Due to the abbreviated Christmas season I was debating with
myself whether or not to bother erecting a tree. It goes fast enough as is, but
this year has been shortened by a week. But then, I'm old school, the Christmas season for me doesn't start till
after Thanksgiving. However this is antique thinking and another example of how
our society is headed straight into the crapper. Almost everything of value has been reduced
significantly! Walking into a store in September you'd think Halloween,
Thanksgiving, and Christmas were all ONE Holiday!
Plus my summer was so miserable and outrageously expensive I
was finding it harder to get into the holiday spirit this time around. Perhaps
I should just go with minimal decorations as I did in 2017. My Christmas will
certainly be leaner. But yet, it's still a wonderful holiday and one to be
And best of all Christmas falls on a Wednesday this year, a
big holiday smack in the middle of the week! This makes it extra special!
Whenever Christmas falls on a weekend I feel cheated because weekends already
feel like holidays.
While shopping I spotted a 7 foot pre-lit tree at a
ridiculously low price. It was a sign from the universe! I bought it. Unpacking
it later, I discovered the tree stand missing. At the bottom of the box was a
sheet of paper stating that if any parts were missing to call an 800 number,
which I did!
The lady took down all my info and told me a tree stand
would be shipped and I'd receive it in a week. I complained that the season was
already abbreviated and I'd have less time to enjoy a tree. Also I told her
that whoever was responsible should be fired! She said she'd have to go to
China to do that.
After hanging up and seeing all my ornaments in waiting
boxes I remembered that I still had a 6 foot tree out in my garage.
I needed to concentrate on the positive; for one thing I'm
alone. During holidays I look outside and see cars in neighbor's driveways belonging
to visiting family members. I recall going thru that particular kind of hell.
The stress and aggravation involved did nothing but ruin it. But that's all in
the past now! I'm free to enjoy every holiday my way! Neon fireworks and brilliant
streamers of elation are going off in my head as I type!!!
Why not a tree, untangling and stringing lights was half the
hassle, but I have a pre-lit ones now.
And I miss it when I don't have one. Yes, I erected a tree; it just
doesn't feel like Christmas without one.
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