
Thursday, April 20, 2023



I've reached THAT point! Friendships are dwindling. Either they're dying off, moving away, or distancing themselves due to political differences. Plus the pandemic along with runaway inflation have all accelerated my isolation.

Although I must confess I am not unhappy. Life has been better, but it's also been much worse.

The days of the week just as the seasons here in Florida are blurring together. When I awaken in the morning I have to ask myself: Is today Tuesday or is it Thursday, or maybe it's Wednesday?"

Just as my parents before me, I suffer from fractured sleep. Around 2:00 PM after programming my DVR I toss my head back on the recliner and close my eyes, within seconds I'm unconscious! When I awaken sometimes I think it's the following morning and I've spent the night there; when in fact only a half an hour has passed.

When did I become this old? Age only bothers me due to all the miserable side effects.

On the plus side, I do enjoy the quiet and solitude. It's beautiful! Not to mention having a schedule that belongs entirely to me. That is truly wonderful!

Sunday, April 9, 2023



Ponce de Leon discovered Florida around Easter time when our spring flowers were in full colorful bloom. He called this "La Florida" the Land of Flowers. An aging Ponce searched in vain for the fabled Fountain of Youth rumored to be here. Sadly, he never found it and neither have I, nor anyone else.

My previous home (an hour's drive south of here) was overlooking the St. Lucie River. The river was a mile wide behind our home, plus we could see for long miles in each direction. Our view was jaw-dropping in its magnificence!

I read someplace that Ponce de Leon sailed up and down the St. Lucie River. Back then, this whole area was part of the old Spanish Main. How wonderful it would be to glimpse the past for just a few minutes!

Later, I'll be celebrating Easter with a dinner of coconut-crusted tilapia, Spanish rice, buttermilk biscuits with honey butter, deviled eggs made with lemon-dill aioli; & for dessert Florida's famous Key Lime pie; all to be washed down with strawberry-lemon tea.

As with nearly every other holiday I'll be dining at the formal table under the chandelier. But first, I'll enjoy movie from my DVR library. Today is special!

Saturday, April 1, 2023



Bible studies were right up there with history & science when I was in elementary school back during the 1950's. Every morning after the pledge of allegiance came a passage from the bible followed by a discussion with the teacher.

Plus nearly every month we piled into the auditorium for further lessons; an elderly woman with cardboard figures along with a large board entertained us with stories from the bible. I must admit I enjoyed these; although sometimes I was left puzzled as were many, particularly by one age old question.

The first humans Adam & Eve had only two children originally, but after Cain became a pariah Eve gave birth to another son, Seth.

After killing his brother Abel, Cain took a wife. Okay, so where did she come from? Adam & Eve produced only sons!

My mother insisted this is no mystery. She claimed God created other people after Adam & Eve, although it's not stated in the bible.

A teacher claimed that other humans existed on the earth at the same time but were bereft of souls. -- I thought everything had souls according to the bible even the rocks and trees.

A religious friend said Cain, Abel, & Seth had sisters. I pointed out that none are mentioned in the bible. And besides, isn't that incest? The friend declared that if you're the first of your kind then incest is not a sin.

I wasn't buying into any of that! I'll admit I'm not religious, but I believe that I've solved this mystery along with others. Actually the answers are quite obvious if you think about it.

The three sons weren't born until after Adam & Eve were driven out and banished from the Garden of Eden. Remember, someone else was out there lurking in the wilderness. -- Lilith, Adam's first wife who rejected him. Plus she was quite the bitch and a slut.

Unlike his dad, Cain was a bad boy and Lilith probably found his young offspring hot. Cain must have mated with Lilith, the only existing option. Of course she was older than his mother, but any port in a storm, right? As with Cain's mom, Lilith was still young enough to be fertile.

We all sprang from the loins of a murderer and an evil wanton woman. This explains a lot about human nature. The apple doesn't rot far from the tree.

You can bet that before Cain, Lilith was busy copulating with ape-like hominid troglodytes and even got kinky with a visiting space alien or two. Believe me, she was the exactly the type that would! Adam was too tame for her. Anyway, this explains how Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, and the missing link came onto the scene.

Later the offspring of Lilith & Cain copulated with their hominid hybrid half-siblings. And this is how cave people came to be.

Eventually, a good and decent human came into being (a recessive gene) Noah. By this time the world was in desperate need of a major reboot.

As torrents of rain fell and the great flood was covering the earth the original children of Lilith (Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti) went deep underground; sheltered and protected by the reptile people with whom they are allied. Later, when the forests were restored they returned to the surface. But that's a theory for another blog post.

Now that I've solved and explained this, I hope it clears up a lot of questions in other's minds.

You're welcome!