Actually, I’ve been back from Thailand for 3 months, now. My
trip was amazing! I saw astounding sights and experienced an abundance of
wondrous and marvelous things! Plus all of my guides made me feel as if they
took special care of me. This was an ISRAMWORLD ORIENT tour and I highly
recommend it!
I loved visiting
Thailand and enjoyed lots of fun, plus I made memories to treasure! The
architecture was spectacular and the shopping eye-popping! I survived 7 flights during that trip. But it was
worth every bit of the airline misery. And if the opportunity presented itself,
I’d go back in a heartbeat! -- But I don’t want to move there.
Living someplace is far different than visiting as a
tourist. But one must visit to learn. This is why exploratory trips are
I was hoping to fall in love with Thailand because I wasn’t
feeling it in Ecuador. I compare it to finding a mate online. Someone may
appear attractive and sound appealing, but then on a date you discover they
have dirty fingernails, annoying habits, and smell bad. It doesn’t matter if
they’re witty and show you a good time, because of these flaws you don’t want
them permanently in your life.
I loved visiting the Soviet Union back in the Iron Curtain
days, but there was no way I’d ever want to be a resident there.
Expats have told me, “Don’t bring the United States with you
when you move, or else you’ll be unhappy.” Well, I’m quite fond of the U.S. As an expatriate, I will feel like an exile.
For years, I’ve felt nudges from the universe telling me to
leave; now they feel like shoves. My choice probably will be Ecuador. I just
hope it won’t be too late! I’ve been dragging
my feet because it feels too much like a shotgun marriage. My heart will always
belong to Vero Beach. I’ve enjoyed a wonderful life, here.
However, I can’t afford to stay much longer. Comfort and
familiarity are becoming an expensive luxury. I remember actually thinking, “This
would be the perfect point in time to die.” It would solve all of my problems. –
As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for! To my horror, I realized this
was a distinct possibility if I didn’t make changes quickly. My body was sending me warnings!
My last birthday was a significant one, 65 is a sobering
age. In 15 years, I’ll be 80! Just 15 years ago my father died. In my mind,
it only seems like 5.
New developments have arisen putting a huge crimp in my
timeline. All my plans for expatriating have been placed on hold, despite the
fact that I need affordable Third World healthcare more than ever, now. I did
not expect my health to take a downward dip this soon. No one is ever ready to
be old.
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