
Friday, May 22, 2020


During the shut-down I missed dining out terribly, but at the same time felt it was too soon to resume afterward. However around the middle of May, I met a friend for lunch in a popular restaurant at the airport. I had not seen her in a long while and Sue is a cherished friend, one of a rare few whose company I actually enjoy. She was worth the risk.

We chose that particular restaurant because they had INDOOR seating along with the necessary limited capacity and distancing. I've never been a fan of outdoor dining because this is Florida; blazing sun, heat, humidity, bugs, etc.

Our lunch together was especially nice. Besides Sue's company, it felt uplifting to put on make-up, wear stylish clothes and go out someplace that's not the grocery store or bank.

Sue made the reservation almost 2 weeks in advance to avoid waiting in a long line. We'd read in the newspaper that the public was now out in droves here on the Treasure Coast. However the restaurant was almost empty. During normal times it's bustling!

But this actually worked quite well for us. We felt safer. We're both in the high risk category. Also Sue & I enjoy sitting and visiting for hours after the meal. This way, we weren't holding up a table and could hang out there as long as we wanted. We always schedule our lunches after the noon rush anyway.

Neither of us wore masks. I'm still awaiting the ones I ordered on Amazon (April 2). They must be literally coming on that proverbial slow boat from China!

However Sue gave me a valuable tip! She pulled out a sleep mask to show me how she uses it to cover the lower part of her face. (You can buy them at the Dollar Store!) I have several at home and tried this, later. They cover all the right places and fit snugly. The only problem is I find them difficult to breathe. It feels as if being suffocated by a cushion to me. My do-rag is more comfortable. But a sleep mask with do in an emergency.

If Sue wants to get together for lunch again, we will, although it must be with all the proper precautions in place.

For the most part, I'm sticking close to home until the virus is under control. I can't afford health insurance and despite my age I'm ineligible for Medicare. A hospital stay would ruin me financially! So I must take this seriously!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2020


My mother was like the Godfather (or Donald Trump with the ego to match) if she did anything for you she expected a ginormous favor in return, but others were too dim to get that part!

As an adult orphan and childless woman, I have commandeered Mother's Day!!! In this house it's called: NO-MOMMIES DAY! I celebrate my mother's absence, NOT being stuck with kids, and my freedom!

About half my friends have never been mothers. A dear one who is past age 60 confided that she's always felt a tinge of sadness on this day for never having been a mom.

I reminded her that it's not too late! She's a successful business woman who can easily afford to buy a kid. Lord knows there's plenty on the market! They even sell them in newspapers and on TV.  However the latter are older, just like dogs they're a harder commodity to push. Most people want their human pet young like a puppy.

There is no doubt in my mind this lady would make a great mother, but it would be at the price of her happiness. She likes to work and play hard, as well make frequent spur of the moment plans and trips. A kid would put a damper on all this. Unless of course she hired a live-in nanny and I can't picture her doing that. She loves children and even volunteers helping abused and neglected kids. As a mother, she would be hands-on. And this might make her happy, but nowhere near as happy as she is child free now. 

I'm a completely different personality type. I enjoy my quiet alone time. I actually look forward to coming home to an empty house. People noise drives me straight up the walls and kids make way too much of that!

When almost everyone was confined to their home due to the pandemic, I asked her, "Aren't you glad you don't have to put up with any whiny, screaming kids now?" And she agreed being childless was a blessing!

A few decades back, my father was friendly with a man who had 6 kids. He confessed right in front of me that he loved his children, but if he could turn back the clock, he would never had a one. "I just can't deal with all the problems they bring and it doesn't end when they turn adults," he lamented.

When I look at friends and acquaintances with children and all the problems they're forced to endure, not to mention the expense, I find myself pitying them.

I'll admit I'm not the nurturing type. Neither was my mother although she liked to pretend to be around other people.

A therapist once asked me if I felt short changed never having had a family. I told her, "Hell no! That's the one thing about my life I love the most!"

Friday, May 1, 2020


Reading about all the desperate measures women are resorting to these days because salons are closed gives me a chuckle. I did that dance so many times and for so long I know it by heart. During my blonde years I was covering dark roots and as a redhead my roots were gray. Not to mention I've been every color in-between concealing roots as well.

For the most part I was a home hair-dyer. But those chemicals were strong and damaging to the hair if used too often, so putting up with roots for awhile needed to be tolerated. And I became quite creative.

I have wigs in many different styles & colors. But now there's a new trend that leaves me mystified -- wigs with dark roots! Why???? This is so stupid!!! The purpose of a wig is to conceal them, not show them off!

However this being Florida the weather is too hot and humid most of the time for wigs so I've spent months wearing hats and turbans.

Some have commented that I'm the first woman they've ever seen who looks good in a turban. I must point out this all depends on the turban! Cheap ones make everyone look ugly! Buy one from either a wig or specialty shop. Those are really stylish! And if you look attractive in a hat you'll be equally attractive in a turban.

However now that I've gone natural, life is a lot less bother.

Not too long ago my locks were slashed shorter than ever. (Shorter than in the photo!) I was sporting one of those mannish cuts I absolutely abhor. But I had to make certain all that Brazilian blow-out junk was gone! This had been an expensive mistake and disaster! The results were nothing like the stylists assured. I should have taken before & after photos and sued that salon!

However that hideous man-cut has grown out several inches and is now looking really cute! But sadly I can't treat myself to anyplace nice in pretty clothes due to the coronavirus! The irony!!! Boo hoo

I'd post a photo on Facebook except that I don't own a cellphone. I'm home 90 per cent of the time under normal circumstances so a landline works for me. Besides cellphones are too small and look as if they were made for elves. I always wonder if they're manufactured in a cave next to that hollow tree where the cookies are made.

Of course I'll need another haircut eventually and by then the salons will be swamped! But never fear if nothing else I'm resourceful!

LONG hair is easy to cut yourself, especially a blunt cut. While my hair is growing out I'll just have to resort to cover-ups. I certainly have a wide variety to choose from!

Unless anyone hasn't yet figured this out, here's how to cut longer hair yourself. First, sharpen your scissors! Do this by folding a piece of tinfoil multiple times and then cut this into shreds.

Since my hair is wavy/frizzy I need to trim it wet. This makes it easier, period.

Part your hair down the middle lining it up with your nose. Do this all the way down the back, pull both sides forward. Comb, then snip, snip on each side. -- It's easier than baking biscuits from a canister!

If you don't want a blunt cut, try this: after the initial trim, part your hair behind the ears & tie back. Pull the front forward on each side. Cut each on a slant. Then separate the back half & pin it away from your face. Now cut the remaining 2 sides on a slant as well & you are done!

However for a decent SHORT cut I recommend a stylist!

If I had to, I could get by never having to go to a salon again. But sometimes I'm just in the mood for a change. Plus really short hair is a time-saver; it requires nothing more than shampoo, mousse, and air-drying! I've come to love the convenience and its Florida friendly!