfinished business here. So many things I'm looking forward to in the near future.

After the holidays, Rose & I will get together for lunch, probably at The Patio restaurant. They have the best Creme Brulee I've ever tasted! Also I'm really excited about the new book coming out later in 2013. And I've got ideas for another one after that!

Since the Earth wasn't destroyed this holiday season, my friend will enjoy Christmas with her family in Texas. And I'll celebrate here, with my beautiful tree in the home I love.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


The dreaded date of Dec. 21, 2012 long prophesied as the end of the world as we know it, is rapidly approaching.

A lady I know has a birthday on that date. -- At least she won't have to worry about getting any older! (hee hee) She complained that no one could come to her birthday celebration because they're all attending End-of-the-World parties.

Well, I'm going to have my own private celebration here. Except mine will be the day before! I'm really nervous about the Dec. 21 date. Watching all those Apocalyptic specials on the History & National Geographic Channel is enough to give you sheet-chewing night terrors!!!

On a bright summer afternoon when I was 6 yrs. old, a family friend from out of state came for a visit. (Someone my father called a nut.) As we sipped our tea, he casually informed us that the world was coming to a fiery end in my lifetime. Humankind would be forced to start all over again.

I was terrified! I became obsessed with this... Then I started to wonder if it had all happened before. Perhaps there had been other advanced civilizations before us! In my teens I heard of the legendary continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. I was intrigued by them and learned everything I could.

During my mid-30's, I became friends with an elderly psychic couple. They claimed that most of us had existed in both places at least once in previous lives. These continents actually had more advanced technology than we do today. But their devices turned against them and everything was destroyed. All because they became corrupt and their technology exceeded their spiritual development. -- It sounds a bit too familiar for comfort when I look at our world today.

Back in 1987, this couple accurately predicted events in my life. Events that are happening right now! But most disturbing, they claimed there would be a polar shift early in the next century. It would change the entire face of the map. One of the signs would be frequent extremes in the weather. -- This is why I am more than a bit concerned! However, they did say it would be an INEXACT date. I find that only of mild comfort.

I can't help but snort with laughter at the doomsday prep crowd. If there is a polar shift, they are going to die just like the rest of us. No place on earth will be safe! Even if there are survivors, I wouldn't want to be in the world remaining, certainly not at my age!

Just in case, I'm planning to enjoy my Christmas early on Dec. 20. (Bet'cha I'm not the only one!) I'm going to eat everything I love and watch as many of the 80 movies on my DVR as I possibly can! My only regret is that I didn't buy a TV with an 80 inch screen. I can't really afford it, but hey, it's not like I'll be outliving my money. -- I want to die as I lived, alone and happy!

Of course I'm hoping it's all baloney. I'm enjoying my life now more than ever! Plus I have a new book coming out in 2013. I'm already writing promotional speeches for the local business networking events.

To all my friends reading this, if the Mayan calendar proves correct, see you on the other side Dec. 22!

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I spend the entire day after Thanksgiving erecting my Christmas tree. It's a huge artificial one and a big job for a single person. I place it atop a small but sturdy table with a foot high angel on top. I need that height because of my cathedral ceiling. So I'm forced to do lots of balancing on a ladder and that always makes me nervous. I've had a few close calls that made me cuss like a cable TV star. Several times I swore that would be the final year! However, when I view the end result, it always seems worth the trouble. It just wouldn't feel like Christmas without that tree!

For awhile now, the trend seems to be all white lit trees. This is what my neighbors have displayed in their windows every year. When I was growing up, only dentist offices and other commercial buildings had that kind. Only colorful lights go on my tree, they just look more festive.

A Christmas tree in November is too soon for many people, but I have longer to enjoy it. -- And enjoy it I do! During the holidays I take all my meals on the formal table under the chandelier, and that includes breakfast. There, I have a magnificent view of the tree. I get up at 6:00 AM while it's still pitch dark. My lighted tree looks especially lovely. The sun is just beginning to rise as I start the dishes.

The saddest day of the year is the one after New Year's, because the tree comes down. It's also the most hazardous! I'm back to balancing on that ladder. Plus the tree snaps together far easier than it pulls apart. I've experienced a number of casualties and learned the hard way to remove anything breakable in the surrounding area, except for perhaps myself.

A former neighbor with whom I had more than a waving acquaintance, enjoyed a glorious view of my tree from her house. She told me how much she and her husband miss it after it's gone. I told her I was getting older and didn't know how many more years I'd be up to the job. I expected her to say, "Hey, Leo & I are just next door give us a call if you need help!" Instead, she glanced at my tree and with a sigh replied, "Oh it looks like you've got it down to a science." -- A couple years later, she hinted that she wanted my help moving to another house. I just ignored her.

My friend Pat, up in north part of the state, suggested that I just leave my tree up all year. "You're alone," she reminded, "you can do things like that!"

If my house was more isolated, I might consider it. However, my neighbors already think I'm strange, I don't want to do anything more to feed into that. Also, I want my Christmas seasons to feel special, even if it involves risking my life and property.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Just last month, I found myself between new neighbors on both sides. I live in a subdivision outside the city limits. Up until 1960, my family moved around a lot. After coming to Florida in 1952, we settled briefly in the boonies. Shortly after, we became friendly with a widow & her daughter several miles down the highway. Both became as close as family. This relationship lasted thru several of our moves, including one to another town.

Here, on my little half acre lot surrounded by neighbors, I have nothing beyond a waving acquaintance with any of them. I love my house, but I never wanted to be a part of a neighborhood again after leaving our river front home Stuart.

During the last 10 yrs., we endured more serious problems with neighbors there than the previous 29! However, the neighborhood started to dramatically change in the late 70's as the wealthier people began to move in. Our property taxes began to climb, eventually forcing us out.

You can't control who moves in next door or what they do with their property, even if it affects you directly. If you are fortunate enough to have a great neighbor at some point either they are going to move or die off. -- As to what you get next, it's always a gamble!

Here, the neighbors were far friendlier when my father was alive. Well, they sure distanced themselves fast after he died! Even my father would have been shocked!

Friends tell me it's because I'm a single woman. I'm inclined to agree. Married women seem to think I want to seduce their ugly husbands. Some are almost paranoid about it! Therefore the husbands are unfriendly because they don't want trouble with their wives.

Never mind that I am significantly older than most of them. Knowing the nature of men, I can't imagine a man leaving a young wife for a woman of my years, no matter how well preserved. Unless of course the old woman has a boatload of money. And I do not fit into the later category! -- It must be awful to be that insecure in your marriage!

My close friend Margaret, (a former professional dancer) kept her shapely figure into her 80's and dressed in trendy clothes right to the end. She lived in a place with those of similar age and was avoided like a disease! I remember her telling me about an experience with a new next door neighbor. While walking her little Yorkie, she introduced herself to him as he worked in his front yard.

"You'll have to come to our next barbecue," he told her. "I cook the most delicious burgers you'll ever taste!"

Two weeks later, she watched from her porch as one neighbor after another showed up for the barbecue. "My feelings were hurt!" Margaret exclaimed. "No one invited me!"....Later, she approached her neighbor and asked why she wasn't invited.

"Talk to my wife about it," he replied.

Oh I can relate to so many of her experiences!

Neighborhoods are a lot like High School. You have the popular people, their ass kisser wannabes, and the outcasts in the margins. -- Anyone seen as different or unusual is shunned.

After we put our house up for sale, I told my father I didn't want any neighbors in socializing distance! My father insisted it was too dangerous. We needed neighbors for safety, especially me, since he was getting old and I would soon be alone.

Geez, if someone murdered me with a hammer, my neighbors wouldn't know until they heard it on the evening news. They probably wouldn't even remember who I am. -- That's why I booby-trap the inside of my house and keep weapons (gun, knives, a baseball bat & a pair of handcuffs) hidden various spots in my bedroom.

I'd rather have taken my chances living alone in some remote area. As far as I'm concerned, the best neighbors are trees!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Recently, I saw the movie CLOUD ATLAS. I enjoyed it, although I found it too long and too fragmented. The amazing make-up on the actors and their transformations alone, made it worth seeing.

I think the premise had to do with reincarnation and how we are all interconnected, because love transcends death. -- Well that's just a load of bull! -- Whatever love there was in my family didn't even survive this lifetime!

I'm a believer in reincarnation, but I've never believed human beings are intrinsically good. There is too much evidence to the contrary!

Of course the role of religion is to get people to behave by scaring them with a hellish eternal punishment or promising a big payoff in the hereafter. Otherwise, I guess most wouldn't even try!

At least with karma, lessons can be learned over time. Eventually souls can be cleansed and move on to a higher level. I've been told by those in the know, that people come back in clusters. We are surrounded by the same group each time. -- I find that thought truly distressing! Oh God, please, I want a different cluster!!! Also I don't want to be reunited with any of those people in death.

Several decades back, I saw a TV interview with Bette Davis on 60 MINUTES. Now I have never been a fan of Ms. Davis either as an actress or a person. Usually she turns me off big time! But she said something quite profound, that I've always remembered. To paraphrase her, "Given enough time, any relationship will break down. What is truly important in life is the body of work we leave behind." When you stop to think about this, it's true! Although we are brainwashed to think the opposite.

I know so many women who feel diminished if they are not in a relationship with a man. -- I've always felt more empowered! The happiest and most fulfilling days of life emerged when I became one hundred per-cent alone. The men who wanted a relationship with me seemed too much a stifling extension of my parents. I felt suffocated! I'm free at long last to make my own mistakes, rather than be forced to live with the consequences of someone else's.

There's a true story about a fellow in a hospital bed who opened his eyes and saw all his dead relatives gathered around him. He sat up and hollered, "Get the hell away from me! I'm not going anywhere with you!" -- My sentiments exactly!

In my version of Heaven, I'll be one hundred per cent alone. My real friends can visit from time-to-time. But mostly, I want solitude, surrounded by beautiful nature and animals.