
Friday, October 21, 2016


But I hoped to be wrong. I am hardly psychic. But I am a tasseologist, I read tea leaves for fun. Good thing, because my accuracy rate is way down there, about 20%. However, it may just be coincidence, but sometimes my predictions are right on target.

One morning weeks ago while the tropics were peaceful, I saw in my cup the image a major hurricane headed toward us!  It was so clearly defined, it left me shaken.

Later in the AM, my financial advisor Bob phoned and I told him what I had seen. (He is my witness!) Bob poo-pooed the notion. I agreed that I was probably just being silly. The Atlantic was so calm it seemed as if no more hurricanes would be on the horizon this season.

Shortly after, Matthew formed in the Atlantic and soon became a grievous category 4. Before long, it wrecked havoc and death in Haiti. But the charts showed it far to the west of Florida. However, in the days to come it began moving further to the east. Now it was predicted to move up the Florida coast. One model showed a direct hit here in Vero Beach as a Cat 4!

Suddenly I was in panic mode!

Four years ago, I asked my yard man if he would board me up in the event of a hurricane. “No problem,” he said, “I live close-by.” Hopefully, he hadn’t developed amnesia as a previous yard guy did. When I phoned him, I was told, “Sorry, I’m behind and I’m just too busy.” I inquired if he knew anyone else I could hire. He thought for a minute, and then replied, “They’re all busy, too.”

So now I would be facing a Cat 4 monster alone and unprepared!!!

The following day I had an appointment scheduled with my Tech man, Jake. Naturally I called to cancel. I inquired if he knew of anyone for the job. 

Jake asked about my neighbors.  NONE have offered in any previous hurricane! (I endured Wilma unboarded and watched a tree snap in half outside my window!) All of my neighbors are aware that I am a senior citizen who is physically incapable of this task!

And I posted on Facebook that I was desperate to hire someone! Despite 2 friends sharing my post no one responded. Then I read posts from other single women gushing exuberantly about how their wonderful neighbors were stepping up to help in their time of need. – Well my neighbors SUCK and ROT!

Jake phoned back. He and his pastor were coming to my rescue! The following AM they drove up in a church van from Port St. Lucie. Golden kudos to both and poison ivy, hornets, and curses to my neighbors!

Time was growing short; I dusted off my 2 battery-operated lanterns & radio from 10 years ago. My batteries were all from that period as well and no longer worked. I made an emergency round to all the stores. No D batteries were left and that’s exactly what I needed!

My friend Rose, brought me D batteries, plus a better radio & an extra flashlight. Unfortunately, my old lanterns no longer worked. But I got thru Hurricane Frances and the aftermath with just candles and a flashlight.

Rose wanted me to spend the hurricane in her extra bedroom. She has a generator, which I do not. However even in the worst of times, I’m more comfortable in my own home. Plus I can do damage control here. Rose took most of my frozen food to keep until after the storm. I was prepared to spend a week without electricity.

Stores ran out of bottled water, fast. Not a problem for me. Oh good grief! I just fill-up bottles of tap water ahead of time as well as my bath & laundry tubs. Buying water from a store just seems crazy to me! I think some people must have too much money.

I was so stressed over the hurricane; finally I took one of the doctor recommended GABA (natural tranquilizer) pills. All it did was sap my energy and make me tired. And there was much left to do!

I gathered up all my important papers and made sure they were water-proof. I packed clothes in plastic bags and brought them downstairs along with many other items.

My safe room with no windows and walls on 3 sides is my downstairs bathroom. I spent the night on the floor as in previous hurricanes.

The GABA had worn off and I would NOT be taking another! Should the worst occur, I wanted to be alert and able to react fast! -- I can’t fathom these people who get drunk during a hurricane. That’s the LAST thing they should be doing!

The electricity went out at 10:30 PM. Ferocious winds wailed and lashed my house along with deafening bangs. It sounded as if refrigerators were being forcefully thrown against my home as well as direct hits from cannon balls! It was a miserable, uncomfortable, horrible night.

Boarded-up without electricity, my house is spooky inside and the 30 ft cathedral ceiling adds an extra element of eeriness. Usually, I stay put on the bathroom floor. However after going thru so many hurricanes alone, I’ve gotten braver. This time I was constantly up, walking around and up & down the stairs with a flashlight checking for damage.

Also I was constantly glancing at my watch. All hell was supposed to break loose at 4:00 AM!!! At that very hour, I awoke. Strangely, everything seemed calmer. Perhaps it was the proverbial calm that arrives before a disaster. As I waited, I felt myself drift back to sleep.

When I opened my eyes, it was lighter and quiet. At that second, I heard the electricity come back on. This all seemed too good to be true and surreal. It felt like a miracle! I was actually able to prepare a cooked breakfast and my usual pot of tea. And I didn’t lose one screen on my long back porch! During the previous hurricanes all were shredded.

Upon reaching the Treasure Coast, Matthew lost strength, but still was a serious Cat 3! Fortunately it veered east sparing us the worst. When I see news reels of the destruction and flooding further north, I’m reminded that it could have been catastrophic, here. This time, we escaped by a hairsbreadth!

My house will remain boarded until November when hurricane season is officially over. In the meantime, it feels as if I’m living inside a mountain cavern. It’s dark and gloomy in here. But I’m taking no chances.

Outside, I’m in the process of having major repairs to my home unrelated to Matthew. The hurricane messed-up the scheduling. Right now life is crazy-busy here!!!

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