
Sunday, February 16, 2025



Every book I write, I try to make as different as possible from the one before to stretch and grow as a writer. Besides, it’s boring to be limited to only one genre.

For many years I’ve been urged to write a romance. The problem is that I hate the romance genre. So, I decided to write one based more on reality.

However, I realize that readers of romance want fantasy instead! If you are one of these, my new novel A BALM WINTER ON TOPAZ WATERS is not for you!

Creative work (like everything else) is subjective. Everyone has different tastes and see life thru their own filter.

I love to play in gray areas with themes that make people uncomfortable. – I could never have written this any other way! Had I written a sweet little romance it wouldn’t have been half as interesting.

For my latest novel, I was largely inspired by a reprehensible attitude I frequently saw displayed on the Jerry Springer Show. We would like to believe when someone is deeply hurt, they become more empathetic, unfortunately that’s not always the case.

In fact, many turn in the opposite direction; believing they are now entitled, given carte blanche to do likewise to others as innocent as they once were. This is true of Ellen Lanfred, the main character in my novel.

My story also is partially inspired by the real-life Linda Evens, John & Bo Derrek love triangle. In the beginning, John did not want to hire the teenage Bo, until Linda persuaded him. Feeling secure in her marriage Linda stayed behind while John went off to Europe to film a movie with the teenager. -- Bo ended up replacing Linda as John’s wife!

Naturally, Linda was devastated and became bitter. And no one would have blamed her if she had remained that way.

But Linda took the high road. She forgave both and maintained an amicable relationship with the couple while moving on to forge a successful career on many fronts.

Linda Evans is to be admired. And if there is heaven above, she deserves to be elevated into the hierarchy. But from what I’ve observed in life, Linda is a precious rarity.

Ellen Lanfred, in my novel, is nothing like her! Basically, Ellen’s a good person, but if there’s a purgatory, she deserves to spend a little time there.

A close and dear friend of mine, never recovered from her husband’s betrayal. This man told her every day he loved her and then abandoned her for another woman. Even after thirty years she constantly brought him up in our everyday conversations. My friend was unable to move past this.

Ellen on the other hand is determined to move forward; however, this involves back-stabbing and stealing the beloved young husband of a much younger woman, one who is struggling to recover from a major trauma. A woman who trusts and considers her a friend. Ellen in her selfishness becomes contemptable.

Many readers will not like her, often I don’t even like her! But at the same time, I realize her actions stem from deep pain rather than malevolence.

I give Ellen the chance to redeem herself. But many readers still will not like her, especially at the end, although some will be applauding.

All my books are available on Amazon & Kindle.

Saturday, February 1, 2025



Ah, it’s Valentine’s month again!

Around this time of year, I see weepy letters in the advice columns from needy people crying, along with those on Facebook with boo hoo, boo hoo I'm alone on Valentine's Day! For me, it's WOO HOO! WOO HOO! I'm alone on another holiday. The day is ALL MINE!

I have spent every single Valentine's Day alone and I LOVE Valentine's Day!  It's a holiday and what's not to love about a holiday? Plus, there are chocolates and pretty cards involved! – Friends, relatives, & I exchange cards, and I buy myself candy, only the chocolates I prefer!

Valentine’s Day isn’t just for lovers!

Before the age of thirty I made five trips to Europe, toured Russia & the Ukraine, been to North Africa, also Finland, Guatemala, and the Bahamas, made two trips to Mexico, and also visited Canada at age eight. However, I was forty years old before I went out on my first date.

I recall Valentine's Day was loads of fun back in elementary school. We had class parties with fruit punch & decorated cookies. Everything about it felt special! And everyone in class received a Valentine card from everyone else whether we liked them or not.

More than once, I’ve purchased a heart-shaped cake for myself to celebrate. A friend laughingly suggested I write: I LOVE ME across the top. No need, the sentiment is already there! Hey, I love myself enough for ten people and I'm not ashamed to admit it!

Always on Valentine's Day I prepare a special meal for myself. Last year it was quiche with mushrooms, chives, & Havarti cheese served with a colorful salad. And for dessert I enjoyed the largest juiciest strawberries dipped in both white & dark chocolate, plus coconut-flavored tea all served upon my formal table beneath the chandelier. 

Hey, I’ve had boyfriends and dates since age forty. I was never happy in any of those relationships, I much prefer the company of my female friends. With them, we can have our separate lives and still be close. Men try to glom onto me and attach themselves like a goiter. And before long, I’m sick of them and want them gone.

I would never place my happiness in the hands of another person, that's where it always goes to die.