
Monday, August 24, 2020



Upon learning of the shut-down last spring my first thought was thank goodness my dental work was finished and out of the way! Who wants to go to a dentist during a pandemic!

Then in late June I was happily enjoying Rosemary & Olive Oil Triscuits topped with goat cheese, a taste of pure heaven. When suddenly I bit into one and yeowled in pain! I actually felt something shift in my teeth!  -- The last time I experienced a similar sensation I required a bridge and bone graft. That was only last year!

The dental department at the clinic where I usually go to get a discount based on my income remained closed. So I returned to the dentist where they sent me before. Due to the pandemic I had to sign a waiver. What was the other option? -- Dying of dental infection as many folks did back in the days of the old west!

X-rays revealed a cracked tooth plus a deteriorating filling consisting of a material no longer used by dentists. I was shown a photo. A crown was required. This time they were unable to do a bridge because the tooth was next to the one they installed just last November.

And it would be 5 weeks before I could be given a temporary one. Plus I was in pain!

In the meantime, I was instructed to chew on the other side of my face. Should the crack spread to the root I would need an implant which would be even more costly!

We are nearing the peak of hurricane season. It was forecast to be an extremely active one and it sure is! This could really mess everything up!  Boarding and unboarding my house is expensive! And that's another anxiety ridden thing I went thru just last year along with dental issues!

I'm grocery shopping less often due to both the pandemic and hurricane season. The contents of my fridge & garage freezer must be whittled down to a bare minimum. A long power outage would leave everything ruined and need to be thrown out. I've been forced to do this before and the waste is heartbreaking.  

For me, it's been easy to save money during the pandemic; all the fun places are either closed or too crowded. I thought I'd be able to save enough to go on a cruise with my friend Sue if life ever returns to normal.

Unfortunately every cent I save is going to preserve my teeth and my vision. Geez, I'm falling apart! And worse, at my age it's just the beginning!

But at least now I have a temporary crown and am no longer in pain. That's something!

Saturday, August 15, 2020



Like many, I find wearing a mask uncomfortable. After running errands I can't wait to get back inside my car and pull it off.  However I fully realize the necessity behind it. We are living amidst a pandemic, a highly contagious and dangerous virus! Not wearing a mask and taking every precaution possible is stupid. Besides, it's only a minor inconvenience and one that saves lives!

I can't comprehend these fools who insist that it infringes upon their personal freedom. They, along with Trump are the reason the virus is running rampant in this country! I remember President Bone Spurs calling the virus a hoax. -- The only hoax here is the Pussy Grabber's ability to run this country!

Had these Trump turds been around during World War II would they have refused to black out their lights using that same excuse? Anyone who did would have been thrown in jail for treason! These idiots today are a threat to public health and deserve the same treatment!

Thanks to all of you who are refusing to wear a mask the rest of us will need to do so that much longer!!!

Recently, I had to gas up my car for the first time in months. At the station I put on disposable gloves before touching the pump. I always pay cash and handed the cashier a plastic bag and instructed her to put my change in there. "I'm high risk," I told her. She replied that she understood.

I assure you I am not ready to see thru the veil and travel into the great beyond! At my age it's going to be happening soon enough!

Our state (Florida) opened way too soon! And now the kids are returning to school. Just imagine all the germs they're going to be bringing home! I feel for the teachers, why should they be risking their lives! Teaching should be one of the highest paying professions rather than one of the least!

I read constantly about teachers having to pay for school supplies out of their own pockets. Why? When I was in school students had to supply these things themselves. Each new school year we were given a list of things to buy and the parents were expected to pay. What happened, why does this now fall upon the teacher?

Lottery money was supposed to go toward the classroom. -- At least that's what they told us when the lotto was first implemented! Instead we now have school administrators raking in whopping obscene salaries. Why is no one investigating this?

Once a vaccine for the virus is discovered you can bet there will be plenty people getting rich at the expense of others, especially if the current occupant of the White House is still there. Greed thy name is TRUMP!!!

Removing him from office is a gigantic step in the right direction. It should have been done long ago.

Saturday, August 1, 2020


Campaign signs are cluttering up the landscape as glad-handing and phony smiles are filling public spaces. Yup, another election year has arrived and our local so-called public servants are at it again.

But the big one is in November and it's long past time to remove the white trash from the White House! Once removed, Trump will be fighting to stay out of prison where he belongs. So naturally he's going to be resorting to every dirty, underhanded measure available and this comes naturally to him! Lying and cheating are the only areas in life he excels so we may be stuck with this turd for another four years!

This desperate despot is now trying delay the election due to the virus that he previously labeled a hoax! And worse, during this dangerous and highly contagious pandemic he's trying to abolish absentee ballots! The reason should be obvious and it has nothing to do with voter fraud which the Republicans are counting on to win.

I've been voting absentee ballot for many years now, but I'll crawl over hot lava rocks to vote out this orange ball of slime and against every Republican on the ballot if that's what it takes!

On the local level it's much the same.

I recall a friend telling me about the woman holding a high office who joined her church over by the beach during an election year. After this woman lost she never showed up there again.

Last decade at a business networking luncheon I met an attractive young woman running against her former boss bringing the boss's greed into the spotlight. Disgusted, I supported this young lady. I phoned her and she brought a campaign sign to my house which I displayed on my front lawn. I also gave her a free autographed copy of a book I'd recently published. Anyway she lost the election.

Fast forward two years, I was dating a local V.I.P. and pillar of the community. We were attending a taxpayer luncheon and who should come waltzing up wagging her hips and flashing her smile but that same young woman. She fawned all over the guy but never acknowledged me in any way as I sat beside him, not one word!

I told a friend that if this person ever ran for office again she would never get my support! In fact I'd be tempted to vote against her depending upon who was running.

Also that same election year my neighbors directly across the street, to protect their privacy I'll call them John & Mary Greenlawn held a fundraiser in their home at their expense in support of a man running for high office here in Vero Beach.
I was invited to attend and meet him, but declined because I'd already decided to vote for his opponent. The neighbor's candidate won!

Fast forward two years again, my then boyfriend the local V.I.P. introduced me to the guy. The first thing I said to him was "I live across the street from John & Mary Greenlawn," except I gave their real names! He looked blankly at me as if to say, WHO the hell are they? -- My jaw dropped. He replied only, "Nice meeting you and walked away. -- If someone threw a party for me in their home I know for sure I'd remember them!

UGH!!! I am filled with loathing.