
Tuesday, June 18, 2013


For all of those reading this who are not old fogies, "AND HOW!" was an expression of extreme delight when I was growing up. In a recent blog, I stated that my bliss is defined not by what I lack, but what I have.

Well someone commented, "Careful of laying bliss at the doorstep of what you have, as what you have quickly turns into what you had."

Oh good grief!   Everything in life is temporary, anyway!

When I was a child, my father bragged there weren't 5 other men in town who pulled in his salary. Everything we owned was high-end. The year I turned 14 it was over. My Dad's boss was keeping 2 sets of books. My father was blindsided! Everything collapsed, our lifestyle was gone, never to return!

I've had the floor pulled out from under me more than once.

The man who made that comment could have a stroke tomorrow, or next year. He may end up dependent on someone else to feed him and wipe his behind for the rest of his life! Who knows what's around the corner.

If you are happily married and love your spouse, I've got news for you. At some point, one of you is going to die!  It's not a matter of if, but when.

The point is to savor your bliss while you have it!!!

Due to the high cost of gasoline, groceries, & everything else, I'm back to being a shut-in again. I'm currently co-authoring a book, while researching another. Unless I'm meeting friends for lunch or attending a business networking event, I rarely go anyplace.

However, I do enjoy my home, or as I call it, my woman's lair. To me, it is filled with joy in abundance! My life may seem dull to others, but to me it feels like Heaven.

Years ago, my group therapist told of a man who escaped a war-torn, third world country and got a job here sweeping floors. He said every day felt like paradise compared to the conditions under which he used to exist. I can understand.

I'd be lying if I said the future doesn't scare me. Inflation is only going to get worse. I can't afford health insurance, now. And thanks to the Republican Party and their Tea Potty scumbags, I'll probably never have it. I'm one serious illness or injury from living on the street!

So I won't be calling 911 should I feel a heart attack or stroke coming on. Better to be a cobweb-covered cadaver in a recliner, my choice.

Several Christmas's ago, as I was strolling thru the Mall, my spirit was soaring. Despite the holiday season, it was uncrowded. I treated myself to a movie and a meal at TGIF. I wandered about listening to holiday music, enjoying the festive atmosphere. Everything seemed so perfect, I just wanted to die at that moment! I wanted THAT to be my last earthly memory, before anything could ruin it....Of course I didn't die.

No one is ever ready to be elderly, especially when you factor in deteriorating health. They say it's better than the alternative, but how can you be sure? The afterlife is supposed to be wonderful! Most of the people who died and returned swear by it.

Since my parents drop in from time-to-time, I know they're not in Hell. Nor do I feel I am going there.

At this writing, I'm 62 years old. My mother died at 72. I don't know how much time I have left. But I'm aware it's growing short. 

I used to finish books that I just couldn't seem to get into, or movies that were boring, in the hope they'd grab me at some point. Now if I can't get into a book after a few chapters, or a movie after the first 20 minutes, I toss or delete and move onto something else. Nor do I squander time with people whose company I seldom enjoy. Time has become too precious to waste on such things.

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