
Tuesday, November 20, 2018


My father bought it second hand for our previous house in Stuart. It was an oblong old Florida style kitchen table. However I never really felt that it fit this house. Not to mention it had memories of a place and time I hated. Over the years it became more scratched & stained. Recently the padding on the seats started coming apart.

Last September, on impulse I walked into a Big Lots store. There, I fell in love with a display table. It was square with dark wood and the seats were high. It would fit that spot in the kitchen perfectly. But money has been really tight and the last thing I needed was another expense. Then I remembered reading about the Trump tariffs. After they kick in the price of everything from shampoo to cars is going to rise. And the table was on sale!

I bought that table! Since it arrived unassembled, it wasn't the bargain I'd thought. I would have to pay someone to put it together. I've hired handymen in the past who failed to show or even call to explain why. The delivery men gave me the name of someone. The man turned out to be reasonably priced and he actually showed up early.

This high pub table not only fits the spot, but me too! There's a foot of space between the floor and my feet and I'm a medium height woman. I can see better thru the bay window into my back yard. I've added to the landscaping over the years and now I can fully enjoy the view! 

Usually, during the holidays starting on Thanksgiving I move to the big formal table under the chandelier. But this year, I plan to celebrate this holiday on my new pub table in the kitchen.

Seated there, I kind of feel like a kid in a high chair. Hey, I've always said this is my second childhood. And this is the best one, no parents or even a husband to boss me! I can watch a movie in the middle of the day or the night, fix myself a hot fudge sundae at 2:00 AM, sing loudly off-key, or dance naked in every room in the house. Wooohooo!

My new table just adds to the magic!

Monday, November 12, 2018


My neighbors sacked & pillaged my house! Also they tried to kill me by shoving me out my two-story bedroom window. Thankfully, I escaped and returned with sheriffs to catch them in the act of vandalizing my home. I had the entire neighborhood arrested, but my house was destroyed! --This was a vivid, unforgettable resent nightmare of mine. And it occurred BEFORE the mid-term elections!

Clearly we are living under a dictatorship in this country. We have misleader in the White House who is leading us to ruin in more ways than one. Our new governor here in Florida had better get out his sani-flush and start gargling. I can still smell Trump's ass on his breath right thru my TV screen!

As I've stated in my previous posting, Vero Beach is a Trump turd stronghold. Every neighbor I know is a Trump supporter.

The day before my nightmare I complained to the head of our voluntary neighborhood association about our yearly fees doubling. Had they gone up just $10 or $20 I would have paid as usual with no complaint.

Payment is voluntary, or supposed to be. Half the residents of this neighborhood have never paid! Most of them are high income, double wage earners who would never miss the money.

I'm a single woman and a senior citizen on a fixed income, plus I've had several wildly expensive years. I was ripped off for $5,500 by a repairman and it's going to cost me even more to have all the work redone! At the same time I was hit with cataract surgery in both eyes. This was an out-of the-blue expense! Despite my age I don't qualify for Medicare, nor will I ever be able to collect Social Security. I explained all of this to the head of our neighborhood association.

My long time neighbor replied, "You'd get a pretty penny for your house if you sold." He didn't even preface it with: "We'd hate to lose you as our neighbor, but..."

Way back in 2005, I confided to a therapist I got the vibe my neighbors wanted me to sell and move out. She said I was just being paranoid! -- Well I wasn't being paranoid I was right on the mark!!!

I made it clear to that neighbor, this was my home and I had no plans to move. Where would I go from here? I have a life in Vero Beach. A condo would be worse! The neighbors practically live in your arm pits! Plus you never really own your space. Also rentals are crazy expensive, this is a beach town.

I seriously considered expatriating to Ecuador or Thailand, but became disenchanted on my exploratory trips to both. They were just too Third World for me. A friend thinks Ecuador would grow on me. At my age, I don't have time for anything to grow on me. Besides, I don't want to live anyplace where you can't flush toilet paper, or must stand in long lines every month to pay your bills, or wait two weeks for a repairman whenever a major appliance breaks down.

The neighborhood head implied that I would have trouble finding someone to help me the next time my power went out if I didn't pay. Recently, I lost power for nine & a half hours! I have paid up to now and still I had a problem finding help among all these lovely people! They are as cliquish as the kids back in High School.

Next, he talked about potholes and the fact our roads are privately owned. To me, it all boils down to potholes vs. assholes. I'll take the potholes!

I'm not a part of this neighborhood, I just live here. My neighbors quickly distanced themselves after my father died and the gap has continued to widen ever since due to our political differences.

Now we have a dictator in the White House with a cult following. If these fools were told that Trump's piss -yellow hair was spun from golden thread by angels of the empyrean realm of heaven, they'd believe it unquestioningly.

A week after my nightmare, I told my brother about it over the phone. He exclaimed, "Wow! I wish I had exciting dreams like that!" To me, it was horrifying and upsetting. I can foresee civil unrest and violence erupting under Trump due to his manipulation. My nightmare doesn't seem so farfetched.

However, should my neighbors attempt anything like that; I guarantee plenty are going to get hurt. My home is weaponized!

Monday, November 5, 2018


Back when I was a grade schooler and John F. Kennedy was the President, a classmate made the egregious mistake of referring to him as just "Kennedy".  I recall how our teacher's face hardened as she hollered down at the boy, "You are disrespectful! Remember HE is our PRESIDENT and he must always be honored with that title! REMEMBER THAT!!!" The kid gulped.

Always, you must respect the office of President if not the man, I hear this constantly! But what if the man in that office doesn't respect it himself or even act presidential? What if he's a con artist obviously out to enrich himself and is also a sociopathic liar?

I'd like to be civil here, but Trump has burned that bridge and there's no going back. Personally, I believe Trump deserves to be shot by a firing squad or hung as a traitor; jail is a too lenient a punishment for him! I believe there was collusion and worse. The air around him just stinks!

I've been labeled unpatriotic. Exactly what is patriotic about supporting a sleazy, egomaniacal, dictator-the-making who declares himself to be above law and even decency? A man who is harming our planet and dragging our entire nation down a rat hole! Everything about Trump is repugnant to any true patriot.

No one is more conservative than I am! I'm a registered Republican, but a Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican, NOT a Trump Republican! Eisenhower served our country valiantly; he was a real man unlike that wussy bone spurs in the White House now.

More and more over the years I've become a R.I.N.O. (Republican In Name Only!) And I vow that NOT ONE Republican will receive a vote from me until Trump is removed from office and dealt with as deserved!

My opinions do not reflect those of all my listed blog followers.

Personally, I don't see how any moral person with a functioning brain cannot see Trump for what he truly is, it's so obvious! He's a simple life form and a slimy one at that!

I have lost friends due to my political beliefs and several more are on shaky ground. If I end up losing everyone then so be it! At least I'll be able to look at my reflection in the mirror and respect the person gazing back!

Many people I know who support Trump are not stupid and should know better. But I recall reading an article years back about a man who grew up in Nazi Germany. His father was a university professor, also a fanatical party supporter. If Hitler said the moon was made of luminous concrete or something equally ridiculous, this highly educated man would have backed him up without question!

Vero Beach is a scenic coastal town, but it's also a Trump turd stronghold! Most here seem to believe this orange faker walks on water.

I've thought of changing parties, but then I'd never receive those letters from the Republicans asking my opinion. I don't mince my words or hold back! Of course my replies probably go unseen by Trump & Paul Ryan, but I'm sure my name is recorded someone and I've a room reserved in a gulag after all are freedoms are abolished.

We have a misleader who is a cross between a Mafia Don and a Banana Republic Dictator. Why is this tragic joke of a human being still in office at all?

Years ago, when Trump first made a play for the White House, I said that if he ever attained that office we would end up with a dictator due to his narcissistic personality. Now I see it happening before my horrified eyes! And worse, our cowardly congress and others are determined to protect this despicable despot. 

And thanks to all these cowards, fools, and suckers who support him, he will probably remain so. Obviously Kavanaugh was specifically selected to protect his enormous stinky ass!

It has been said that people end up with the kind of government they deserve. How sad for us! As our President and First Lady we now have a con-man and a gold-digging whore!

I had sympathy for Melania once, but no more! I believe the true meaning of her notorious I Don't Care jacket is: I don't care what the lecherous old creep does as long as I get to spend his money. I've got more respect for Stormy Daniels! At least she's honest about what she is. More people have seen Melania's tits than her husband's tax returns!

Speaking of Trump's tax returns, what is he hiding? It must be something seriously damning or else he wouldn't be scared of making them public!

I doubt the occasion would ever arise, but if I ever met Trump, I would refuse to shake his hand. In fact I would strongly be tempted to spit in his face, kick him in the knee, and tell him to go damn straight to hell!!! This vile piece of human excrement is undeserving of my respect or that of anyone else! There should be a national march demanding his impeachment.

 Trump belongs in the dung heap of history!