Before 1978 I'd never heard of quiche! Where I live in Florida it was never on restaurant menus, not even in French restaurants and I dined out a lot during the 70's. It wasn't until I went to France at age 27 that I became aware of this tasty dish.
My family was hardly cosmopolitan. Our meals were simple; my dad was strictly a meat & potatoes man. And he disliked all ethnic food except for German. When it came to culinary skills no woman in his life, not my mother or ever my stepmother equaled that of his long dead German grandmother.
German cuisine is my least favorite. Offhand I can't think of one German dish that I actually like. But I enjoyed visiting Germany despite this!
To my surprise and delight after I returned from Europe quiche was suddenly everywhere! Not just on restaurant menus but in supermarket delis as well as the frozen food section with so many delicious and different variations available. M-M-M!
Long before eating them in Paris I had escargot (snails) at the Petite Marmite in Palm Beach at age 20. I enjoyed them! But frankly I couldn't taste anything beyond the garlic butter. In Paris, they were served with bread to be dipped into the empty shells to sop this up.
Speaking of bread, not long ago I purchased brioche at Walmart. It tasted OK, however nothing special. But I could swear it contained melatonin or even rohypnol because shortly after eating a slice I became sleepy. I took a catnap and upon awakening discovered that I'd slept the entire afternoon away.
That evening I was unable to watch TV because I kept falling asleep. I retired to bed around 8:30 PM and slept soundly throughout the night which is rare.
The next day after consuming another slice the exact thing happened. I related this experience to a friend in an email conversation.
She emailed back telling me to throw out that loaf regardless of what I paid for it. As much as I hate wasting food I did this. The overwhelming heavy tiredness disappeared the following day. That brioche did not play nice with my system!