
Saturday, September 20, 2014


Not long ago, I googled a beautiful song honoring the fallen of wars past. As I clicked play, a woman appeared sitting on a toilet. Her accent was British. In explicit detail she began discussing her smelly bodily function and with graphic visual aids, too. I wanted to pinch my nose and reach for a can of Lysol. Geez lady, light a match and disappear!!!

Several thoughtful people have suggested I place ads on my blog page to generate income. I’ve got 3 words for this, TACKY, TACKY, and TACKY! I don’t want to see those things junking up my blog page!

I’m pissed enough that I can no longer enjoy a TV show or a movie without having to stare at an advertisement for something else the entire time! It’s bad enough that their big, honking logo is constantly in my face! – Of course the commercials are excluded and I always zap those anyway!

Some of the premium movie channels even force you to look at a logo throughout the entire film. -- When I’m paying my cable company extra, I DON’T WANT TO LOOK AT THAT!!!

The problem seems to have gotten worse over this past summer.  

Of course some channels are more flagrant than others. Unfortunately, the majority now seem compelled to make their logos ENORMOUS, and with advertising above, too! A significant part of the TV screen is now taken up!!! It’s not unusual for this garbage to spill over onto the actor’s faces.

Even when advertising is absent; the name of the current program is posted above the giant logo. Why is this necessary? I already KNOW what I’m watching and the channel. Hey, I iz a high skool graduate! For crying out loud, it isn’t nuclear physics!

Egads! Then there are pop-ups, those annoying people who suddenly appear in the corner of your screen out of nowhere, usually during a crucial scene. I want to get a fly swatter and hit them!

Worse, is when a clock is situated in the upper right hand corner ticking away until the following program. (I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE NEXT PROGRAM YOU IDIOTS I’M TRYING TO WATCH THIS ONE!!!) Between the logo, the ads, the pop-ups, and a clock; my TV screen is just too busy!!! All of this is so intrusive and distracting it’s impossible to concentrate on whatever I happen to be watching. Gone are the days when I could lose myself in the story!

Don’t the networks realize how cheesy and tacky this looks; never mind how disruptive and irritating it is to the viewer! Most likely, it has to do with the bottom line and the viewer be damned as far as they’re concerned.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Ten years have quickly passed since the double hurricanes struck Vero Beach only 3 weeks apart. The local newspaper has been filled with stories and photos of this tragic anniversary. Those sickeningly awful memories remain as vivid to me as if they occurred yesterday. The aftermath with its sweltering heat, lack of electricity and the expensive damage to my house was actually worse than the storms.

Reading some of the accounts, I felt way more fortunate than others. But a few of these people should have known better. Twenty years ago, a boyfriend in the Maritime Industry told me, “Anyone with a brain should not build or live on a barrier island.” Had these hurricanes been a category 4 or 5 there would have been nothing left, probably not even an island!

The 1st hurricane, Frances struck shortly after sunrise over the Labor Day weekend. Jeanne slammed us next on Sept. 23 striking during the later evening hours. I’ve already blogged about these.

Now, I’m going to recall a tropical storm that remains equally memorable, at least to me. This occurred in 2008, a mid-term election year similar to this one. In fact a candidate’s sign was under my giant oak.

Tropical Storm Faye arrived late in August. Since it was not a hurricane, I was spared having to get my house boarded. This was a big relief! No one expected more than a day of heavy rain.

During the wee A.M. hours I was awakened by wet, cold drops hitting my body. Rainwater was blowing in thru the CLOSED picture window near my bed. -- This window had been freshly calked just the year before. My carpet and furniture were getting soaked!

In desperation, I ran downstairs to the garage for a roll of duct tape. I hurriedly applied it around the top of the window where the water was flying in. Sweat and rainwater comingled. By the time I was finished, my nightgown and I were drenched. But I had stopped the leaking! Now I grabbed as many towels as possible to blot my carpet & furniture.

Later, people told me that duct-taping my window would damage it, and was the worst thing I could have done. – I suppose I should have just let the storm ruin my carpet & furniture! Plus I managed to keep mold away!

Faye turned out to be 3 days of NON-STOP heavy rain. It was a monsoon! To my great surprise and relief, the electricity never went out, not once! It was far more bearable than with the hurricanes; I still enjoyed air-conditioning, TV, and hot food. However, I was between computers, then.

I just cocooned and found myself enjoying every minute of it. I drank cups of mocho (strong coffee with 2 scoops of hot chocolate) as I read, or watched old movies on TCM. All of this felt like a serene, little vacation from reality. The constant pounding rain outside and the sublime comfort inside had an ethereal dreamlike quality about it.

My newspaper still arrived every day, although wet. And the mail arrived, too. My long, hooded, plastic raincoat was always kept nearby. The water came up high over my ankles around the mailbox.

Before this monsoon was over, my back yard had transformed into a pond. And the street in front of my house was now a canal. A neighbor actually pulled a live and flapping foot-long fish out of the street near his box! Thankfully, I did not have to drive anywhere. My car is built low to the ground. It would have been ruined!

Days later, the water still lingered, but receded enough so that I could grocery shop and run errands. Life was back to usual, now. Reality soon kicked-in! Come spring, I along with nearly everyone in my neighborhood was busily getting estimates from contractors. Lots of rotting wood needed to be replaced and freshly painted. My windows required another calking as well. My sublime little vacation at home turned into a costly one.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Over the summer, I encountered 2 different women who seemed eager to be my friend. However, I did NOT feel likewise about them! Both were the type who began relating their entire life’s history seconds after saying hello.

If they had just held back a bit, I might have found their conversations interesting. But it was just WAY too much information overload at one time! And worse, we weren’t having a conversation. I was just sitting and listening to their non-stop talk. They didn’t even seem to take time to breathe. In order to get a word in edgewise, I had to interrupt. And I do not like to interrupt people, but sometimes you are forced, just to get away from them.

My good friends Rose, Sue & Marie are NOTHING like this! Marie told me they were probably just really lonely.

I do NOT like lonely people! I myself am alone, however at any given moment; I can think of 10 things I want to do vs. 10 things that need doing. There’s no room for boredom or loneliness.

To be honest, I don’t like MOST people, period!

As a writer, I can spend an entire day struggling with just 1 page! Perhaps Hemingway, Dickens, Melly Nofal, or other more talented writers require few re-writes. But nothing comes natural or easily to me. I need lots and lots of re-writes!

After I think my work is finally perfect, I can rest. But the next day after a read-over, I wonder what I was thinking! This character would never react that way in this situation! Ugh, back to the top, again!

I know the creative process is uninteresting to other people. When someone at a social event asks what I’ve been up to, I don’t want to say, “Well, I spent all day yesterday working on page 47 and still couldn’t get it right.” I’m at a loss for words! So, I just say, “Nothing.”

Believe me; no one hates to socialize more than I do! Small talk bores me and most people have nothing to say that I’m interested in hearing. So, I just smile and pretend to listen while my mind is light years away in another dimension as they blather on.

Remember this, after the food is served, mouths are for eating NOT talking!!!

Never, will I forget a luncheon I attended during the last decade; I sat with 3 other women. They were about 20 years my senior. As they yammered on, they all sounded like the same person with 3 heads. And mine was about to explode from listening to them!

As a writer, my characters are often composites of several different people, similar, yet different enough to add depth and nuance. These 3 old women sounded so identical, it was downright creepy!

Recently, at a social event, I sat with a couple of age 20 somethings. Soon after seating themselves, they pulled out their texting devices. I found myself starring at the top of their heads. Yes, I thought they were rude! Apparently this is the wave of the future. But at least I was spared having to smile and pretend to be interested. Guess there’s a positive side to everything!

Monday, September 1, 2014



I love going barefoot! This is Florida the laid back sunshine state where people come to play or die; usually both. It’s kind of a sacrilege NOT to go barefoot! After all we’re the land of the Barefoot Mailman. Shoes are confining!

Unfortunately, my love of going barefoot has cost me several of my toenails over the years. Darn it! It’s happened again!

As I was watching the last climactic 15 minutes of a movie, I suddenly found myself sitting in pitch darkness! I thought I’d lost electricity! But I heard the refrigerator running. Then I noticed my clock-radio was still on in the kitchen. I made a beeline for the nearest light switch. Yeoww! Ouch! Ouch! My pinky toe! It must have struck the bottom of the sofa! I flicked on the light. My toenail was bleeding and turning purple... Now it is black!

I’ve been thru this before (a few times) so I know what to expect. The nail doesn’t drop off. A healthy pink one grows under the black, with an elevated ridge separating the two. Several people told me they would never grow in normal looking again. – They were wrong!

During my childhood, before religion was removed from public schools, we learned Bible tales right along with the three R’s. In Biblical times washing a guests feet, then massaging them with olive oil was quite common. This sounded sensual and alluring to me.

Now, I am not someone who likes others messing with any part of my body! I hate going to hairdressers, even. But I would make an exception for my feet! Twice, I’ve had full body massages and both were a waste of money! My head was lodged in some type of cushion that looked like a toilet seat. On the last occasion, a eucalyptus pad was at the bottom, inhaling it gave me a sinus headache! I jerked it out and instructed the masseuse to remove it from my presence. Afterward, I endured icky grease being rubbed into my skin.

The only place I enjoyed the massage was on my feet, where they spent the least amount of time! For what I was paying, each toe should have been massaged individually. That would have been sublime! -- All I ask is that they keep my toes out of their mouth!

Friends told me that you receive a wonderful foot massage with a pedicure. -- NO YOU DON’T! What you get is similar to restaurants pouring hot water over your spent, soggy teabag. Your 2nd cup tastes like piss water! Those pathetic little pedicure messages are over in seconds. The fact they can charge $20 for this and then expect a tip is just a rip-off! – And I can clip and paint my nails faster and better, too!

Clearly, I am NOT a spa person! If I won the lottery tomorrow they wouldn’t make 1 dime off of me!

My idea of fun is a big sheet of bubble wrap! I double it over and stomp on it with my bare feet as they do with grapes. It sounds like the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre!

In the early 1970’s, the year I turned 23, I lost BOTH big toenails just weeks apart in separate accidents. The 1st was the worst and most memorable. I was busy taking phone orders in our family florist business. My shoes were off under my desk. A wedding was scheduled in our chapel later that evening. My father was getting ready. He pulled a lengthy, cylinder-shaped vacuum across the carpet. One of my calls happened to be for a designer in the back room. I walked around my desk to yell out to her. The heavy vacuum was dragged right over my foot. Blood gushed forth as I shrieked and screamed!

“Don’t bleed on the carpet!!!” my father kept hollering.

“The hell with the damn carpet!” I told him, angrily. “I am in pain!” A near-by designer rushed over with paper towels.

Still bleeding, I returned to taking phone calls. The next one happened to be my dad’s mistress and my future step-mother. Between ouches, I related the incident.

“What were you doing standing in the way?” she snapped. In other words, this accident was all MY fault! Grrrrr! I was tempted to slam the phone in her ear!

Just two weeks later, I was racing thru the kitchen forgetting that the floor had been waxed! Slipping and sliding, I crashed hard against a wall! My other big toe took the brunt of it. Now I was left with 2 sore, black toenails!

I was leaving for Mexico the following week, along with my father and his mistress! -- This was the trip we all slept together in a king-size bed, me between them!

Just days prior to leaving, I was forced to purchase a new pair of shoes, with open toes. These had lots of straps and seemed comfortable in the store. However, this was not the case when climbing pyramids and other ruins with steep, long steps that were better suited for rolling dead bodies than walking.

We left our Mexico City hotel early and took a cab out to explore the Aztec ruins. This area was vast and filled with a fascinating history. I was enjoying the day despite my pain. I had not the chance to break in my shoes before the trip. I would have been better off going barefoot, there!  

After we returned to our hotel in the late afternoon, blood had dried and caked all around my shoe straps. Dad had to take his knife and cut them off my feet.

For the remainder of the trip, I wore over-sized plastic thongs purchased in a shop around the block. These were the only comfortable shoes I could wear. Wherever we went, people stared at them.

For the trip home, we changed planes twice. First, we caught a small airplane in Acapulco right before dawn. (Watching the sun rise atop the mountains over Acapulco Bay is a memory I will always cherish.) Back in Mexico City we caught our plane to Miami. Boarding these planes, I suffered in closed- toed shoes, which I removed instantly upon seating.

The nails on my 2 big toes grew back just fine! And my pinky toe will too!