Believe it or not, I'm actually on Facebook, now. Just the idea had always turned me off. Norman Bates was more of a people-person than I am.
During the last decade, my closest friends (who have now passed-on) did not own computers. We exchanged handwritten letters or phoned.
Up until 2 yrs ago my computer had dial-up. Sure it was slow, (like riding a donkey thru China) but really cheap. -- A big plus! I was forced to get rid of it when I switched to the bundle.
Still, I do not own a cell phone. And have no plans to get one. Plus I don't particularly want one.
People tell me I should have one in my car for emergencies. But since I'm still dealing with anxiety attacks, I don't drive that far. If it started ringing while I was behind the wheel I'd probably plow into the car in front of me, or a tree!
Truth be told, I wouldn't own a land line if not for the emergency factor. Most of the people who call are just strangers with their hand out for money. I seldom answer my phone. That's the job of my answering machine. Whenever I return from the movies or shopping and the light is blinking, I'm thinking who the hell is bothering me now. I'm on 2 no-call lists, but that doesn't seem to deter these pests!
Looking at videos on YouTube, it appears to be the territory of generation X-rated. Sad to say, clean fun seems to be obsolete.
I'm still filling out my Facebook profile which is a headache. They keep rejecting my answers. -- I can only choose from one of theirs. Apparently they don't want honestly, or encourage creativity. -- Hey, that's why my blog exists!
My patient computer guy, Jake, has cautioned me to tone myself down. Because my personality is liable to alienate too many readers. But I hate hypocrisy. So my warts & scars are all here.
According to Jake, I created a new category when it comes to my music preferences. I wrote: Anything that isn't rock shouting, soul screeching, or country whining. Rarely, do I purchase music. I prefer quiet. My life doesn't need a soundtrack.
I wanted to create other new categories, too. But Facebook wouldn't let me.
As for sports, I hate any game involving a ball!
Also they would not let me elaborate on my movie preferences. I wanted to add: Especially ones where vile-mouthed, promiscuous, dope-smoking, teenagers are slashed apart by mutant maniacs. -- Which summarizes just about every other film I watch on CHILLER or FEARNET. Usually the teens are so obnoxious and offensive I can't wait for the bloodletting to commence.
For favorite TV shows I listed, THE WALKING DEAD, 1000 WAYS TO DIE, DEADLY WOMEN, & KILLER KIDS. Guess it was too much death for them. They rejected that too.
I left education blank because I'm a college drop-out. High School was a nightmare, and filled with ugly memories I'd rather forget. Plus too many people didn't want to know me. Well I don't want to know them, now! To any of my High School graduating class of 69 glimpsing me on Facebook, please don't contact me.
Technology aside, I'm enjoying my second childhood and having a nuclear blast of fun!!!
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