My father always told me never to let the gas tank of our car fall below half. I take that as gospel.
Seems not that long ago I'd hand the cashier $20. and I'd go to a matinee with the change. I'd bum around the Mall window-shopping, and maybe hit the Food Court or TGIF after the movie. Those were wonderful times!
Nowadays, I hand the cashier 2 twenty dollar bills. I watch movies mostly on TV, and I'm eating a lot more meals at home. I'm nearly back to not driving anyplace I absolutely don't have to go. The price of gasoline is turning me into a shut-in all over again. A life I was eager to escape! But going anywhere or doing anything is just getting too expensive.
Women have told me they find going out to lunch and the Mall boring. But they've had the luxury of getting bored. It was always just a rare treat to me.
On occasion, I do meet with a friend or 2 for lunch. But we usually look for advertised specials, all-you-can eat buffets, sandwich places; all the cheapest restaurants around.
I belong to 2 business networking groups, as well as the local Taxpayer's Assoc. (Not affiliated with The Tea Party!) And that is about the extent of my social life these days.
When gasoline hits $4. a gallon, I'm going to be skipping a lot more of those luncheons. And God forbid if gas goes to $5.!
If gasoline goes any higher, it will be more than my social life that suffers. High-priced gas tends to drive the cost of everything up! I'll be cutting back on groceries as well. Also I'll be forced to live without air-conditioning during the sweltering summer months. And remember, this is Florida!... Lord knows what else I'd be forced to give up.
I'm just glad I don't have a family to add to my problems!
Being old, I well remember the Arab Oil Embargo of the early 1970's. There were long lines at gas stations and talk of rationing. Many were unable to locate a place that would actually sell them gas.
We were fortunate. The station across from our flower shop always filled up our car and trucks while turning many angry customers away.
I can't remember a time in my adult life when there wasn't talk in Washington about ending dependence on foreign oil.
WARNING: Conspiracy Theory Ahead!!!
I believe there already exists an inexpensive alternative. We have the technology to create smart phones, spy satellites, perform organ transplants, etc.. But no cheap fuel source! Come on, I don't believe that for a millisecond.
The Big Brother Corporations have no loyalty to any country, not one! It's all about getting richer, keeping power and control. An inexpensive energy source is too big a threat. They would rather see the bulk of the population poor and powerless.
Is there a major politician who cannot be bought or sold? Seems the current crop of GOP candidates are all puppets of Grover Norquist. If just one of them had the ethics or the guts to tell this guy just to "Stick it!" he'd have my vote.
Listening to their speeches, enough gas is exuded to fuel this country for another decade or more. Too bad it's just polluting the air! Excuse me while I gag.
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