
Saturday, July 18, 2020


You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream! That was a popular saying when I was a kid.

July is here and it's National Ice Cream Month! Yippeee! And Official Ice Cream Day is the third Sunday in every July! This year it falls on July 19. THAT'S TOMORROW!!!

This will be my weekly Cheat Day as well. I plan on enjoying a chocolate-coated ice cream donut filled with Boston Cream flavor inside!

To me however, all of summer qualifies for that title. Absolutely nothing taste better when it's hot, sticky, & humid outside. And Florida summers seem to be getting longer each year. Growing up, May and October were not summer months as they are now. Not to mention we're setting records for heat during the rest of the year as well. Ice cream isn't just for Cheat Days anymore!

With fondness I recall Red Velvet ice cream summer. Red Velvet flavor was trending that year and everyone who makes ice cream was coming out with one!  Trying them all and making comparisons was delicious fun! Guess people O.D.ed on the flavor because I rarely see it anymore, which is a shame.

I knew from that first taste of premium ice cream I would have difficulty returning to the supermarket stuff which tastes like ice milk, sugar, and flavoring all whipped together! And I don't see that the premium is any more fattening.

In fact, I eat it whenever I'm trying to drop weight and it works! -- Probably because I eat less than half a pint at a time. This fills a medium sized wine goblet nicely. I don't drink alcohol and that actually does make you fat along with other unpleasant things.

One problem I have with premium ice cream are those sneaky raised bottoms to trick you into believing you're getting more than you're paying for! I'm constantly scouring my newspaper and mail for buy-one, get one-free coupons.

For my birthday last January Winn-Dixie gave me the choice of one of their blocks of store brand flavors for free. I chose Vanilla!

Vanilla is the little black dress of ice cream flavors. You can enjoy it plain or tart it up fancy all sorts of ways! Personally, I like to floozy up my vanilla. Some of my favorites include mixed nuts topped with honey or maple syrup, sometimes just lots of nuts & shredded coconut. Also it's delicious with chopped pieces of a candy bar topped with coffee flavored syrup.

Of course the above falls into the category of Cheat Day dessert and pairs well with pizza!

The New Orleans brand ice cream has a Creole Cream Cheese flavor that tastes so rich even a small amount in a goblet is delightfully fulfilling. They also make a heavenly Cafe au lait with beignets.

As much as I love chocolate I've never cared for chocolate ice cream or cake beyond the coating or frosting. Probably because the chocolate in each is so diluted it tastes blah!

Many decades ago when I was a small child, every Sunday afternoon my entire family would pack into the car for a Sunday drive. We always ended up at one particular gas station in Fort Pierce that sold Eskimo Pies for 10 cents. That dark chocolate candy coating over that vanilla was the most delicious treat to ever touch my little pre-school tongue.

Recently, I've heard there are plans in the works to change the name because it's considered insulting to the indigenous people. I don't understand this. Eskimo Pies are something wonderful and special! Name them after me, I would be proud!

Enjoy tomorrow and celebrate with ice cream!!!

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