
Saturday, July 6, 2019


The 4th of July has become the worst night of the year as far as I'm concerned! Starting late afternoon the racket begins! And speaking of rackets, I refused to watch that political spectacle in our nation's capitol disguised as a patriotic parade. Geez, President Pussy Grabber's ego knows no bounds. How can this cowardly draft dodger even dare throw himself a military parade! Bone spurs doesn't care spit about our country. All he's concerned about is massaging his ego and enriching himself! No bigger con-artist ever drew breath inside the U.S.!

Everyone should be alarmed that Trump considers himself above the law. And anytime a leader, or rather a misleader declares the press to be "An enemy of the people!" You are dealing with a dictator or someone who aspires to be one. This should be a no-brainer! I'm thrilled his parade got rained on. Too bad HE along with all of his sucker-supporters there weren't struck by lightning!

Unfortunately, there was no rain here, just lots of illegal fireworks. And I don't mean the little pop-pop kind, these sounded like blasting cannons! During the evening of the 4th, I watched an old war movie with Victor Mature & Anthony Newley so that all the blasts & booms around me would better fit in.

There are plenty of places to go see fireworks! There is no excuse for this.

One reason, I don't want another dog or cat is the 4th of July! My last dog was elderly and half deaf, yet every July 4th she'd shake in my arms or lap the entire holiday and after. Some of these fools around here don't know when to call it quits! She was scared to go outside for 2 weeks after and I was constantly cleaning up her messes in the house.

This year, after dark on the 4th I noticed my yard light had burned out. I went outside to change the bulb and was almost knocked off my feet by the booms! I could actually feel the earth move beneath me. The man in the house directly behind mine is the worst offender. I've actually seen sparks land on my roof. My house is wood; also this is a wooded neighborhood. This man also has a penchant for bonfires. And I'll bet you anything this jerk is a Trump supporter! He displays all the earmarks.

For weeks I enjoyed watching a group of rabbits (probably from the same litter) scampering around my yard. Sadly, each July my yard becomes devoid of all wild animal life after the 4th! I prefer seeing the squirrels & rabbits to fireworks.

I consider it noise pollution. There should be a law! -- Oh wait, there IS one! So, why is it never enforced!?

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