
Saturday, October 29, 2016


Unfortunately, you cannot zap out commercials watching On Demand TV shows. So I was tempted to throw a rock at my screen when I saw the commercial with Jennifer Anniston stepping out of a shower in a spacious airline bathroom. She was promoting Emirates Airlines detailing all the luxurious experiences awaiting you including interesting places to explore as you stroll onboard. – Sure, as long as you belong to the 1 per cent! Lovely Jennifer didn’t want her cushy flight to end.

Last January I flew Emirates to Thailand and back in Economy Class and the experience was overwhelmingly miserable. Cramped, exhausted, and in pain; I was counting every millisecond waiting for the wretched flights to end.

The bathrooms in Economy Class are so tiny you can barely turn around; about the width of an upright coffin. And usually there were long lines!

The passenger seats were so narrow, I felt squeezed and I’m a slim woman. Everyone behind me on all 4 Emirates flights complained when I tried to recline; and they didn’t recline far to start.

I was ordered by the Board of Health to get up and walk around to prevent deep vein thrombosis. As a senior, I’m at greater risk. However the passengers in Economy Class were discouraged from doing this! The narrow aisles had constant traffic; crew was always going back & forth and people were heading for restrooms. Passengers were instructed NOT to get up and room around!

Blood clots from deep vein thrombosis are a serious issue, a potentially life-threatening condition!

Below is an airline joke that’s right on the mark:

An Emirates Boeing 777-200LR was flying thru stormy skies amidst booming thunder and bolts of lightning. Suddenly a harried stewardess appeared at the forefront. “Don’t panic!’ she hollers, “A bomb has been discovered in the baggage compartment. Please stay calm! Everything is under control! Parachutes are now being distributed in First & Business Class! To everyone in Economy Class, Thank you for flying Emirates!”

I’ve read about people returning from lengthy flights with blood clots in both legs. What I can’t understand is why they don’t SUE THE AIRLINE it’s clearly their fault!!!

If someone can afford the luxury of First Class, I don’t begrudge them that. UNLESS they’re taking away from others to have it! Airplanes are enormous, yet only so big. To have all of that strolling space, large bathrooms, bars, & seats that recline like beds; they must cut space elsewhere!

Why isn’t there a separate airliner for the obscenely wealthy????  A big and special one! Then the rest of us might at least have BASIC COMFORT again!!! Economy Class has become the 21st Century equivalent of traveling steerage.

Ugh and ick! Nowadays people in Economy Class dress way down and look like bums. Perhaps I should have titled this post: FIRST CLASS FLYS, ECONOMY CLASS FLIES! -- For crying out loud, you don’t need a lot of money to look sharp! I remember when Economy Class passengers were dressed to the nines!

On the other hand, there’s no incentive to dress up when you know you’re going to be uncomfortable right from the get-go!

At the end of the commercial, you see Jennifer sitting happily in a lower tier with children while their mother luxuriates in a plush First Class seat that encloses for privacy. Yeah right! If I’m ever on the same airplane as Jennifer Anniston, I doubt she would give up her First Class accommodations to me or anyone else for even 5 milliseconds!

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