
Saturday, September 20, 2014


Not long ago, I googled a beautiful song honoring the fallen of wars past. As I clicked play, a woman appeared sitting on a toilet. Her accent was British. In explicit detail she began discussing her smelly bodily function and with graphic visual aids, too. I wanted to pinch my nose and reach for a can of Lysol. Geez lady, light a match and disappear!!!

Several thoughtful people have suggested I place ads on my blog page to generate income. I’ve got 3 words for this, TACKY, TACKY, and TACKY! I don’t want to see those things junking up my blog page!

I’m pissed enough that I can no longer enjoy a TV show or a movie without having to stare at an advertisement for something else the entire time! It’s bad enough that their big, honking logo is constantly in my face! – Of course the commercials are excluded and I always zap those anyway!

Some of the premium movie channels even force you to look at a logo throughout the entire film. -- When I’m paying my cable company extra, I DON’T WANT TO LOOK AT THAT!!!

The problem seems to have gotten worse over this past summer.  

Of course some channels are more flagrant than others. Unfortunately, the majority now seem compelled to make their logos ENORMOUS, and with advertising above, too! A significant part of the TV screen is now taken up!!! It’s not unusual for this garbage to spill over onto the actor’s faces.

Even when advertising is absent; the name of the current program is posted above the giant logo. Why is this necessary? I already KNOW what I’m watching and the channel. Hey, I iz a high skool graduate! For crying out loud, it isn’t nuclear physics!

Egads! Then there are pop-ups, those annoying people who suddenly appear in the corner of your screen out of nowhere, usually during a crucial scene. I want to get a fly swatter and hit them!

Worse, is when a clock is situated in the upper right hand corner ticking away until the following program. (I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE NEXT PROGRAM YOU IDIOTS I’M TRYING TO WATCH THIS ONE!!!) Between the logo, the ads, the pop-ups, and a clock; my TV screen is just too busy!!! All of this is so intrusive and distracting it’s impossible to concentrate on whatever I happen to be watching. Gone are the days when I could lose myself in the story!

Don’t the networks realize how cheesy and tacky this looks; never mind how disruptive and irritating it is to the viewer! Most likely, it has to do with the bottom line and the viewer be damned as far as they’re concerned.

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