Okay, on one side we have the Biden & Harris team against the cult favorite. The choice should be an easy one. Trump & his gang of repuliCONS have proven beyond all doubt how unsuited for the job he is and how reprehensible they are!
Why is an impeached President allowed to install a Supreme Court Justice, or even run for reelection for that matter? Especially one threatening not to his leave office peacefully if he doesn't like the results!
It needs to be mentioned that no member of the Trump family has ever served in our nation's military. I sincerely believe old Bone Spurs called our fallen war dead suckers and losers, it's classic Trump as is denying he said it afterward.
Yes, China is responsible for the coronavirus pandemic but Trump is the one responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans! His statement about not wanting to send our citizens into a panic is more Trump B.S.! He was more worried about Wall Street panicking!!!
Trump supporters point to the wonderful job he's done with our economy. Even before the pandemic all I saw was higher priced everything!
And I would not trust any vaccine endorsed by Trump! It might have bleach in it.
I'll never forget his statement about that female moderator "Having blood coming out of her eyes and other places too." -- Personally, I'd like to watch blood come out of Donald Trump!
President Pussy Grabber is what I call him because that's exactly what he is! The creep has certainly made that clear.
The Trump supporters I know are college educated people who should know better, but don't! I was watching a documentary on the Holocaust and discovered that many of Hitler's most fervent supporters were highly educated as well. Many were corrupt or else became that way after being placed in positions of power. Positions holding life and death over others, in which they exulted. But many were just plain gullible.
Trump must not only lose this election, he needs to lose big time. He must be trounced and ground into the dirt!!!
Trump and his cult of despicables could win. Unfortunately this is a real possibility since cheating and lying are areas in which he excels; plus his administration consists of ass-lickers, as are his legions of fawning sycophantic followers, also there's help from Russia.
If he wins another term the United States won't have a President, but a Ruler! Should this happen, the rest of us must not be a thorn in their side but a sword!
I would have preferred the Democrats had chosen Andrew Cuomo & Elizabeth Warren instead. That team would have been unbeatable!
In 2016 they should have chosen Elizabeth as a candidate rather than Hillary! She would have verbally eviscerated Trump in the debates!
I had to hold my nose to vote for Hillary Clinton. During the first debate she stood there looking up at him with her mouth open as if she was expecting to catch a fly. She was a terrible choice! The only worse one was Trump, and he was worse by far!
This time there is a better alternative.
If you have not voted already, be sure to do so before Nov. 3 -- unless you're voting for Trump, then go have your head examined instead!!!