
Saturday, August 9, 2014


Here’s an old saying: “Powder and paint make little girls what they ain’t.” And here is another: “Any old barn looks good with a new coat of paint.” Both are true!

Way back when I was a teenager, my father told me that cosmetic companies take advantage of women. The stuff cost pennies to make, not only is there a tremendous mark-up, but they keep raising the price to ridiculous new heights. They figure they have women over a barrel and can get away with it.

Nowadays, I purchase most of my make-up at the Dollar Store. Hey, those greedy bastards are not going to make a big profit off me! But to my horror, I read recently that discount store cosmetics have nasty ingredients harmful to your health. So far, I haven’t suffered any ill effects, no puss-spewing boils, nor have my fingernails turned black and rotted off.

I shouldn’t make light this, since the facts are probably valid. Most of these products are made overseas probably in some third world country. Lord knows what goes into them! Perhaps I’ve just been lucky so far. Unfortunately, I’m forced to think with my wallet.

When make-up gets old, it should be thrown out to avoid infection, anyway. However, it’s far easier to toss out stuff that isn’t outrageously expensive!   

A high-end department store cosmetologist was interviewed on TV. “First thing,” she said “we make them show us the cosmetics in their purse. Then we sigh with disdain, shake our heads and display our more expensive versions.”

Since the creation of 24 hour lip stain, I leave make-up at home. (Also my lips are tattooed.) Speaking hypothetically, if I got that reaction, I’d tell her, “Missy, I’m twice your age and look way better than you!” – No, no, no, I would NEVER say that to anyone! – But you’d better believe I’m thinking it!!! I’d probably just gather up my things and leave.

A couple decades ago when I was an ash blonde, I found an eye shadow/liner that went so perfectly with my hair & complexion it looked as if I’d been born wearing it. Best of all, it was inexpensive. This was a drugstore product.

Without warning, it vanished from the shelves! “That shade has been discontinued,” the clerk told me. -- How could they do such a mean thing! Surely I wasn’t the only ash blonde around! I took what remained to the Cosmetic Dept at the mall. I placed it on the counter.

“We don’t carry that brand!” The snippy young salesgirl told me.

“I know you don’t,” I replied. “I’m searching for a similar shade.”

She found one nearly exact, at about 5 times the price! It was placed inside a fancy bag and I carried it home.

This pricey version flaked and didn’t stay in place. I was constantly doing damage control; otherwise I looked like I had 2 black eyes. Also it drifted and caked in the creases of my upper lid. I had none of these problems with the cheap drugstore version! Obviously price doesn’t guarantee quality.

Shortly after, I switched to a different shade of blonde. Each time I change hair color, I change make-up as well. Now I’m a redhead, but I tell everyone not to get too used to this color.

I must be doing something right! This 63 year old barn is holding up pretty well, with or without the paint job.

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