That dreaded season is upon us once more! We've already had our first hurricane threat, also the earliest E hurricane ever, Elsa and this was around July 4. Thankfully it weakened into a tropical storm and stayed mostly off the other coast of Florida.
Had it not and had I actually found someone to board-up, I would have been forced to stay that way thru November! It's too damn expensive otherwise! Anyone willing to take the job charges an obscene amount of money!
According to forecasts we're in for another active season. Where's El Nino when you need him? Ugh! Forget El Nino, Bermuda High get back in shape! Last year it protected the Treasure Coast from all those hurricanes. The Bermuda High has shifted, changing shape leaving us vulnerable this year.
I read that dust storms off Africa would protect us until August; maybe it did since Elsa weakened.
Last November I saw the movie CRAWL about Floridians being eaten alive by alligators during a Cat 5 hurricane -- a movie a little too close to home for comfort.
However dissecting it, no actual Floridian would seriously buy into that film. -- The reality would be far worse!!!
For one thing, much of the movie takes place in a basement. There are no basements in Florida! And one that close to a large body of water would be permanently flooded.
Also there's a scene where the heroine (a champion swimmer) escapes an alligator by out swimming it. Upon hitting dry land she is safe. -- Not! Alligators are just as fast on land as in the water!
And lastly, that was NO CAT 5 HURRICANE!!! It was barely a Cat 1, more like a tropical storm. In a true Cat 5 trees, rooftops, boats, & other huge heavy objects would be landing all around them once they ventured outside. And the flesh on their faces & bodies would be flapping around like something out of a horror movie. Also their clothes would be shredded and ripped from their bodies, plus they would all be dead fast.
But everything aside, if you suspend belief, it was great entertainment. However a movie based on reality would have been even better!
The setting should have been an isolated rural home. As its being totally demolished by a Cat 5 the inhabitants survive by taking shelter under a staircase after the door to their safe room is blown away. The ones who didn't, later will be found miles away. Their naked, broken bodies dangling from tree tops.
The storm is over.
Emerging from beneath piles of rubble the survivors leave the remains of their home and discover flooded streets and yards swimming with poisonous snakes and hungry alligators swirling and circling closer. A few of these survivors are dragged under leaving only severed body parts floating in the bloody water. Those who escape finally reach high ground and encounter starving giant pythons lurking in wait plus wild boars with nasty tusks ready to strike. -- Yes we have all those in Florida and here in Vero Beach, too!
Just before the hurricane I received an email alerting me that feral hogs, including one with ugly tusks were running loose in the neighborhood. Boar hunters with dogs were called in. Our head of the HOA stated that neighbors with guns were also allowed to shoot them as long as he was invited to the barbecue.
It's hard to believe once I actually loved this time of year.
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