
Sunday, June 23, 2019


Here's a quiz. What was the major cause of death in the Old West? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't bullets or arrows! The answer is DENTAL INFECTION. -- I learned this from a quiz show some 40 years ago and never forgot. Anyway, hold that thought.

The Saturday night before last seemed a typical one. I was up later than usual watching a movie. After turning off the TV, in darkness I hurried toward the kitchen to get a glass of water before bed. Suddenly I found myself on the floor screaming and yowling into the carpet. -- I forgot the sofa was there! My pinkie-toe was either sprained or broken.

I turned on the light and bandaged my bleeding toenail. I'll probably lose it. But I've lost toenails before.

The following day, the toe and area below was purple & black. And my entire left foot was discolored, swollen, and significantly larger than the right. I looked somewhat like the human version of a fiddler crab. All day Sunday I limped in misery.

Monday, I called the sliding-scale clinic. Even with my po-folk discount I would be out at least $200.

Plus I strongly suspect I have a cracked root! (The pain is in my gums & jaw rather than the tooth.) If so, I'll need either a bridge or an implant neither of which is cheap. I'm going to need my money for this and I've been putting it off!


Anyway, I got off the phone and started Googling how to tell the difference between a broken and sprained toe. Guess what, I'm still confused and don't know! However, a sprain will heal itself. A friend then informed me that she is living with several broken toes and not to worry. And she is extremely physically active!

Another friend told me, "You haven't seen anything yet, just wait until you get into your 70's! (I'm only 2 doors away!) Geez, I have an old house and an old body, both are constantly breaking down.

Suddenly I thought of actress Natalie Wood. As a child she injured her wrist while filming a movie. Her mother refused to get treatment for fear her daughter would be recast. As an adult Natalie always wore a bracelet on one hand to hide her disjointed wrist. If Natalie Wood could live with something like that, then I could live with a busted pinkie toe!

Tuesday, I could actually climb up and down my stairs without screaming in agony. So I knew I must be healing despite the bruise & swelling. And thank goodness it wasn't my driving foot! I was able to grocery shop later in the week.

I still can't wear a normal shoe. But I can wear flip-flops or sandals with the V-design. Thankfully its summer and this is Florida. I can continue doing this until the weather cools, which probably won't be until December.

And another thing, the Sunday when I was in the most pain I read in the Dear Abby column an exercise for seniors to strengthen their core. While flat on your back, rise to your feet without using your hands. Naturally I had to do it right there and then! And I did this easily in a second and with a bum foot, too! So I can't be in all that bad shape for my age! Also when I look hard into the mirror I still see the face and body of someone much younger than 68.   
Enough said!

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