
Saturday, December 22, 2012


Whew! So far the 1000 ft tidal wave traveling 1000 mph hasn't claimed me, nor have I burned up in a gigantic solar flare. -- But that doesn't mean it still won't happen! The psychic couple I knew did say the polar shift would occur on an INEXACT date... I just hope I'm already dead from natural causes by then. I'm over 60, so that could be any day now.

If the shift happened, my dear friend Rose & I had decided to meet for Christmas on Mars. Rose thought Venus might be more appropriate because we are both women. But from what I've heard, the surface sounds too much like Hell; flames & molten lava and all that!

Besides, I've always felt that I lived on Mars in a previous incarnation eons ago. -- Hey, you don't really think Earth is my 1st rodeo, do you! Well, neither was Mars! Back in 1987, on a visit from the elderly psychic couple, they made me stand in different directions with my arm extended until I felt a magnetic sensation in my hand. They said it connected me to my home planet, beyond the Milky Way. The spot was marked with tape on the floor so I could find it again.

I don't know if any of that is true, but I would like to believe it is. They swore my home planet is everything I hoped it would be. It's the place I go between lifetimes. But I can't get there by way of suicide. -- Bummer!

Fortunately, I'm not ready for the trip, yet. I want to turn 62 in January! There is so much unfinished business here. So many things I'm looking forward to in the near future.

After the holidays, Rose & I will get together for lunch, probably at The Patio restaurant. They have the best Creme Brulee I've ever tasted! Also I'm really excited about the new book coming out later in 2013. And I've got ideas for another one after that!

Since the Earth wasn't destroyed this holiday season, my friend will enjoy Christmas with her family in Texas. And I'll celebrate here, with my beautiful tree in the home I love.

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