
Friday, November 11, 2016


Recently, we had the choice between a really bad candidate and the worse one ever to run for office. Hillary was just running for President, but Donald was running for King! Unfortunately, the latter won! And we are liable to end up with a $#)1@%! dictator!!!

Oh yeah, I'm constantly told about the safeguards that will prevent this from happening. But sleazy Don is the type to subvert these. He's already bragged about making politicians do whatever he wants with bribes.

Geez, can't someone poison him and his whore (PENCE not Melania) before he takes office. This man is VILE in neon letters and dangerously unqualified to for the office!

Calling Hillary crooked, coming from this nefarious creature is hillarious! OK, so the kettle is dirty, but the pot is caked with scum. Trump belongs in jail, not the White House! He's just a skillful flim-flam artist.

To those who voted for him to see change; OH YOU'LL SEE IT, you ignorant bastards & bitches, but it won't be anything good! You are sheep and he is a jackal! you are just too dim and deluded to see it!!! It's bad enough we've lost our moral compass. But how can anyone be stupid enough not to see thru Donald Trump. Just look at his history! He's so transparent!

I believe there is plenty more yet to emerge concerning him. Let's hope decency prevails and he ends up being impeached. And remember he's old, maybe he'll have a stroke and croak. (My fingers are crossed!) Plus I'm making a voodoo doll.

I remember the morning of the election. I got a phone call at 8:30 AM. I answered because I was meeting my friends Marie & Priscilla later for lunch and figured no one else would be calling me during that hour. Anyway, it was someone stating that I was a finalist for a million dollar prize in a sweepstakes I'd entered online. "I'm serious," the man said, "We need info, here."

I've received calls such as this before and was suspicious. Also I've won 4 sweepstakes prizes in my life and was never phoned. I asked him the name of the sweepstakes.

It was one I'd never heard of, much less entered!

"You probably have forgotten," he said.

I told him I was busy. "Can't you send me an email?" I asked.

"This will only take a few minutes," he assured me.

"I'm BUSY!" I hollered into the phone!

 He hung up.

After returning from lunch, I checked my Inbox. Guess what I found, an email stating I'd won $800,0000. -- but I needed to provide info. To be 100% sure, I consulted my Tech man, Jake.

"Bad news" he said.

Straight to Spam it went!

I see a parallel between my 8:30 AM phone call and Trump's win. Both appealed to base instincts; making big empty promises, while clandestinely seeking to take advantage. And from the election results I see we are Sucker Nation!!!

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