Back when I was much younger, I knew those who couldn't wait to turn 21 so they could walk into a bar and buy a legal drink. I've never understood the appeal of alcohol! Geez, nerd that I am, I was far more excited about casting my first vote!
I wanted to register as an Independent, but my father cautioned that it would lock me out of the primaries and they were too important to dismiss. He said it would be wise to choose a party, it didn't mean I had to vote their way.
My father was not the type to get passionate about any party or candidate. He swore there were no good guys in politics. Just the very nature of it attracts the wrong sort of people. They were all beholden to special interests rather than the public. I am inclined to agree! He used to tell me that you should always vote AGAINST people and never for them.
For some reason, I had always liked Nixon. Perhaps because his birthday fell the day after mine. Plus he had that avuncular quality. Yes, I know it's shallow. But remember I was just 21. Anyway, that's how I became a R.I.N.O. (Republican In Name Only) and I am one to this day.
Now I take voting far more seriously. I do it by absentee ballot, along with lots of research. I want to see things change. Thank goodness we don't live in 1776 anymore!
In the past, it was not unusual for me to vote Libertarian or Green. I was a big supporter of Ross Perot and Ralph Nader. On rare occasions I've even voted for a Republican president. My vote went to Ronald Reagan in 1980, only to lose my C.E.T.A. job shorty after. Thanks to Reagan, it was denied funding. I was left unemployed for a long period. I always seemed to get screwed one way or another when a Republican gets into office.
Yet, I really wanted John McCain to get the nomination back in 2000. I was ready to vomit when George Bush got it instead. I will never understand how that jerk was able to get into office once, much less a second term. The idiot destroyed our economy! And don't forget all the lives and limbs cost with his trumped-up war in Iraq, a personal vendetta to avenge his daddy! Of course Cheney had more nefarious reasons. Both of them should be spat upon in the streets!
2008 I felt John McCain was by now too old for the job. With his hot temper, I worried he'd have a heart attack and die in office, or get us into another war. Plus he admitted he had no head for economics which happened to be our no. 1 problem. Good grief!
At first glance, I thought Barrack Obama was too far left.
I mentioned to my Russian seamstress that I didn't care for either candidate. She replied, "My mother always told me that when you're given a choice between 2 pieces of (expletive deleted) you always choose the smaller one." -- My father & her mother thought much alike!
I had been leaning toward Obama. Then McCain chose that woefully unqualified woman as his running-mate. I was convinced he'd gone senile! Goofy from Disneyland would have been a better choice. That pushed me into the Obama camp.
The more research I did on Obama, the more I was impressed. Plus I think America should hang its head in shame because we don't have affordable health care for all our citizens. I whole-heartily support Obama care. This is a wonderful thing! We are evolving as a society.
Now we have the Tea Party (urp!) whose motto should be, BACKWARD! They seem to be the controlling force in the Republican party, along with the big corporations and Grover Norquist. The fact that any politician would sign a loyalty pledge to this individual against the best interests of the citizens of this country should be a big red flag that they are no good!
I live in a predominately Republican area where the Tea Party is highly popular. The opinion section of the local newspaper is constantly filled with raving, frothing, hate-mongering letters damning Obama.
Only a few months after his election, numerous letters appeared reviling him for not getting our economy back on track. Do these nitwits think the man is a sorcerer with God-like powers? -- Oh I forgot, they actually do! Since many believe he's the Antichrist. Geez, what can you expect from religious cuckoos and others who actually think FOX has fair and balanced news.
It is ironic that I am registered with the party for which I have the least amount of respect. Fortunately, as a R.I.N.O. I can sabotage the Republicans from within. My votes are always strategic.
I love the fact our president has Donald Trump running scared and quaking under his silly-looking hair. There must be a reason he's so desperate. This man should be investigated!
Barrack Obama is the true epitome of the American success story. He's the poor boy who worked hard and grew up to be the president. Unlike Mitt Romney who is just another grown-up little rich boy. He is clueless as to how the average person lives.
I've already mailed in my absentee ballot. Just like that other evil socialist Betty White, I voted for Obama!
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