
Saturday, February 21, 2015


After I decide upon a country in which to expatriate, I don’t want to drag a lot of things with me. I’m sure the shipping costs will be high; so I’m selling as much as possible. Besides, I’ll need the money to help finance my new life.

I’ve already sold everything of real value to pay for repairs to my house. However, it has gotten to the point that I can no longer keep up. If I brought in another person to share my living space and expenses, I could probably stay. But given that choice, I’d rather move.

When my friend Margaret used to visit, she was a delight for about 3 days. After that, I wanted her gone and she wanted to leave.

Recently, I gathered up surplus clothes (all classic styles) and took them to a consignment shop.

Everything was rejected! They only accepted designer labels; NOT Sears, Metrostyle, or J.C. Penny! – The only time I’ve ever worn designer clothes is when purchased at a Thrift Store. And that was before they started charging extra for those.

These were beautiful things, all in perfect condition! I’ve always been fussy about what I wear. Strangers of all ages often stop to compliment my style and inquire where I shop.

Everything had been neatly folded inside a huge cardboard box, it was humiliating to see it tossed back like trash after being rejected.

Also inside was a pair of earrings in a blue, cloth-covered box. These were given to me 30 some years ago from a friend who took a job in another state. Someone brought them back for her from Beirut, only she never wore earrings. I thanked her and accepted them, although they were not my taste. So they remained in the back of a drawer for several decades. 

The lady at the consignment place took a special interest in these. They were probably worth something, she said. However, they couldn’t start an account for just one item.

So I took my big, cumbersome box out to the car and locked it. I had spent most of the morning at the courthouse applying for a new passport. I was dressed in a tailored jacket & skirt that day.

Earlier, I’d eaten little breakfast, I was hungry. So I went inside the French bakery/cafe next door. While I was placing my order a man came in. I heard him leave as I seated myself.

The clerk came to my table. “Did you know that man?” he asked.

My mouth full of food, I shook my head.

“He was staring at you the entire time. When I asked if I could be of service, he became uncomfortable and left.” Then added, “Be careful when you leave, there are weirdos out there.”

Thankfully, no suspicious characters were loitering about when I left.

The following afternoon, I remembered the items in my car. I went into my (enclosed) garage and brought the box inside, just to remove those earrings. Well they were gone!!! I tore that box apart searching for them.

I phoned the consignment shop to inquire if I’d left them behind. The lady remembered me and my items. She insisted she put them back inside the big cardboard box. -- I don’t remember seeing her do it, but then I wasn’t watching her that closely. I haven’t always been a good judge of character, but she didn’t come across as the type who would steal.

Now I wonder about that man! Perhaps they fell while I was lugging that big box out to my car. Maybe he picked them up and followed me to return them, but changed his mind.

All I know for sure is that the earrings have vanished!!!

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