
Saturday, December 3, 2022



I'll admit I'm not an interesting person, I'm aware of that. However I'm not trying nor want to be a social influencer. From what I've seen most of these are bad influences, probably why they are popular. I just want peace and serenity.

In the past I've known a lot of drama that was unwelcome. I would have been happier without it. Thankfully those human toxins have been expunged from my life either thru death or banishment.

But now there's Facebook! Around Thanksgiving I posted that no matter the holiday I always make deviled eggs. I was taken aback when someone posted beneath it in all capitals: "YOU ARE THE DAMN MOST BORING PERSON! HERE'S A NICKEL TO GET A LIFE & DON'T FORGET YOUR 3 CENTS CHANGE!"

This hateful statement came from one of my 500 plus so-called Facebook friends of several years, although a remote one. This was a man whose friendship invitation I was foolish enough to accept. And this was his first ever post on my page. I did not know this stranger from a piece of dirt!

Of course it was upsetting! I've been attacked for my politics before but this was personal. If that was his opinion why didn't he just unfriend me? Why did he feel it necessary to post that!

Naturally I was tempted to reply I enjoy my boring life and to stick that nickel up his butt hole where he keeps his manners, also to mind his own business. But I felt that would open the flood gates to trolls.

It didn't merit a reply so I just blocked and deleted. Still steaming, the next day I posted all in capitals: "WHEN I CLICK TO BLOCK SOME PEOPLE I WISH IT WOULD SIMULTANEOUSLY DELIVER AN ELECTRIC SHOCK THAT WOULD SET THEIR HAIR ON FIRE!!!" -- And I meant every word of it.

Geez, what the heck was this person expecting from me? I'm a 70 plus senior woman on a fixed income with doctor bills and health issues and don't forget runaway inflation! I can no longer afford to do all the fun and interesting things I used to do only a few years ago. Mostly I'm homebound these days.

Even going out to lunch with friends or by myself has become a rare luxury.

However I've no problem finding ways to entertain myself. I enjoy writing (novels & blogging) reading news stories online, watching movies, & creating new recipes or coming up with new twists to old ones -- and Facebook but not always!

Too bad if my lifestyle doesn't impress anyone!

If I want drama and excitement all I have to do is sit down to write. Always I've a novel mapped out in my head or in progress on my computer. My creative well never runs dry.

And my dull life has produced many fascinating books filled with flawed people displaying their ugly character warts as they engage in mischief that goes against the better angels of human nature. Inspiration is everywhere!

And I might add that I've seen hundreds of Facebook pages; frankly I don't think I'm any more boring than anyone else. I notice lots of meals posted. These are of no particular interest to anyone except perhaps the person consuming them. Yet I understand why they are posted. These are part of their lives just as my deviled eggs are part of mine!

I'm allowed to be boring; in fact I revel in it!

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