
Monday, July 25, 2016


Dentists throughout the Treasure Coast have a nickname for me. I’m the “Saliva Pit!” I’ve been called this so often it could be in my obituary. Often, I hear comments like, “OMG! Get a pool man in here!” or “Someone turn off this fountain!”

My saliva glands run on overdrive. And no, I don’t spit when I talk, not anymore than you!

On the plus side, dentists often marvel at the immaculate cleanliness of my teeth. I’m a fanatical flosser! Plaque contributes to heart disease and I can’t afford to do any hospital time! So if I eat a piece of fruit or just a cracker, I automatically brush and floss afterward. Frequently I’m told to limit my brushing to 2 minutes and use less enthusiasm.

On my 2 recent trips outside the country I was forced to neglect much of my dental routine. This bothered me tremendously! My friend Rose and fellow traveler to South America, told me not to worry so much. “Some people only brush their teeth once a day,” she informed me.

“Well I don’t care to know anyone like that!” I replied. “They’re disgusting!”

Plus MY teeth are really expensive!!! Most of the visible ones are crowns. Those fracture easily and are crazy expensive to replace! Plus I have bridges on each side and they aren’t cheap to replace, either! That’s just one more reason I should expatriate.

My 1st smile make-over was back in 1998, the dentist assured it would last for at least 20 years. LIAR! Those crowns cracked within FIVE! This dentist left the clinic shortly after the work was completed. My father called it a money-grubbing place because they were constantly jacking up the price!

Soon afterward, we were living in Vero Beach and I had a mouthful of cracked crowns. Within a year, my father suffered a stroke. The following one, he was dying of cancer. The crowns had to wait.

A year after my father passed, I let my regular dentist replace the crowns. (BIG MISTAKE!) My nickname for him became Dr. Rabbit Fetish! He was a big fan of the seagull wing look. To my eyes, it was more the bunny-rabbit look! The temporary plastic crowns I was given were extremely unflattering, to say the least!

I thought surely I must be the victim of a prank and a hidden camera was trained on me! Not only were they hideous, they were HUGE! I looked exactly like a Syfi mutant, a human-hare hybrid!!! I seriously couldn’t believe they’d allow me to walk out of there looking like that!!! I complained, but was reminded these were only temporary. Tired, I left! I’d just cocoon at home and keep my mouth tightly closed if I went out in public.

The following morning as I bit into my breakfast bagel they fell out into my plate! Quickly, I prepared for an emergency trip back. This was a bad hair day, so I tied a scarf and grabbed my dark sunglasses. As I turned the corner, I hit the brakes to avoid hitting a neighbor’s dog. She mouthed a thank you and smiled at me. I smiled back! Suddenly an expression of sheer horror emerged on her face. Then I remembered my 4 front teeth were missing!

“Do NOT put those hideous things back in my mouth!” I demanded when I returned to the clinic. This time I departed with a more flattering pair. But the first should have been a big red flag!

The porcelain caps I received were so identical, they looked like cut-rate dentures, nothing like my beautiful original crowns! I refused them and asked for the plastic ones back while I searched elsewhere. The dentist demanded I pay for them regardless. We argued and I feared he would send me out of there toothless! (I should have let him do just that and driven straight to a lawyer!) Under duress, I agreed to let him install the crowns. Afterward, I told him they looked like Dollar Store ones!

He said could make them look less identical and began creating spaces between the teeth. Well afterward they looked even worse! And this was not like a bad haircut that would grow back! These were permanently attached to my face! After all this time and expense I was back to being ashamed of my smile! I filed a complaint against him with the BBB!

At this point in time, I was still flush with inheritance money. Also this was before my staggering financial loss in G.M. Bonds that changed my life. Plus I HATED those crowns and felt sick every time I looked into a mirror! I avoided smiling and my confidence was eroding. They had to go!

I made an appointment with a prosthodontist, a woman.  She was more understanding. But there was a new problem, a fractured root in my right front crown! I needed an IMPLANT! This was another major expense! And for this, I needed another specialist, an oral surgeon.

Finally, at long last, early on a Saturday morning, the prosthodontist opened her office just for me. She, the oral surgeon and members of their staff, all showed up in shorts & T-shirts to complete the job. I was pleased with the result!

However, there was ONE problem, I had a ridge over the implant which not only appeared unnatural, but was a major food catcher! The prosthodontist said it was part of the abutment and she could remove it, but it would look worse. She sent me back to the oral surgeon. He said the only way to fix it was to replace the implant! Not having money to burn, I left. – A year later, the ridge fell off by itself and the implant looks perfect, now!

Recently on a dental visit, to my horror, I was informed that I had a torn eye in my mouth!!! Turns out this is dental slang for an abnormality in the back of my lower gum line. This abnormality is the reason for my delicate gag reflex.

Reluctantly, I have agreed to kiss suitors in the past, but warned them never to slip me any tongue or I’m liable to vomit down their throat! Some have ignored this, but thank goodness I am blessed with an overbite that no tongue can penetrate.

I absolutely love my reconstructed smile, again! And I must say it sure gets me more attention than I actually deserve, or want.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


LinkedIn, as we all know is a popular business site. But I could almost swear it’s a dating site! There’s a whole lot of flirting going on and it sometimes turns up in my Inbox.

First was the guy with the Italian name who wanted me to meet him south of town, “If you dare!” he added. He sounded just like bother to me. No thank you!

Recently, a fellow wanted to steal away in my suitcase on my trip to Thailand. Hahahaha! I travel Economy Class! At least it wasn’t the cargo hold, but just barely.

Oh and I can’t forget the guy who hurled a personal criticism my way early in our communication. He was fool enough to think I’d actually want more to do with him after that!

The most recent began with a complement about the smile in my photo. “It’s so beautiful”, he gushed, and “I bet you hear that all the time.” I told the guy it should be awesome for what it CO$T me and thanks for noticing. He kept emailing throughout the day with a lot more B.S. flattery to get into my panties.

And I emailed back. The attention is fun at first, but becomes tiring after awhile. It was getting late in the day.

“Tell me more about you,” he persisted.

I realized it was time to hit him with the double A-bomb. “I’m a 65 year old asexual,” I replied.  Then I shut down my computer for the day. Now it was dinner and TV time.

The following morning his final email awaited me. “Wow! You sure don’t look 65!” it read. He stated that he was 64. Then he went on to say his life would probably be easier if he wasn’t caught up in the sexual thing.

I emailed back that yes, I do look far younger than my age. I’ve led a clean life. It all boils down to self-respect which is sadly absent these days. Plus I’m a freak in more ways than one, but glad of it!

This time, there was no reply. Literally overnight I’d gone from being a fascinating colorful spirit in a world of gray (his words) to a non-entity! -- I believe it was my AGE rather than my lack of sexuality that did it!

Past experience has taught me that most men really don’t care about the latter. They seem to think they’re so irresistible and so much man they can change me. – They’re not and they can’t!

On my LinkedIn page, I have added that I’m a member of AVEN, Asexual Visibility & Education Network so these guys will get a clue and leave me alone.

Some people actually think that as an asexual I should do everything possible to dress down and make myself look unattractive. Sorry, (not really) I take pride in my appearance and I’m not about to sabotage myself just because you’re a hormone slave or just plain insecure!

Once, I was hit upon from LinkedIn by a man in his mid 40’s. Not mentioning my asexuality, I revealed my age, I could actually picturing him squirming as I read his shocked response. I was rather amused, it was cute. And I was willing to cut him some slack due to our age difference. However I was miffed after discovering he had terminated our connection afterward!

As for the 64 year old, I felt more insulted since this man was so close to my own age. Suppose I really was as young as he seemed to think, just imagine if he asked me out and I replied, “No thank you, Grandpa! You’re liable to fracture a hip opening a door for me.”

Just a few days before, to my shock and amusement, a bagboy at the supermarket actually flirted with this old fossil. (I’m a sharp dresser & look affluent despite the fact I’m not.) Perhaps he was looking for a Sugar Mama. Naturally to someone my age this kid seemed like a fetus. And I have no qualms about aborting fetuses. And I guarantee there will be NO Fetus & the Fossil blog in the future.

The thing I find most smarmy about men is that I-don’t-want-to-know-you-unless-there’s-something-in-it-for-me attitude. They are not into friend making with the opposite sex. And I have my good points besides the ones poking against my blouse.

I’ve had boyfriends. But I was never happy in any of those relationships. From my experience, romance is based on conquest, exploitation, and deceit; the antithesis of love. And nowadays women are expected to prostitute themselves just for a meal! To my mind, even if you are married to a man this does NOT mean he is entitled to your body. You are your own property!

This is why I treasure my female friends and prefer their company to that of men. I am accepted as just me. I’ve never been forced to explain or defend my asexuality. Plus we give gifts and do favors for each other all the time. But it’s out of the goodness of our hearts! No score keeping, nor any of that I-did-this-for-you, now- you-owe-me attitude. And among each other we are all ageless! These are ladies of quality and the only people I find worth caring about.

Friday, July 8, 2016


Florida should be called “The Skin Cancer State” especially for fair-skinned people like me. My skin doesn’t tan, it just burns and peels. So I need to be extra careful. My foundation make-up is sunscreen and that only! I’m also fond of broad-brimmed hats.

I live in Vero Beach the jewel of the Treasure Coast where the Tropics begin. The area is part of the old Spanish Main. Three Hundred years ago a fleet of Spanish ships all laden with treasure skimmed our coast and sailed directly into a severe hurricane. In the morning light of that July, the fleet was wrecked and lost in the depths of the Atlantic along with its treasures.

But the Spanish treasures turn up from time-to-time. Naturally, treasure hunters around the world are drawn here. Some have been quite successful; others have perished in the pursuit.

Imagine if modern beachgoers entered a time loop and suddenly discovered dead and broken bodies floating in the surf where they play or the sands where they lounge. And if the surviving Spaniards entered a similar loop they would likely find themselves floating in green slime as thick as guacamole. Recently, the Stuart beach was closed over the 4th of July weekend due to algae. Stuart is my old hometown just an hour south of Vero Beach.

This is beyond sad, it’s a disgrace! We have the wrong people in office! This toxic damage to the environment should be their No. 1 priority! Is their problem greed or are they just evil, perhaps both! Governor Rick Scott, I think you are a slimeball, muck for a schmuck! Please come to the Treasure Coast and take a swim in the waters off the Stuart beach.

I recall Senior Skip Day back in 1969.This was a perk of being a senior in my old High School. We all showed up for roll call that spring day and then headed out to the parking lot where we piled into cars. Our swimsuits under our clothes we headed for the Stuart beach for a full day of fun!

And FUN it was!!! Of course I was lobster red at the end of the day and my skin was peeling for a month afterward, but that day was worth it! Also my face and body were covered with even more freckles which I hated! And worse, I would be entering Junior College covered with these.

Later, when I entered the workforce with no time or interest in the beach, my freckles faded. I was happy to see them go and didn’t want them back!

My favorite time for swimming was always during the hours right before dusk when the sun is lower in the sky. But I’ve heard this is when the sharks are feeding. So I stopped.

Just last August I was swimming and shivering in the cold Pacific waters off the Galapagos Islands, nothing like our warm Atlantic summer waters here on the Treasure Coast! Perhaps I’m prejudice, but I think our beaches are prettier, too. Or at least they used to be before the green muck! – Heads should roll because of this, starting with our Governor!!!  He is widely hated here on the Treasure Coast for valid reasons. There should be jail time as well as steep fines for this shameful and inexcusable damage to our environment!!! My heart goes out to the marine life, these waters are their home and it’s been ruined!!!

Hopefully now that this issue has made the national news, those responsible will be forced to clean up this mess of their own making! Ugh!

Anyway, my Galapagos experience drove the point home that I am no longer a beach person. I really didn’t enjoy that part of the trip. And if I never set foot on a boat again, it will be too soon! As a child, my family owned a boat and I loved it!

I spent so much time on the beach growing up, I think I just O.D.ed on it! Now it’s high altitudes and mountain views that excite me. They feel more exotic, plus I enjoy a cool nip in the air. The Treasure Coast is a special area and its scenic beauty needs to be restored. But every place deserves to be protected from polluters!I love Vero Beach, but if I moved, I wouldn’t want to be anyplace near an ocean.

I carry an umbrella with me at all times. It also doubles as my sunbrella! Sometimes I receive odd stares from people and I want to scream, “Haven’t you fools ever heard of parasols!” The heat is brutal here and the sun’s rays are damaging!

Recently, I visited Ecuador & Thailand. In both countries, it is common to see women walking around holding open umbrellas on sunny days. In Third World countries people are savvier about protecting their skin.

To my mind, the only ones who look good in dark skin are those who are born with it. There is nothing wrong with being pale. I embrace it! Plus I love the firmness of my face at age 65. No crows feet here and I love to laugh!

Enjoy the beach if that’s your thing, but be wise about it. Stay out of algae infested waters and WEAR SUNBLOCK!



My fair visage

A polished alabaster

Not a Dracula pallor

Or chalky ghost white

Suntans often mutate

Into ruptures and furrows

As in cheap vinyl

Or old cracked leather

And the fate befalling Icarus

Not to mention or forget

The dreaded, deadly melanoma

So please refrain from snide observation

While I slather my sensitive epidermis

With UVA and UVB protection

Pale is better

Saturday, July 2, 2016


If you are what you eat, I’m now a plant. Others tend to regard me as a fruit or nut. But in the evenings I’m a couch potato. And when I’m all tarted up I’m one hot tomato!  LOL! -- OK, enough with the stale clichés!

Recently, I had a health scare. Since I can’t afford to do any hospital time, I’ve dramatically changed my diet; vegetables, fruit, lean proteins only. None of the yummy goodies I love! If I cheated, I was punished with pain!

My friend Marie, has been into nutrition and exercise for years. It shows! She’s in her 70’s and looks 50! Marie has a trim, curvy physique. And I mean actual curves, NOT rolls of fat out-of-shape women want you to think are attractive. Marie is fit! She is also into martial arts and can disarm an assailant with a weapon. In other words, she is one of the more awesome people on this planet.

She accompanied me while grocery shopping and pointed out the best choices for the most value.

My garage freezer was filled with pastry & ice cream. Every time I opened it, I became depressed. “Throw that stuff out!” Marie kept telling me. I told her I couldn’t bring myself to do it. That was tantamount to throwing away money! “If you keep seeing it, you’re going to convince yourself you can handle it and you can’t!” she insisted.  I pouted. “Eventually,” she continued, “you may get to a point you can, in small portions, occasionally, but you’re not there, yet!”

Two houses over, lives a family with plenty of kids, Catholics I’m guessing. I brought one of their teenage sons over, explained my situation and told him he was welcome to anything in my garage freezer. I even supplied bags. Of course he was happy! I returned to my miserable diet.

Total strangers used to scold me for indulging in desserts. “You are what you eat,” they’d say.

 “I’m sweet!” I’d reply.  And I’m still sweet! I like a spoonful of honey in green tea to make it palatable. Plus I like one in plain Greek yogurt mixed with cinnamon & walnuts.

During my last dentist visit I told the hygienist that I Googled my symptoms and was in a state of dire panic over what I found! “Don’t take anything Dr. Google says too seriously,” she advised, “it’ll just mess with your head.” 

However it was the Health Clinic that told me to go straight to the Emergency Room after I described my symptoms!

Well the results of my tests have been revealed. Whew! NO heart problems or diabetes! The later is a downright miracle considering my lust for sweets!

Plus I was concerned about the state of my bones. Twelve years ago I was told by a chiropractor that I had deterioration in my left hip. My mother suffered from osteoporosis. According to my tests, I’m at low risk and my bones are strong. Guess there’s lots of calcium in all that Ben & Jerry’s ice cream I was enjoying!

Seriously, after the chiropractor visit, I bought weights and started working out while watching the news. I also started skipping a step while climbing my stairs. And I made it a habit to use my left hand more when doing chores, working the left side of my body.

My current health issues stem from worsening neuropathy which is diet related. I’ve been doing a good job of controlling pain just by being careful what I eat. I still feel weird sensations in my feet right up thru my calves, but it doesn’t hurt.

During my doctor’s visit, I mentioned my diabetic brother who can eat anything he desires while on medication. “That’s the wrong path,” I was told. Since I’m not on medication, now, I should stay that way. Too many people rely on medication to solve their problems.

Several years ago, I was having lunch with a couple women my age. They began expounding upon all their medical issues, hospital stays, & medications. I felt out of the loop! “I have acid reflux,” I spoke up.  They glared t me as if to say, “That’s kid stuff, now shut up!”

Well guess what, my acid reflux is GONE! And I lived in dire agony with that for years! And I must say, I love the way I look. My tummy hasn’t been this taut since I was in Junior High. I can shop for snug clothes, again. I’m back! My skin looks even younger than it did before. -- Yes, go right ahead and hate me!!! I am proud of being as healthy as I am. 

Plus I’m never hungry! As long as I stick to this diet, I can eat as much as I want and never gain weight! Yes, I’d rather have potato chips & dip as a snack (and I can still have it as an occasional treat) but I must never allow it to become habit, again.

People have told me I’m lucky that my body gave me warnings and I had time to turn things around. Others aren’t so fortunate, I hear. But I think others do get warnings! They just choose to ignore them and live in denial or they just don’t want to make changes.

The doctor wants me to start taking GABA (a natural tranquilizer) for my anxiety. Honestly, I don’t feel I need it. I’m plenty serene and happy in my home where I spend much of my time. It’s when I get behind the wheel that the nerves really kick-in. -- But that’s a good thing! It keeps me alert!

Another BIG phobia of mine has always been public speaking. But now, I can stand up in front of a crowd at Business Networking events and perform live commercials. Yes, I feel tremendous tension, but I use that to energize me. I want to keep my anxiety and channel it. Now I control it rather than it controlling me. 

I’ll try the GABA, but it will be the lowest dosage possible.

It’s a relief to know I can’t die from neuropathy, but if I revert back to my old ways, I could still die of a stroke or heart attack. Even worse, I could end up in the hospital and that would ruin me financially.

I’ll continue being a plant, but only the ones that improve my life. However I can’t control everything!

Several years back a stray bullet from out of nowhere (the source was never discovered) pierced my neighbor’s screen and shattered their indoor fountain. From the angle it struck, it could have just as easily hit me standing in front of my mailbox! But I don’t allow anxiety to prevent me from living my life.

I still worry about the burning pressure I sometimes feel in my left arm. The doctor told me not to obsess about it, if I focus too much on something I draw it to me and it will happen. -- Well, I’m not so sure about that!!!

For decades now, I’ve been focusing mental energy, sending vibes streaming throughout the universe, LOTTO WINNER! PUBLISHER’S CLEARING HOUSE SWEEPSTAKES! BIG MONEY OVER HERE! THIS WAY! And I’m still waiting!

One more thing, I’m NOT flakey! Packaged breakfast cereal is out in the trash!