
Friday, September 6, 2024



If happiness had a fragrance it would smell like popcorn. All the fun places sell it! Just a vague scent lifts the spirit bringing back wonderful memories of summers past.

For me, this summer has been busy, stressful, and costly! In this winter of my years, I prefer my summers uneventful, indoors and with air-conditioning.

An evening with popcorn plus a riveting movie feels like heaven to me. Unfortunately, this was far and few between over the summer, especially the latter.

I’m ready to OD on crime and court shows! Since I wasn’t into the Olympics that’s about all I found interesting that wasn’t a re-run.

However, during the day, I worked on my new novel. All of them would make entertaining movies, far more than many I’ve seen! And creating these gets my juices flowing, excites me and gives me something to look forward to.

And like movies, they take my mind off the fact I’m old, poor, and my health is declining.

Not to mention a crematorium is getting closer with every tick of the clock! I just hope I’m one hundred per cent dead when I’m thrown in the oven. – I’ve read of corpses coming back to life on the embalming table.

And corpses are not embalmed for cremation.

Perhaps I should state in my will that I want an icepick to the brain beforehand. And the morticians to throw popcorn into the oven along with me. That way at least I can enjoy the aroma while my life is flashing before me, or while I’m going into the light.

I’ve read that corpses of older people burn-up quicker than the young, and women faster than men.

There are days I feel as if I died tomorrow it would be a blessing. Life has just become way too complicated and expensive!

However, there’s the issue of an afterlife. – I don’t want one! I hope this is the end, period. The last thing I want is to be reunited with my dead relatives. And I tend to believe something happens to us after death. I’ve experienced ghosts and other weird phenomena I’ve only touched on in my blog.

Also, I believe in reincarnation since I’ve seen flashes of previous lives under autohypnosis. But I’m hoping these were just brain glitches. I don’t want another go-round on this planet.

Summer may be ending soon, but hurricane season is not! In fact, it’s ramping up! Due to climate change it lasts thru November now.

Plus, there’s the upcoming election! Right now, all I want is for hurricane season to be over and Donald Trump gone!

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