
Monday, April 13, 2020


Easter Sundays for the most part are enjoyable but forgettable. The ones that stand out are memorable usually for the wrong reasons. This will be such a one due to pandemic occurring outside.

Even in normal times never do I get together with relatives for holidays; most are dead and the ones who aren't live in other states. Plus I have no husband or family so there's no taking any grandkids to see the Easter Bunny or on egg hunts. I don't go Easter brunches in restaurants because I can whip up an amazing and tasty one right here at home to be enjoyed in serenity and peace. In other words, if I had more money my life would be perfect.

And I never attend church because I don't believe in formalized religion. I see God more as a cosmic consciousness.

My friend Marie phoned to inquire as to how I'm doing here alone. I told her that life for me isn't that different from before. Except that now I only come out of my lair to grocery shop.

Fortunately I bought all the items for my Easter dinner a month ago. Despite being out of fresh fruit & vegetables I've vowed not to grocery shop for at least another week or two. Shopping has become too nightmarish and risky.

Nor do I own a protective mask. I can't get my hands on one! April 2 I ordered some from Amazon. On April 8 I was informed that they would be arriving May 26 --June 16. Good grief! The quarantine may be over by then; but in the meantime I'll probably need to shop. Had they told me this upfront I wouldn't have wasted my money! Now I'll be wearing my scarves bandit style.

Thankfully at the moment I'm well stocked and in no danger of starving. I'm now into all the canned & frozen stuff. Recently I discovered a big bag of shredded potatoes in the back of my garage freezer that I'd forgotten about. I became as excited as if I'd stumbled upon a pirate's bag of gems!

Inside my house I am happy despite what's occurring outside.

My Easter dinner was beautiful and felt special. I enjoyed a chicken breast stuffed with veggies in orange sauce served over jasmine-coconut rice with a side dish of chickpeas. For dessert I ate a colorful piece of rainbow cake. Everything was washed down with coconut-flavored tea.

It was my last meal on the formal dining table under the chandelier until Thanksgiving. Till then it's back to my kitchen table. Hopefully in November the virus will be a memory.

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