
Saturday, October 26, 2019


A perfect night for Netflix and a pizza delivery, read the post on Facebook.  --  For me, that would be a movie from Redbox and a frozen pizza. I'm not complaining, I can transform a frozen pizza into an epicurean delicacy! My fridge and pantry are filled with delicious ingredients and I am far more generous with toppings than pizza parlors.

And this is October, Halloween month! Even though I no longer dress up or hand out candy I still celebrate with indoor decorations. Also I put black sheets on my bed and am now using my black china set along with my pumpkin-shaped teapot. Plus I can wear my October shoes, the high-heeled, black lace-up ones with the high purple fins in the back that I purchased from the Pyramid Collection.

Scary movies during Halloween week are the perfect combo! And I have plenty from which to choose! Except I'm never really frightened by them. But I came across one DVD last May which actually did and just from the title alone!

In a Thrift Store I found it, package intact, unopened titled: September's Fury 2004 Hurricane Documentary. That year was one for the history books. Florida was hit by 4 hurricanes!!! Here on the Treasure Coast we were hit by 2: Frances & Jeanne 3 weeks apart to the day.

My friend Margaret who lived in the center of the state was hit by all 4! Unlike here, Margaret's electricity never went out once!

"You missed out," she told me, "because you couldn't watch the storm or the aftermath on TV."

I replied that all I had to do was look out my window or drive around to see the damage left behind!

The memory remains vivid and horrifying to me because I know it could have been far worse, especially with Cat 4 & 5 storms becoming the new normal.

I debated with myself whether or not to purchase that DVD, hurricane season would be starting in just days. I decided to buy it, but vowed not to watch it until December after the end of the season.

October also marks the anniversary of 2 major deaths in my life. My father passed Oct 16, 2001 and my mother Oct. 17, 1987. Both died of colon cancer that spread into the liver. And I've had visits from both afterward along with others. If you're familiar with my blog you know this and also that I had a strained relationship with my parents. Death hasn't changed that.

In all honestly, I haven't seen them, but they let me know they were around. Here is just one example: I was preparing dinner and placed a cookie bar on a plate. I walked away and when I turned, the cookie bar was standing on its end. As I stepped toward it, it dropped back onto the plate.

I told myself, "No, I didn't really see that!" Yet I did! Then I tried to position the cookie bar as I'd seen it, but found that impossible. And I've been physically touched a number of times. I can give you plenty of other examples of strange occurrences as well.  

My friend Margaret once told me that her parents, both university graduates and devout Christians used to entertain guests by placing their fingers on tables and making the tables dance. She said one woman fled in horror accusing them of consorting with spirits.

Over the years, a number spirits (not just my parents) have tried to consort with me. I assure you that I am no more psychic than the average person. However, other average people have confided to me of paranormal experiences after I'd shared mine. Others swore they'd never tell anyone for fear of the reaction. I can well understand that!

Someone told me that single people in particular are targets of ghosts. I replied that people alone are targets period! Plenty of the live ones target us too!  With the latter, you must always keep your guard up. As for ghosts, treat them as you would a bully. Stand your ground and you take away more of their power each time.

Unfortunately with hurricanes your fate is determined by the whim of the wind. You have little control beyond boarding up or fleeing. Hurricanes as with many other forces of nature possess a catastrophic power, one that could take you life or destroy it forever, a distinct possibility and one that's chillingly terrifying!!!

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