
Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Gazing at my youthful 69 year old face in the mirror I say, "Coronavirus take your best shot!" Between all the healthy foods I force myself to eat and all the vitamins I take, if I catch that virus I'll kick its butt right out of my body! -- Of course those could be my famous last words. 

However I was self-quarantining before it was cool, social distancing is second nature to me, plus I carry hand-sanitizer everyplace and always have.

Since the outbreak of the virus I've also been taking apple cider vinegar pills 4 times a day to boost my immune system.

The only place I go these days is out for groceries and that's only because I'm too poor to have them delivered. And now with all these eye flashes & floaters I dread driving in the dark to be there when the doors open for senior shopping hour. Always I feel a big sense of relief pulling into my driveway afterward.

Otherwise, I'm doing fine here in my house alone. The people who aren't, are probably the ones who never learned how to entertain themselves.

I was the kid who went all thru public school without catching any of the childhood diseases. In fact when a measles epidemic broke out in the Fourth Grade I hated school so much that I actually licked the desk of an infected student hoping to stay home sick, but to no avail.

For me, this pandemic is an inconvenience but I've endured far worse. As a Floridian I've experienced plenty of hurricanes and several alone. I am certainly familiar with bare supermarket shelves! That's why I stock my hurricane pantry early in the season. However there are always last minute items, during the previous threat I was unable to find enough batteries for my lanterns & flashlights. -- But then, I remembered that I made it thru the 2004 hurricanes with only candles & matches.

What I don't understand is why the store shelves are being stripped bare of so many items now! This is not the zombie apocalypse! Who is buying up all this toilet paper? Nobody I know can find any! Attics and garages must be piled high since there are no basements in Florida. I never dreamed that toilet paper would become a luxury item in this country!

Most people in North America do not own bidets. I never heard of one until my 20's when I started traveling the world. And many in my travel groups didn't know what they were! Some thought they were for washing feet. I recall as a child our widowed neighbor renovated parts of his home for his new bride. She gave my mother a tour. Mom told us with astonishment about the master bedroom now having 2 side-by-side toilets. Dad joked it was probably so they could hold hands while sitting on the john.

And why is everyone buying bottled water? Don't these people having running faucets at home? -- It's not like the aftermath of a hurricane! Stores remain open, only with shortened hours. If not for all this panic buying there would be enough of everything to go around. The streets are free of debris, traffic lights aren't dangling in the wind and stop signs are up.

Plus I can sleep in my own bed and not a bathroom floor while ferocious winds are ripping my house apart outside. Still these are scary crazy times.

Now we have this Trump Virus! Remember, he dismantled Obama's Pandemic Response Team and cut funding to the CDC. Not to mention all the precious time wasted by calling it a hoax! So now we have shortages and people are dead and dying because of him.

Oh and now he has declared himself a "War President"! What do you want to bet he'll use this as an excuse to remain in office even if he is voted out! Plus he's willing to cheat and buddy up to any dictator who can help him stay in office.

Personally, I think Trump and his entire corrupt and cultist administration should be dragged out by their tongues, tarred & feathered and paraded down the streets to be spat upon. Of course that will never happen, but a gal can dream.

All anyone can do is try to make the best of the situation and wait this out. Be grateful there's electricity and internet access.

I'm enjoying my DVR library and books with overhead lighting to read them. My refrigerator & garage freezer are stocked with food and all 3 ovens: Micro, Toaster, & the big one are all working. Also there is garbage pick-up. This should feel like a vacation compared to the aftermath of a hurricane!

Still it's depressing not to be able to jump in my car and see a movie on the big screen. Also I miss meeting friends for lunch. We are all senior citizens (High Die Category) and must be especially careful.

If this situation drags on, my friends and I will be buying tissue, soap, hand-sanitizer, & cleaning supplies (if we can find any) as Christmas & Birthday gifts. Back in 2004 all those scented candles really came in handy!

I worry about a major appliance breaking down and not being able to get a repair person out here. The average life of a refrigerator is 12 years and my fridge is 18.

A new hurricane season will soon be upon us. Signs are pointing to it being active one.

 We desperately need a different leader in the White House and not this pompous fool who is now trying to buy our votes with those Trump checks. Isn't that (GASP! Get me the smelling salts, I'm clutching my pearls) SOCIALISM!!!

This pandemic won't last forever. As surely as it came, one day it will be gone.  But life will be altered forever just as it was after the 2004 hurricanes, only this time it will be the entire world. Let those changes be positive ones!

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