I will always remember that day almost 10 years ago when
everything seemed to be going wrong. For the first time in years I broke down
in sobs at the foot of my stairs. And that night something strange happened. I
experienced a vivid dream. One that I could have sworn was real!
In it, I was awakened by a frantic scratching on my bedroom
door. It wouldn't cease no matter how hard I tried to ignore it and it disturbed,
even frightened me! Also it seemed to be growing stronger! Something was
desperate to get inside! I was beginning to panic.
Suddenly the door flew open!
I was terrified! But nothing was there. Then, I felt something jump onto my
I peeked over the covers and saw my dog Coco who had been
dead for several years. But here she was, tail wagging wildly as she trotted
towards me. I felt relieved and happy. She licked my face as I petted her. Then
she curled up beside me with my arms over her and we fell asleep together.
The next morning she was gone. But I knew she had been there! I found
it mystifying that with all the people I'd lost to death, it was my dog who
came to comfort me. And I thought it odd that I didn't smell her. I could
always tell when my deceased father was visiting because I could smell him. He
had a distinctive body aroma.
I used to spray her with Lollipup (do they still make it?)
for fleas. It made her smell like Tootsie Pops.
In fact I made up a little number I used to sing to her and
I choreographed it, too. The cat enjoyed my show as well! Since I don't read or write music, you're
going to have to imagine my tune in your head. Or perhaps one day I'll have to
go on YouTube to perform these little pieces of mine. --- NOT!!! Don't hold your breath.
This is in memory of Coco.
(Swing your hips and clap high to one side.)
Fleas on my bum!
Fleas on my bum!
(Skip around in a circle with your hands on your hips.)
My name is Coco and I've fleas on my bum
So stick around and pet me cause I'd love to give you some!
(Now skip again flapping your arms alternating with jazz
hands raised wide!)
Grin like a monkey when you start to smelling funky
Pick the lice from your hair
And your filthy underwear
(Sway side to side & clapping your hands while singing.)
Mosquitoes and fleas!
Mosquitoes and fleas!
People have mosquitoes and dogs have fleas
(The next steps are freeform and all up to you!)
Dance the bugs that bite you boogie woogie
Dance the bugs that bite you boogie woogie.
Sometimes, I find myself still singing this! If you know me
at all, you know I like to get silly.
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