I must admit that as a low tech senior I love emails! They don't make noise and I can reply at my convenience. The only sound more annoying than a ringing telephone is an alarm clock.
All I have is a landline which is all I need. And 99 per cent of the time I don't answer it. Or if I do I scream "No!" into the receiver and hang up. Or sometimes I speak in a made-up language for fun.
This fits my lifestyle best since I'm home most of the time. And when I do go out it's usually close by. A Publix supermarket is just around the corner and a Winn Dixie is only a few blocks down the road from there.
I hate cellphones! They're dinky and seem more like a children's toy.
Thankfully my friends all email or message me on Facebook.
Back during the double zero decade this was not the case. And the answering machine we brought up from Stuart in 1999 refused to work in this house. Back then most of my friends didn't even own answering machines so I didn't rush to replace it.
Also during this time telemarketers had yet to hit full stride so there weren't as many nuisance calls as now waking me from my naps.
My main caller was my Aunt Kiki up north. She'd been forced into a retirement home since she could no longer afford to live in her beautiful house. -- A problem I fear I'll soon be facing!
Kiki hated the home and during the evenings she was bored. So she was constantly calling me! -- I'm the opposite type and I consider evenings my private time to enjoy movies as well as my TV programs.
Repeatedly I told her NOT to phone me after dark since I was home all day. Well she ignored me! So I just ignored her calls. However she kept calling until I picked up the phone. This drove me straight up the walls!
Then I'd tell her I was in the middle of a something I enjoyed and she'd holler, "What could you possibly be watching? There's nothing good on TV!"
I'd always agree to call her back before bedtime when I was sleepy. This was draining! She seldom had anything beyond complaints about her situation and rarely asked about my day. Plus her frequent evening calls continued.
My friend Margaret advised me to start taking my phone off the hook. So I began doing this right after dark.
At the time I still had dial-up computer. This tied up my phone although I rarely used it at night and still don't. But this was the perfect excuse I gave my aunt to her frustration. And she complained to her nephew, my cousin Clarence.
He laughed and told her, "She probably takes her phone off the hook. Dianne really hates people calling at night."
This is just one example of a long list why I dislike telephones.
I've already blogged about the ex-boyfriend who phoned me three to four times a day and into the evening. And worse, he would drive over if I failed to answer. I felt suffocated! A tremendous sense of relief was mine when that relationship ended.
I'll admit I do miss Aunt Kiki who died later in the decade, but I NOT those calls!
Despite all the spoofers, scammers, and spammers I'm grateful for emails.